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<< 作成日時 : 2012/01/22 18:36 >>
One in five American adults mentally ill in past year
NEW YORK | Thu Jan 19, 2012 11:19am EST
(Reuters) - One in five adults in the United States, or nearly 50 million people, suffered mental illnesses in 2010, with women and young adults suffering disproportionately, a government report released on Thursday found.
The survey by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration found women were more likely than men (23 percent versus 16.8 percent) to have experienced a mental illness, while the rate of mental illness among people aged 18 to 25 was twice that of those aged 50 and older.
The administration defined mental illness among adults as diagnosable mental, behavioral or emotional disorders, excluding developmental disorders and substance use.
The survey found that 5 percent of American adults, or 11.4 million people, surveyed in 2010 had suffered a serious mental illness in the past year that substantially interfered with their lives.
According to the report, about 8.7 million American adults had serious thoughts of suicide in the past year, with 2.5 million making suicide plans and 1.1 million attempting to take their own lives.
Americans suffering mental illnesses were three times more likely to have developed substance dependence or substance abuse disorders than adults who had not experienced mental illness.
Among youths aged 12 to 17, 8 percent -- or 1.9 million teenagers -- experienced a major depressive episode in the past year, defined as a period of at least 2 weeks when a person experienced a depressed mood or loss of interest.
Those teenagers who experienced a depressive episode also had twice the rate of illicit drug use than teenagers who had not experienced depression.
The administration surveyed 67,500 people aged 12 and older in person around the United States.
The report is available here:
(This storyclarifies the headline and first and fourth paragraphs to reflect that data is from 2010 and changes wording in parentheses in paragraph two in story posted Jan 19, 2012 as 20120119elin007)
Results from the 2010 NSDUH: Mental Health Findings and Detailed Tables
This report presents results pertaining to mental health from the 2010 National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH), an annual survey of the civilian, non-institutionalized population of the United States aged 12 years old or older. This report presents national estimates of the prevalence of past year mental disorders and past year mental health service utilization for youths aged 12 to 17 and adults aged 18 or older. Among adults, estimates presented include rates and numbers of persons with any mental illness (AMI), serious mental illness (SMI), suicidal thoughts and behavior, major depressive episode (MDE), treatment for depression (among adults with MDE), and mental health service utilization. Estimates presented in this report for youths include MDE, treatment for depression (among youths with MDE), and mental health service utilization. Measures related to the co-occurrence of mental disorders with substance use or with substance use disorders also are presented for both adults and youths. The report focuses mainly on trends between 2009 and 2010 and differences across population subgroups in 2010.
Results from the 2010 National Survey on Drug Use and Health: Mental Health Findings (PDF - 1.67 MB)
Results from the 2010 National Survey on Drug Use and Health: Mental Health Detailed Tables (PDF - 7 MB)
