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崩壊する福島第1原発に危機感を高める米国の報道は、果たして行き過ぎなのか? 結果を見てからしか評価を下せないのが厳しいところだ。
「日本政府がようやく部分的メルトダウンを認めた」と、CNNのキャスターが「at last(ようやく)」の語尾をやけに強めて伝えたのが耳に残る。日本への不信感が漂う。
Kaku教授の話す英語はわかりやすく、迫力がある。彼のHPにある宇宙関連の動画は興味深い。その動画を見て、2月に名古屋大学医学部で開催された分子状水素医学シンポジウムでのNASAの研究者が「A hypothesis on biological protection from space radiation through the use of therapeutic gases」の講演の前半で紹介した、地球の姿や研究の内容を紹介したビデオが非常に美しかった。放射線障害の病態の過程に酸化ストレスが関与し、水素がその障害を軽減するかもしれないという仮説を述べていた。下記の文献にその仮説が紹介されている。水素水が放射線障害を軽減するかもしれないが、証明が必要である。
Hydrogen therapy may reduce the risks related to radiation-induced oxidative
stress in space flight
Michael P. Schoenfeld a, Rafat R. Ansari b, June F. Zakrajsek b, Timothy R. Billiar c, Yoshiya Toyoda d,
David A. Wink e, Atsunori Nakao c,d,⇑
a The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Propulsion Research and Technology Branch NASA Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, AL, USA
b Bioscience and Technology Branch, NASA John H. Glenn Research Center at Lewis Field, Cleveland, OH, USA
c Department of Surgery, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
d Thomas E Starzl Transplantation Institute, Heart, Lung, and Esophageal Surgery Institute, Department of Surgery, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
e Radiation Biology Branch, National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, USA
Cosmic radiation is known to induce DNA and lipid damage associated with increased oxidative stress and remains a major concern in space travel. Hydrogen, recently discovered as a novel therapeutic medical gas in a variety of biomedical fields, has potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities. It is expected that space mission activities will increase in coming years both in numbers and duration. It is therefore important to estimate and prevent the risks encountered by astronauts due to oxidative stress prior to developing clinical symptoms of disease. We hypothesize that hydrogen administration to the astronauts by either inhalation or drinking hydrogen-rich water may potentially yield a novel and feasible preventative/therapeutic strategy to prevent radiation-induced adverse events.
Carcinogenesis. 2009 Nov;30(11):1821-31. Epub 2009 Jul 30.
Urinary bladder carcinogenesis induced by chronic exposure to persistent low-dose ionizing radiation after Chernobyl accident.
Romanenko A, Kakehashi A, Morimura K, Wanibuchi H, Wei M, Vozianov A, Fukushima S.
Department of Pathology, Institute of Urology, Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, 9a, Yu. Kotzubinsky Street, 04053 Kiev, Ukraine.
Urinary bladder urothelium as well as cells in the microenvironment of lamina propria (endothelial elements, fibroblasts and lymphocytes) demonstrate a number of responses to chronic persistent long-term, low-dose ionizing radiation (IR). Thus, oxidative stress occurs, accompanied by up-regulation of at least two signaling pathways (p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase and nuclear factor-kappaB cascades) and activation of growth factor receptors, in the bladder urothelium of people living in Cesium 137-contaminated areas of Ukraine, resulting in chronic inflammation and the development of proliferative atypical cystitis, so-called Chernobyl cystitis, which is considered a possible pre-neoplastic condition in humans. Furthermore, significant alterations in regulation of cell cycle transitions are associated with increased cell proliferation, along with up-regulated ubiquitination and sumoylation processes as well as inefficient DNA repair (base and nucleotide excision repair pathways) in the affected urothelium. The microenvironmental changes induced by chronic long-term, low-dose IR also appear to promote angiogenesis and remodeling of the extracellular matrix that could facilitate invasion as well as progression of pre-existing initiated cells to malignancy. Based on the available findings, new strategies have been developed for predicting and treatment of Chernobyl cystitis-a first step in urinary bladder carcinogenesis in humans.
Speech of Prof. Kaku
(Japan Earthquake, 'Chernobyl in The Making' Nuclear Dangers Discussed by Dr. Michio Kaku, 12/03/2011)
(Physicist Michio Kaku Demands Entombment Of Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant)
("BURY IT!" Michio Kaku On Japan's Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant) March 18, 2011 CNN
(Michio kaku to reality deniers: its already far worse than Chernobyl)
(Dr. Michio Kaku discusses the crisis in Japan) ( Official Website of Dr.Michio Kaku )
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