01. 2012年2月11日 11:34:20
: S57QJHub3w
シリア:イドリブ県の鉄道陸橋と、ホムス精油所に対する攻撃 2012/02/11 11:18[下へ] 警察は、ホムス県パルミラ市南方の農場で、考古学の遺品と、デデマン・ホテルからの略奪品を押収した。(有名な盗賊だった・笑)前の記事武装集団は2月10日、8日に続き、ホムス精油所に対する攻撃を続けた。深夜1時から早朝6時にかけ7発の砲弾が発射されたが、被害はなかった。 武装集団は、イドリブ県郊外マアルデ村の西にある鉄道の陸橋下で爆弾を爆発させた。橋に被害があったが、人的被害はなかった。前の記事 その他の事件。 Terrorists Shell Homs Refinery, Detonate Explosive Device under Railway Bridge in Idlib Countryside…Weapons Seized in Daraa, Palmyra http://www.sana.sy/eng/337/2012/02/10/399450.htm http://www.sana.sy/ara/336/2012/02/10/399445.htm Feb 10, 2012
http://m.webry.info/at/hibikan/201202/article_121.htm;jsessionid=664C584CA061D027E2C81471D638542D..32790bblog?i=&p=&c=m&guid=on シリア:アレッポ市内2ヶ所で同時爆発、28人死亡、235人負傷 2012/02/10 20:23[下へ] 2月10日(金)午前9時半ごろ、市内の2ヶ所で爆弾が爆発し、病院筋によると、28人が死亡、235人が負傷した。
当初、自由シリア軍(FSA)の一員であるアーリフ・ハンムードが、リヤード・アル・アスアドの言葉としてFrance 24に犯行声明を発表した。自動車爆弾ではなく、砲弾を使ったと説明。革命はもはや平和的でなく、シリア国内を含む場所で大規模軍事作戦を始める。治安部隊と軍が標的になる。 その後、リヤード・アル・アスアド本人がアル・アラビーヤTVに対し、上記情報を否定。アル・アスアドは、爆破前に、治安部隊と衝突していたことを明らかにした。 容疑者としてイラク人1人を逮捕したという情報が流れている。 場所は以下の通り。 (1)al-'Arqoubアル・アルクーブ(旧市街の城から北東へ1.5km。L字型の大きめの公園がある。旧市街の領域の外側右上という感じ)。11人死亡、130人負傷。 治安部隊の敷地正面玄関前に、爆弾を積んだ小型の市内バスが近づき、自爆攻撃をした。爆発の直後、あちこちで発砲音が聞こえた。爆発前に、治安部隊と武装集団の間で銃撃戦をしていたという情報もある。 2011年8月に反政府デモが発生していたal-Sakhourアッサーフール(その2)の西隣。 現場から少し西へ歩くと、1月15日の爆破現場。 2月2日夜に武力衝突が伝えられたal-Maysalounアル・マイサルーン通りのすぐ近く。 (爆発後、マイサルーンで、怒った住民がテロリスト3人を銃殺し、別の2人を負傷させたという情報が流れている。) (2)Halab al-Jadeedahハラブル・ジャディーダ(城から西へ4km、市街地の西端)で、こちらは軍情報部の建物近く。17人死亡、105人負傷。 ・・・安保理の動きがロシア、中国によって阻止されたが、米欧はシリア破壊を進めるという「決意表明」です。安保理後の米欧カタール・サウジ・トルコの発言と一致する。 「爆発15秒後」と題した動画。00:09で、向こうにキノコ雲が見える。 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GFnY1n391lY
爆音2回のあと、周辺部と思われる場所から市内を撮影。発砲音が聞こえる。ピンボケした素人動画で、映像としては面白くない。 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VT6FjscfpyM 現場近くの様子。 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLzqK5eady0 Halab al-Jadeedahハラブル・ジャディーダの公園前から中継。遺体にかぶせてある毛布をめくり、首のない遺体、もげた足首をつまんだり、爆風で表皮が剥がれて生肉が丸見えの太もも、飛び散った内臓、黒こげ死体を映す。周辺の道路、壊れた窓ガラス・ベランダの様子。見物人にインタビューすると、「これがハマド(カタール首相)の自由だ。これがエルドアン(トルコ首相)の自由だ。犬だ」と非難する。全13:44。 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CzubiGgsl08 同じレポーターが、al-'Arqoubアル・アルクーブへ移動し、爆心地すぐ横(道路に穴が開いている)から実況。治安部隊の建物正面玄関から100mの場所で爆発した(と伝えているが、もっと近そう)。全04:00 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Um9Uu_FTSpo 事件と湾岸アラブ首脳に対する怒りを表現するアレッポ市民。 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2uW1YRhXIwY Raziラーズィー病院(入院患者の様子と、医者の簡単な言葉)。 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WCMZ4r7l-DM 1月6日のダマスカス、アル・ミーダーン地区の爆発事件後のテレビ出演で、カイロに逃亡中のムスリム同胞団活動家アンマル・アル・クラビーが、アレッポで爆破事件を起こすという情報があると発言している。00:49から。 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ul8XJPI8ZkY Riad Al-Assaad terrorist gang adopted .. Pictures .. 25 martyrs and 175 wounded after the blasts, terrorists in Aleppo http://www.shukumaku.com/Content.php?id=41508 http://backupurl.com/blg78w 10/02/2012(注意:肉片の写真あり) Shukumaku - exclusive
I woke up the city of Aleppo on the two explosions terrorists shook the city, where indicated reporter Shukumaku it at around the 9 and a half in the morning he heard the sound of two explosions in the area of Achilles and Aleppo, the new shows after that they are two works terrorists form the headquarters of the Military Security near the barracks Hanano in the Achilles and the building of military security in New Aleppo, where the correspondent pointed out that a large number of victims caught between the dead and wounded civilians and military personnel. At the time indicated by the Syrian Ministry of Health that 25 martyrs and 175 wounded arrived and told the channel France24 adopted the ring Riad Al-Assaad terrorist bombings. The correspondent pointed out that after two blasts directly ambulances rushed to my place and fire bombing extensively. As correspondent that following the bombing Biskna Baerqhob Hanano, he heard the exchange of heavy fire between the men of the maintenance of order and terrorists, as correspondent for witnesses, a car dropped a number of bombs before they open fire on the barracks Hanano. In Aleppo, the new correspondent pointed out that witnesses a terrorist car bomb exploded near a military security. Martyrs and wounded in two simultaneous bomb blasts in Aleppo (photos, very harmful) http://www.aksalser.com/index.php?page=view_articles&id=06d0ad29f8c2867071cbe3724dae3f0b&h=%CD%E1%C8&ar=912589415 Friday - February 10 --2 012 - 7:47:52
