03. 2011年4月23日 09:36:26: 71MpR3n5fA
シーファー米大使が、河野太郎議員と会談した内容を報告する米公電。(ウィキリークスによる) Summary Kono also criticized the Japanese bureaucracy and power companies for continuing an outdated nuclear energy strategy, suppressing development of alternative energy, and keeping information from Diet members and the public. 電力業界は、再処理にかかるコスト、安全性を隠している。 he voiced his strong opposition to the nuclear industry in Japan, especially nuclear fuel reprocessing, based on issues of cost, safety, and security. Kono claimed Japanese electric companies are hiding the costs and safety problems associated with nuclear energy, while successfully selling the idea of reprocessing to the Japanese public as "recycling uranium." 高速増殖炉「もんじゅ」、MOX燃料を使ったプルサーマルにも批判的。 消費者が高い電気料金のツケを払わされている。 the high costs of the reprocessing program were being passed to Japanese consumers in their power bills, 電力側が、テレビ局に圧力をかけて議員に対するインタビューを中止させた。 a Japanese television station had planned a three part interview with him on nuclear issues, but had canceled after the first interview, because the electric companies threatened to withdraw their extensive sponsorship. 取り締まり官庁である経済産業省にも批判的。輸入品に対する放射能規制も元の高いまま。 the ministries were trapped in their policies, as officials inherited policies from people more senior to them,Japanese radiation standards for imported foods had been set following the Chernobyl incident, and had not changed since then, despite other nations having reduced their levels of allowable radiation. 代換えエネルギー政策を疎かにしている。電力業界を過保護にしている。 北海道電力による風力発電のサボタージュ。 METI claimed to support alternative energy, it in actuality provides little support. 経済産業省は、原発事故を隠蔽し、そのコスト、問題点を曖昧にしている。 He also accused METI of covering up nuclear accidents, and obscuring the true costs and problems associated with the nuclear industry. 自分たちに都合の良いことしか議員に伝えない。 METI picks and chooses those portions of the message that it likes. Only information in agreement with METI policies is passed through to the MPs. 放射性廃棄物処分場の問題、特に安全性について(地震、地下水、火山)。 He cited Japan's extensive seismic activity, and abundant groundwater, and questioned if there really was a safe place to store nuclear waste in the "land of volcanoes." 代換エネルギーに移行するつなぎとしてLPG発電を挙げる。 he advocated replacing energy produced by nuclear plants ready for decommissioning with an equal amount of energy from plants using liquid natural gas. http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/us-embassy-cables-documents/175295 |