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また、“Naoto kan’t”と題した別の記事では、経済指標を引用しながら「日本をダイナミックな国にする」という約束は就任1年でほとんど達成されていないと指摘しています。(02日22:48)
Ordinary Kan to follow elite predecessors out(The Financial Times)
By Lindsay Whipp in Tokyo
Published: June 2 2011 07:25 | Last updated: June 2 2011 07:25
Naoto Kan’s ordinary “salaryman” family background may be distinct from the string of elite prime ministers before him. But on Thursday he risked suffering the same fate as his predecessors: getting the boot after roughly a year.
Mr Kan survived a no-confidence vote on Thursday – just a few days shy of his first anniversary as prime minister. However, before the ballot, he signalled he would step down after dealing with the crisis that has engulfed Japan after the devastating earthquake and tsunami that sparked the world’s worst nuclear accident in 25 years.
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Mr Kan’s term at the helm of Japanese politics, a rudder that has been gripped by five leaders in fewer years, has been fraught with internal party bickering and criticism of his leadership skills.
That criticism escalated in the aftermath of the March 11 disaster that devastated the north-east coast of the country and triggered a nuclear crisis that the government and Tokyo Electric Power, the operator of the crippled Fukushima Daiichi atomic plant, are still trying to contain.
Mr Kan has faced a struggle trying to consolidate his party since the outset of his term due to staunch rivalry from powerbroker Ichiro Ozawa, whom he beat in the leadership campaign last year.
Just a month into his prime ministerial career, Mr Kan, 64, faced a huge setback when he led the ruling DPJ into a painful defeat in elections for the upper house. The disappointing outcome followed his decision to make fiscal consolidation a campaign theme with a consumption tax rise as a core plank of the platform.
But while most Japanese prime ministers hail from elite political family backgrounds, Mr Kan comes from a more typical white-collar family.
He spent years as a social activist before turning to national politics, and has shown some dogged determination in his chosen career, running three failed campaigns as an independent before finally winning election to Japan’s lower house in 1980.
That determination also eventually led him to national fame in 1996 when as health minister he forced his ministry’s bureaucrats to disclose long-hidden information that implicated the government in the infection of 1,800 haemophiliacs in Japan with Aids-contaminated blood in the 1980s.
That determination is likely to be a vital ingredient determining Mr Kan’s future playing a central role in his chosen party even though he survived Thursday’s vote against him. But alone, it looks like it will not be enough to halt the revolving door of politicians for which Japan has unfortunately become known.
<b>Naoto Kan't: less than “dynamic”(The Financial Times)
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