Killed and wounded a large number of security forces and the maintenance of order and citizens in two simultaneous bomb blasts in Aleppo. Preliminary information indicated that the explosion targeted a branch of the military security, and another battalion keeping system at the Department of Maysaloun resulting martyrs and wounded. And the reverse traffic reporter that preliminary information indicates that the bombing of the maintenance of order was carried out by a suicide bomber driving a bus. Media sources said that the bombings which left nearly 25 people dead and injured, and did not yet issued any official statistics on the number of victims to be exact. It was learned that the reverse traffic explosion "Achilles" has had a severe impact on a consumer nearby and institutions that provide food daily. And heard the sound of heavy firing in many areas following the blasts. And will be concluded to publish all the details of the blasts if they are received. Aks al-Ser published image of the terrorist who carried out the suicide bombing that targeted the battalion maintenance of order in Aleppo http://www.aksalser.com/index.php?page=view_articles&id=67d652c027ea67fbc050e8f025f953d0&h=%CD%E1%C8&ar=633072688 Friday - February 10 --2 012 - 8:53:46
The opposite happened to walk in the image of the terrorist who carried out the suicide bombing that targeted the battalion maintenance of order in Aleppo, which left a number of martyrs and wounded of the maintenance of order and civilians. He said one eyewitness to reverse the transfer of traffic that the bus bomber led by a small internal burst when he approached the gathering of the forces of order in the barracks when Achilles Hanano. Coincided with the bombing of a terrorist bombing targeted a building last branch of military security in the neighborhood of Aleppo, the new. There is no accurate information yet about the number of martyrs and wounded. Twenty-five Martyrs, 175 Injured in Twin Terrorist Attacks Hit Aleppo City http://www.sana.sy/eng/337/2012/02/10/399598.htm http://www.sana.sy/ara/2/2012/02/10/399599.htm Feb 10, 2012(/ara/の写真がエグい)
ALEPPO, (SANA) –The death toll of the twin terrorist bomb blasts which hit Aleppo city on Friday raised to twenty-eight martyrs and 235 wounded, including soldiers, civilians and children, Ministry of Health said in a statement. The two terrorist bombings targeted Military Security Branch at the western bypass and headquarters of law-enforcement forces in al-Arkoub area in Aleppo city. The bombings caused great damage to the two headquarters and the nearby residential buildings. Medical teams are helping injured civilians and military members and pulling bodies from under the rubble. Minister of Health Wael al-Halki said that the toll is poised to rise due to the critical condition of some of the injured and the ongoing rescue operations, hailing the people of Aleppo who rushed to donate blood. He affirmed that all medical cadres at state and private medical hospitals joined their work so as to serve their national and humanitarian duty in saving the lives of the injured, adding that the Ministry has a strategic storage of medicine necessary for emergency cases. He disclosed the adoption of the "army" free, but denied later .. Riad Al-Assaad: "Free the Army" clashed with security forces in areas of explosion in Aleppo before the explosion http://www.aksalser.com/index.php?page=view_news&id=ad1ed9bcac79d1fc93a138098de5cf0d&ar=550815862 Friday - February 10 --2 012 - 12:31:13
