04. 2012年1月02日 09:16:35
: l1NPjWZAfD
テロリストを裁判で厳しく処罰するように シリア・カトリック・アレッポ大司教 2012/01/02 00:13[下へ] シリア・カトリックのアレッポ大司教が、クリスマスと新年のメッセージを発表。我々シリア人とシリアック(正教とカトリックとプロテスタントを区別していない)の聖職者と平信徒は、暴力を非難し、テロの前に立ちはだかる。我々は、誇りあるシリア人に対し犯罪行為を行う者たちに正義、真実、安全を要求する。我々は、これらテロリストたちをシリアに連れてくる者たちを裁判にかけるよう要求する。その裁判は、厳しい裁判でなけれならない。なぜならば、彼らは、人道と誇りあるシリア人に対する罪を犯したからだ。 ・・・かなり怒っている、非常に珍しい声明。私は大量の教会文書をめくった人間だが、こんな新年メッセージは見たことがない。レバノン内戦のピーク時ですら、公の席では、「皆仲良く、平和で」と当たり障りのないことしか言わない。 米欧政府と国連(安保理を除く)は、人道上の罪を犯しているのはシリア政府だと非難しているが、カトリックの現地責任者は、それはテロリストだと指摘し、見解にズレがある。国内と国外で、認識が正反対。 もっと言ってしまえば、対話しなくていいということだ。対話せず、逮捕して牢屋へぶち込めという話だ。 カトリックといっても、シリア・カトリックは特に小さな少数派なので、大司教が大衆向けに政治的な発言をするということは、相当の覚悟をしていることを意味する。 シリアを潰そうとする外圧に対し、国内はこのような意見が集約されつつある。当然、アサドの判断にも影響してくる。どちらの圧力が勝つかは、最後までわからない。前の記事、その2 Syriac Catholic Archbishop of Aleppo: We condemn acts of violence and call for punishment of terrorists http://thawra.alwehda.gov.sy/_View_news2.asp?FileName=96733055020120101002306 http://backupurl.com/8dskcw Sunday 01/01/2012 Fouad al-'Ujaili
His Grace Bishop Dionysius Antoine Shahdaa, Metropolitan of Aleppo and its countryside of the Syriac Catholics, it seems that the layer of the dark came down to our time, And are turning the light of day without seeing clearly, and in the midst of this darkness of the human heart does not stop waiting for dawn, and from this darkness, we can offer new hope to the world in order to build a future of justice and peace .. This came in the message of Christmas and New Year, which went by the Archbishop to her children and loved ones, and that got «revolution», a copy of them, and His Grace Bishop added: In our dear East, and in Tunisia - Libya - Iraq - Egypt, and finally in our beloved country Syria, we live every day a new tragedy, farm the whole world targeted this country safe, he went thousands of our martyrs of the nation, and vandals wreaked havoc in our land, killed our children and our daughters and our children and our men, and many of our heroic sons. The Syriac Catholic Bishop of the position of citizens in general and especially members of the community about what is being said: We Syrians and Syriacs, clergy and the world condemn such acts of violence, and we will stand in front of terrorism, and we demand justice and truth and security to stand in the face of those who committed these crimes against the people of the proud Syrian, and the trial of the instrument which bring these terrorists to Syria, and the trial must be hard because they commited the crimes against humanity and the Syria's proud people. «al-Thawrah» spotted the views of our brothers, such as going to the churches to commemorate the New Year's Eve Mass and prayers, which have expressed their feelings on this occasion: Agricultural engineer Mai Labis, Secretary of the Chamber of Agriculture Aleppo, stressed the importance of co-existence experienced by the Syrian people, which has no equivalent in the countries of the world as a whole, adding Vdme martyrs prayer and Fort Syria impregnable, mercy we ask from God this day to flood the martyrs and their families and to promise victory to come with the help of God, asking God bulk of the gaze to preserve Syria with its people and its leader, each atom of the pure soil. George Antoine Bakhkhash, public relations director of the Christian communities in Aleppo, said that we must pause admiration and reverence for the martyrs who were offering light and sacrificed their lives for Syria dear, wishing to raise our prayers, Muslims and Christians pray to God to be the new year in love and peace to Syria and its people and its leader, and our country remains the cradle of civilization and the cradle of monotheistic religions. For its part, Ms. Nemat Munir Azar member of the Committee of the Syriac Catholic Church, from God wished this year to be a white page filled with love and peace, and God bless the nation and his sons, and the banner of Arabism and Islam fluttering in the wind across our country .. As Dr. Thunaa' Sawwaat has indicated that the year my father and let his last hours went their pain, never to return, and replace it a new year promises victory and love and peace, a victory for the position of the Syrian Arab under the leadership of President Bashar al-Assad, and the love between the sons of the nation, and peace to those who want peace and love for this the nation. http://m.webry.info/at/hibikan/201201/article_12.htm;jsessionid=3455FAF6380242CB305593DA5E8D30D9..32790bblog?i=&p=&c=m&guid=on