01. 2012年1月02日 09:20:02
: S57QJHub3w
中東の混乱は30年続く ロシア専門家 2012/01/02 00:13[下へ] 西側は中東の再分割を狙っている。その過程で、激しい戦闘が勃発することは確実だ。民族浄化が起きるだろう。なぜならば、アラブ各国からのユダヤ人引き上げがほぼ終わったので、残されたキリスト教徒に圧力がかかるからだ。西側は、イランを攻撃すると、自分たちに被害が跳ね返ることに気付いた。オバマは、核武装したイランを受け入れることにした。イランが核武装すれば、サウジも核を持つので、米国はサウジ防衛に関心を払わなくなる。 シリアについては、どのみち希望がない。サウジとカタールにとっては、イランとの対決が表面化する前に、どうしてもアサド体制を倒しておく必要がある。 トルコは、超大国の道を歩み始めている。徐々に、オスマン帝国の栄光を取り戻す。そのうち、ロシアとトルコの間で摩擦が発生するだろう。黒海沿岸のソチやアナパは、以前はオスマン領だった。 このような中、イスラエルは守勢に立たされる。エジプト、トルコ、それから湾岸アラブを含む全方面で戦争が始まる準備をする。 混乱が次の混乱を呼び、地域の政治的混乱が収束するには、少なくとも30年要するかもしれない。 And the scourge of war and displacement and ethnic cleansing in and wait for the Middle East http://arabic.rt.com/news_all_news/analytics/68647/ 31.12.2011 09:38
Magazine, "Russky Ribortillor" published an article by political analyst Yevgeny Satanovsky, expressing a pessimistic vision of the future of the Middle East. Satanovsky believes that the changes taking place in that region, it will topple regimes, have ruled the region for the past six decades. It is certain that these disorders, will continue for many years, and will kill millions of people. In the chaos, created by the West as it seeks to re-partition the Arab world, it is certain that fierce wars will break out, interspersed with displacement and wide, and the crimes of ethnic cleansing, the Christian minorities of the most prominent victims, especially as the countries of that region has become free of Jews. It is noted that the West come to the conclusion that a strike on Iran, it will cost them dearly. For that we see today are indications that Obama has accepted the idea of accepting a nuclear weapon, Tehran, to the point that it no longer paid attention to the threats of Saudi Arabia, that it will soon possess a nuclear bomb immediately after Iran does. With regard to Libya, it will become the scene of civil war, and a settling of accounts between the tribes. It will not be a stable situation in Tunisia, because the Islamists who had just won in the elections, they began shouting slogans such as "forward to defend the Palestinian people." And the situation in Egypt is catastrophic, and is unlikely to improve in the foreseeable future. Because the Islamists are harvested more than seventy percent of the vote. Note that one third of those votes went to radical Salafists. As for Syria, the matter is hopeless in any case. It is certain that the blood that would run in Syria, will be more than those that shed in Iraq. It is known that Assad's ally, the clerical regime in Iran. That is why the overthrow of his regime before entering into a dispute with Tehran, is very important for the Saudis and Qataris. And Turkey, led by Recep Tayyip Erdogan, began to turn into a super power. It is gradually restored glories of the Ottoman Empire. Note that the government does not hide the direction of the return of Islam as the official religion of the state. Here, we should be blind to the inconsistencies in Turkish politics. Ankara has been an excellent relationship with both the Libyan and Syrian regimes. But did not hesitate to turn against the Libyan regime, and to contribute to the elimination of Gaddafi. The same applies to the Syrian case, where Ankara has turned in the blink of an eye, from a friend of the Syrian regime, more and more international parties in cash to Bashar al-Assad and his regime. And began to embrace the Syrian opposition on its territory, including the gunmen. It must be wondering: what to do when "friction" between Russia and Turkey emerge. Note that the differences and even frictions, it must appear in one day. Because the coast of the Black Sea from the Russian cities of "Sochi" and "Anapa" and beyond, was in the past under the sovereignty of Turkey. It would be naive to believe that Turkey forgot that. With regard to Israel, they take defensive positions, and began preparing for war on all fronts; including: Egyptian, Turkish, primarily with the monarchies of the Arabian Peninsula. The region in a spiral of political spin, paid out gradually to the bottom. This situation will not end soon, but it may extend to three generations at least. In short; what awaits the Middle East and the scourge of war, displacement and ethnic cleansing. http://m.webry.info/at/hibikan/201201/article_13.htm;jsessionid=3455FAF6380242CB305593DA5E8D30D9..32790bblog?i=&p=&c=m&guid=on