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March 16, 2011
35年前GEでは福島第一原発の原子炉欠陥に抗議して社員が3人辞めていた:Japan reactor design caused GE engineer to quit
A friend sent me a link to this Seattle PI article, featuring a physicist and engineer who helped design the nuclear reactors in Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant 40 years ago.
"I'm concerned, I'm very concerned," he says. "I have yet to see anybody from the plant who's an engineer that can actually tell us what's happening - they can't see inside there because it's highly radioactive."[...]
He says these particular plants were started up in the early '70s and were designed to last about 40 years, and many other nuclear power plants like Dai-Ichi have already been shut down in the United States.
40 years! Not only that. As ABC News reported, Daiichi has General Electric-designed boiling water reactor with Mark 1 containment system, whose design was so flawed that three GE scientists resigned in protest 35 years ago.
Dale Bridenbaugh said the "Mark 1" design had "not yet been designed to withstand the loads" that could be experienced in a large-scale accident. - Reuters
The similar system still has 23 sisters in U.S. Germany has four and they already shut down after watching Japan's trouble.
One unusual characteristic of the Fukushima facility involves the spent fuel pools -- where fuel rods are held to cool down after they are moved from the reactor but before they are sent to long-term storage. At the Fukushima site, the fuel pools stand over the the reactors, which means there is a possibility they can spill radioactive material onto the reactors if there is a major accident, one expert said.
"It was done for convenience at a time 40 years ago when convenience as a design criteria was more significant than the safety issues," said Robin Grimes, head of the center for nuclear engineering at Imperial College in London. "It's the only reactor built in that way that I know of. It was a poor decision and we are living with the results of that poor decision. It's a really odd design." - ANALYSIS - Japan crisis a blow to GE, reactor design an issue | Reuters
It makes sense because Fukushima Daini nuclear power plant in nearby location that had deployed Mark 2 sustained the world's fourth strongest earthquake (M9.0) that struck Japan last Friday. Of course we can't simply compare the two unless taking into account other factors, i.e. the magnitude of quake, tsunami, location, etc..
But even if GE's design flaw were found to cause meltdown, the U.S. insurers and analysts believe GE will not be held liable for Japan's disaster.
“GE’s liability for the issues in Japan as a supplier are contractually zero, we believe,” Barclays Capital analyst Robert Cornell wrote in a research note. That’s because of a long-standing channeling law that exists between the U.S., Japan and other countries that ensure liability for nuclear accidents and damage is channeled exclusively to the plant operators and the government, Citigroup analyst Deane Dray notes. - Fox Business
So much for Tomodachi...but if that's what Japan agreed with, we should clean up our own mess... My heart goes out to Fukushima 50 who are risking their lives for the rest of us.
(c) tepco via
福島第一発電所の原子炉はゼネラル・エレクトロニック(GE)が設計・製造したものだが、その格納容器「マーク1」にデザインの欠陥があると70年代から専門家から指摘されていた。いくら言っても取り合ってくれないことに抗議して35年前には社員3名が会社を辞めているのだ(NYT和訳、ABC News)。
そのうちのひとり、Dale Bridenbaughさんは「Mark 1」のデザインは「大規模な事故発生時に経験するような負荷に耐え切れないデザインになっている」とReutersに話している。
「40年前の当時は、安全性の問題より利便性の方がデザインの決め手として重要だったので利便性を優先にしてこんな風にしたのです」と語るのはインペリアル・カレッジ・ロンドン核エンジニアリングセンターRobin Grimes所長。「私が知ってる中では、あんな風に建てられた原子炉はこれだけです。まずい判断でした。そのまずい判断のツケが今我々にきている。実におかしなデザインですよ」- ANALYSIS - Japan crisis a blow to GE, reactor design an issue | Reuters
「日本の問題に対するGEのサプライヤーとしての責任は契約上ゼロだと我々は信じる」と、Barclays Capital社アナリストのRobert Cornell氏はリサーチノートに書いている。何故なら日・米・他の諸国の間には、核事故・損害の責任は発電所の運営会社と政府のものとする、という長期に渡るチャンネリング(振り分け?)法が存在するからだとシティグループのアナリストDeane Dray氏は指摘している。 - Fox Business
友達もそんなものか…でも取り決めなら仕方ない…。残りのみんなの命を守るためホットゾーンに残ったFukushima 50の無事を祈るばかりだ。
NIRS Fact Sheet on Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant
福島第一原発廃炉だった 米GE責任果たすべきでは? -教えて!goo
Everything You Need to Know About Nuclear Power and Nuclear Reactions
Posted by satomi at 19:41
Labels: GE, japan earthquake, nuclear
Yoshinori_K said...
いまは Fukushima 50 の無事を僕も祈りたいです。
Thursday, March 17, 2011 8:52:00 AM
satomi said...
それはすごい思ました… 自分も「原発は資源小国日本には必要」と思って深く調べもしなかったくちなので今さらFukushima50がんばれって言う資格ないです。
Thursday, March 17, 2011 9:34:00 AM
Masaaki Hamaguchi said...
東電が使用している Mark I 原子炉は関電では採用していないという点を見て会社の安全意識が違う様に感じます。
Friday, March 18, 2011 9:47:00 PM
michinori said...
Saturday, March 19, 2011 2:49:00 AM
satomi said...
Masaaki Hamaguchiさんのエントリ拝見しました、全く同感です。
Sunday, March 20, 2011 11:18:00 AM
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