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Friday, April 01, 2011
Is Unintended Recricality Ocurring?
アジア太平洋ジャーナル:ジャパンフォーカス(に昨日(3月31日)発表された、モントレー国際問題研究所不拡散研究センターの研究員、フェレンス・ダルノキ―ベレスによる論文の解説文(解説はIEERエネルギー環境研究所所長アージャン・マキジャーニによる)を翻訳し、配布します。この論文は『ネイチャー』誌ウェブサイトにさっそく取りあげられ(、アジア太平洋ジャーナル(APJ)のウェブサイトにも今(アクセスが集中しています。このピース・フィロソフィー・センターのブログの運営者はアジア太平洋ジャーナルの編集委員も務めており、この論文の解説文を翻訳・発表する経緯となりました。解説文の翻訳については正確を期したつもりですが、英語版が唯一の正式な文書であり、英語版と日本語版の間に意味や解釈に違いが生じた場合は、英語版を優先してください。転送転載は自由ですが、全文が条件、そしてこのサイトへのリンクを明確に記してください。解説の翻訳文に問題がある場合、 に連絡ください。また、この論文の本文を至急訳してくれる人―物理化学系の方が望ましい―を募集します。その場合も に連絡ください。また、この論文の内容自体について質問やコメントがある場合は、英語で に送ってくれれば著者たちに転送します。その場合は、議論を広く共有するために、質問やコメントもウェブサイト等で公表する可能性があることをご承知ください。日本語でコメントや質問を送っていただいた場合は、受け取りますが、翻訳の人手が足りず、著者に届けるのは現時点では難しいことをご了承ください。
What Caused the High Cl-38 Radioactivity in the Fukushima Daiichi Reactor #1?
F. Dalnoki-Veress with an introduction by Arjun Makhijani
解説文 アージュン・マキジャーニ
(掲載誌 アジア太平洋ジャーナル:ジャパンフォーカスによる導入文)
This is a first for The Asia-Pacific Journal: publication of a technical scientific paper addressing critical issues pertaining to the leakage of radioactive water at the Fukushima reactors. Our goal is to make this information available to the Japanese and international scientific communities, to Japanese government authorities, and TEPCO as they address the formidable issues of cleanup and safety. But we also believe that the information is of importance to informed citizens and the press in the face of further dangers that have gone unmentioned not only in government statements, but also in the press. Arjun Makhijani’s introduction provides a lucid explanation of the problem and the issues, followed by F. Dalnoki-Veress’s paper. Asia-Pacific Journal
解説文(IEERエネルギー環境研究所 所長 アージュン・マキジャーニ)
The presence of highly radioactive water in three turbine buildings at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant is widely understood to be from the damaged fuel rods in the reactors. This has rightly raised concerns because it indicates several problems including extensive fuel damage and leaks in the piping system. Less attention has been paid to the presence of a very short-lived radionuclide, chlorine-38, in the water in the turbine building of Unit 1. The following paper evaluates whether its presence provides evidence of a serious problem – one or more unintended chain reactions (technically: unintended criticalities) – in the reactor. Such chain reactions create bursts of fission products and energy, both of which could cause further damage and aggravate working conditions that are already very difficult.
Chlorine-38, which has a half-life of only 37 minutes, is created when stable chlorine-37, which is about one-fourth of the chlorine in salt, absorbs a neutron. Since seawater has been used to cool, there is now a large amount of salt – thousands of kilograms – in all three reactors. Now, if a reactor is truly shut down, there is only one source of neutrons, namely, the spontaneous fission of some heavy metals which are created when the reactor is working and remain present in the reactor fuel. The most important ones are two isotopes of plutonium and two of curium. But if accidental chain reactions are occurring, it means that the efforts to completely shut down the reactor by mixing boron with the seawater have not completely succeeded. Periodic criticalities, or even a single accidental one, would mean that highly radioactive fission and activation products are being (or have been) created at least in Unit 1 since it was shut down. It would also mean that one or more intense bursts of neutrons, which cause heavy radiation damage to people, have occurred and possibly could occur again, unless the mechanism is understood and measures taken to prevent it. Measures would also need to be taken to protect workers and to measure potential neutron and gamma radiation exposure.
This paper examines whether spontaneous fission alone could be responsible for the chlorine-38 found in the water of the turbine building of Unit 1. If that could be the only explanation, there would be less to be concerned about. However, the analysis indicates that it is quite unlikely that spontaneous fission is the sole or even the main explanation for the measured concentration of chlorine-38. Presuming the reported measurements are correct, this leaves only one other explanation – one or more unintended chain reactions. This paper is presented in the spirit of encouraging discussion of whether further safety measures might be needed, and whether supplementary measures to bring the reactors under control should be considered. It is also presented as a preliminary analysis for scientific discussion of a terrible and technically challenging nuclear crisis at the Fukushima Daiichi plant.
(解説文 以上)
エネルギー環境研究所所長。カリフォルニア大学バークレー校工学博士(専攻は核融合)。過去20年間、核兵器製造、実験、核廃棄物等、核燃料サイクルの分野で多くの研究業績と論文がある。著書のCarbon-Free and Nuclear Free: A Roadmap for U.S. Energy Policy (『CO2と核からの脱却:米国エネルギー政策のロードマップ』)では、化石燃料や核エネルギーに一切依存せず、米国経済を完全に再生可能エネルギーに移行させる初めての分析を行った。Nuclear Wastelands(『核廃棄物の土地』)のの共編者、Mending the Ozone Hole (『オゾン層の穴を治す』)の主著者でもある。メールアドレス:
モントレー国際問題研究所、ジェームズ・マーティン不拡散センターの研究員。核軍縮・廃絶と核分裂物質の世界的拡散についての専門家である。カナダ・カールトン大学で高エネルギー物理学の博士号取得(超低レベル放射線バックグラウンド測定器の研究)メールアドレス 電話番号:831-647-4638.
(Translation by Satoko Norimatsu)
投稿者 Peace Philosopher 時刻: 5:14 PM Email This
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ラベル: Fukushima Nuclear Power Plants 福島原発問題, Hiroshima/Nagasaki/Nuclear Disarmament, In English 英語投稿, Nuclear Waste
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