Riad Al-Assaad, commander of the so-called "the Free Syrian Army" (FSA) in a statement to the channel "al-Arabiyyah" said that "the free army clashed with the security forces in areas of the occurrence of terrorist bombings before the explosion," denying the adoption of the two processes. Assaad statement comes a terrorist blasts, which occurred in Aleppo on Friday morning through the channel of "France 24", which quoted the Colonel, "Arif Hammoud," a member of the "free army" to adopt the blasts. Hammoud said that "the process is the quality of a military operation, explosive shells were used, not the car bombs, as media said the official, noting that there was cooperation from within the branch." "Hammoud," pointed out that the "revolution" is no longer peaceful as he put it, he said, adding that "we will begin a major military operation, including the Syrian territories." "Hammoud," threatened the security forces and the army that he would be targeted in the coming days, describing the "revolution" that it is no longer peaceful as he put it. The so-called "Higher Council for the Syrian Revolution" was quick to accuse the Syrian regime to "ignite a bomb in Aleppo, and on Friday, specifically on the field like bombings in Damascus", which took place on the sixth of January 2012. Syrian Ministry of Health said that 25 martyrs and 175 wounded in the blasts killed the terrorists. Syria pledges to stamp out terrorism English.news.cn 2012-02-11 04:12:59 http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/world/2012-02/11/c_131403883.htm
DAMASCUS, Feb. 10 (Xinhua) -- Syria's Ministry of Interior pledged Friday to "stamp out terrorism" and to "hunt down those who compromise the security of the homeland and citizens." In a statement carried by state-run SANA news agency, the ministry pledged to continue its duty in persevering the country's security and order. The ministry said that around 9 a.m. on Friday morning, a suicide bomber driving a white van with fake plates burst into a security checkpoint at the entrance of the law-enforcement forces' headquarters in the crowded al-Arkoub area, and blew himself up, leaving 11 people killed and 130 others injured, including children. The explosion left a crater of two meters in depth, and caused huge material losses and damages to surrounding buildings, said the ministry. Minutes later, the ministry said, another suicide bomber driving a minibus detonated himself while trying to break into the Military Security Directorate at the New Aleppo neighborhood, leaving 17 army men and civilians killed and 105 of others injured. It said children, who were playing in a nearby park, were among the injured. The ministry stressed that those "terrorist practices" won't dissuade the authorities from stamping out terrorism and hunting down criminals. It accused some Arab and Western countries of arming terrorists and held them responsible for the attacks. Meanwhile, Syria's foreign ministry said Friday that the twin blasts came in the context of the "unjust campaign" funded and supported by regional countries, accusing some Arab and Western countries of funding and arming the "terrorist groups." "Syria calls on the UN Security Council to shoulder its responsibilities in fighting terrorism and implement its resolution in that regard," the ministry said in a message sent to UN and many other international organizations and carried by SANA. "Syria calls on the countries that have armed, financed, and harbored those groups to hand over the criminals to the Syrian authorities in accordance with resolutions of the international community regarding terrorism," said the ministry. The explosions were the first two to have occurred in Aleppo, the second largest city and economic power house of Syria, but not the first to hit security and army compounds in Syria. Last month, a suicide bomber blew himself up near a police station at al-Midan neighborhood in the capital of Damascus, killing 26 people, including policemen and civilians, and leaving dozens more wounded. On Dec. 23 of 2011, twin suicide bombings targeted two intelligence centers in Damascus, leaving 44 people dead and 166 others injured. 官民に緊急献血を呼びかけ。 مناشدات عبر عكس السير من أجل التوجه إلى مراكز التبرع بالدم (الزمر السلبية فقط) الجمعة - 10 شباط - 2012 - 9:47:30
爆発の9時間ほど前(2月10日深夜0時ごろ)、 Facebook上で、「アレッポ海外在住者調整委員会」が アレッポで自爆攻撃を予告する書き込みを行っていた。
http://m.webry.info/at/hibikan/201202/article_110.htm;jsessionid=664C584CA061D027E2C81471D638542D..32790bblog?i=&p=&c=m&guid=on |