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投稿者 mainau 日時 2011 年 10 月 28 日 01:20:33: GgaPs4QXWLwO2

読売新聞 10月27日(木)3時11分配信


For 137Cs, the inversion results give a total emission of 35.8 (23.3–50.1) PBq, or about 42% of the estimated Chernobyl emission.

we estimate that 6.4 TBq of 137Cs, or 19% of the total fallout until 20 April, were deposited over Japanese land areas, while most of the rest fell over the North Pacific Ocean.

この試算によると、セシウム 137については、すでにチェルノブイリ事故での放出量の 42%が放出されたことになる。このうち、四月二十日までにセシウム 137の全放出総量の 19% が日本の国土に降り積もり、残りの大部分は北太平洋上に落ちたとされている。この論部の概要は以下に掲載した。

なお、この論文には、リンク先に論文の全文 Discussion Paper が載っているので、これを各自がダウンロードして自分のコンピューターに保管することをすすめる。

論文の全文 http://www.atmos-chem-phys-discuss.net/11/28319/2011/acpd-11-28319-2011.pdf

ネイチャーに発表された論文の概要 Abstract

copy from

Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss., 11, 28319-28394, 2011
© Author(s) 2011. This work is distributed
under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.

Xenon-133 and caesium-137 releases into the atmosphere from the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant: determination of the source term, atmospheric dispersion, and deposition

A. Stohl1, P. Seibert2, G. Wotawa3, D. Arnold2,4, J. F. Burkhart1, S. Eckhardt1, C. Tapia5, A. Vargas4, and T. J. Yasunari6
1NILU – Norwegian Institute for Air Research, Kjeller, Norway
2Institute of Meteorology, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria
3Central Institute for Meteorology and Geodynamics, Vienna, Austria
4Institute of Energy Technologies (INTE), Technical University of Catalonia (UPC), Barcelona, Spain
5Department of Physics and Nucelar Engineering (FEN),Technical University of Catalonia (UPC), Barcelona, Spain
6Universities Space Research Association, Goddard Earth Sciences and Technology and Research, Columbia, MD 21044, USA

Abstract. On 11 March 2011, an earthquake occurred about 130 km off the Pacific coast of Japan's main island Honshu, followed by a large tsunami. The resulting loss of electric power at the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant (FD-NPP) developed into a disaster causing massive release of radioactivity into the atmosphere. In this study, we determine the emissions of two isotopes, the noble gas xenon-133 (133Xe) and the aerosol-bound caesium-137 (137Cs), which have very different release characteristics as well as behavior in the atmosphere. To determine radionuclide emissions as a function of height and time until 20 April, we made a first guess of release rates based on fuel inventories and documented accident events at the site. This first guess was subsequently improved by inverse modeling, which combined the first guess with the results of an atmospheric transport model, FLEXPART, and measurement data from several dozen stations in Japan, North America and other regions. We used both atmospheric activity concentration measurements as well as, for 137Cs, measurements of bulk deposition. Regarding 133Xe, we find a total release of 16.7 (uncertainty range 13.4–20.0) EBq, which is the largest radioactive noble gas release in history not associated with nuclear bomb testing. There is strong evidence that the first strong 133Xe release started very early, possibly immediately after the earthquake and the emergency shutdown on 11 March at 06:00 UTC. The entire noble gas inventory of reactor units 1–3 was set free into the atmosphere between 11 and 15 March 2011. For 137Cs, the inversion results give a total emission of 35.8 (23.3–50.1) PBq, or about 42% of the estimated Chernobyl emission. Our results indicate that 137Cs emissions peaked on 14–15 March but were generally high from 12 until 19 March, when they suddenly dropped by orders of magnitude exactly when spraying of water on the spent-fuel pool of unit 4 started. This indicates that emissions were not only coming from the damaged reactor cores, but also from the spent-fuel pool of unit 4 and confirms that the spraying was an effective countermeasure. We also explore the main dispersion and deposition patterns of the radioactive cloud, both regionally for Japan as well as for the entire Northern Hemisphere. While at first sight it seemed fortunate that westerly winds prevailed most of the time during the accident, a different picture emerges from our detailed analysis. Exactly during and following the period of the strongest 137Cs emissions on 14 and 15 March as well as after another period with strong emissions on 19 March, the radioactive plume was advected over Eastern Honshu Island, where precipitation deposited a large fraction of 137Cs on land surfaces. The plume was also dispersed quickly over the entire Northern Hemisphere, first reaching North America on 15 March and Europe on 22 March. In general, simulated and observed concentrations of 133Xe and 137Cs both at Japanese as well as at remote sites were in good quantitative agreement with each other. Altogether, we estimate that 6.4 TBq of 137Cs, or 19% of the total fallout until 20 April, were deposited over Japanese land areas, while most of the rest fell over the North Pacific Ocean. Only 0.7 TBq, or 2% of the total fallout were deposited on land areas other than Japan.

Discussion Paper (PDF, 6457 KB)   Supplement (13 KB)   Interactive Discussion (Open, 1 Comment)   Manuscript under review for ACP   

Citation: Stohl, A., Seibert, P., Wotawa, G., Arnold, D., Burkhart, J. F., Eckhardt, S., Tapia, C., Vargas, A., and Yasunari, T. J.: Xenon-133 and caesium-137 releases into the atmosphere from the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant: determination of the source term, atmospheric dispersion, and deposition, Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss., 11, 28319-28394, doi:10.5194/acpd-11-28319-2011, 2011.



01. 2011年10月28日 01:53:40: SzBLsfCsLM

02. 2011年10月28日 02:19:09: uh4ihpwQrK

03. 2011年10月28日 03:49:01: d1INYqu1to
>There is strong evidence that the first strong 133Xe release started very early, possibly immediately after the earthquake and the emergency shutdown on 11 March at 06:00 UTC.

11 March at 06:00 UTC (日本時間で3月11日15時)、これが重要。



04. 2011年10月28日 05:24:49: rgyOqK36fk

05. mainau 2011年10月28日 07:50:56: GgaPs4QXWLwO2 : 85rTG3hiJk



ネイチャー電子版のリンク。 http://www.nature.com/news/2011/111025/full/478435a.html





* 原爆実験を除くと、キセノンの放出量は史上最大。
* 津波の前にすでに放射性物質の放出が始まり、かつ地震発生時に原子炉に構造的損傷が発生した可能性。
* 4号機の使用済み核燃料プールからも放射性物質が放出。4号機の危険さ。

06. mainau 2011年10月28日 08:22:11: GgaPs4QXWLwO2 : 85rTG3hiJk
オーストリア ZAMG の発表 Press Release プレス リリース。

Reactor accident Fukushima – New international study on emissions of radioactive substances into the atmosphere

2011年3月11日グリニッジ標準時 6時(日本時間15時)には、キセノン133の放出が始まっていた。

( http://www.asyura2.com/11/genpatu17/msg/747.html#c14 )



copy from http://www.asyura2.com/11/genpatu17/msg/750.html


ZAMG の担当者である オーストリアの Otawa教授は、自分が最初に計算した放射性物質の放出量に関する試算がそれなりの根拠をもっていたことが、他の研究者の研究によっても明らかになったと、コメントしている。

07. mainau 2011年10月28日 08:28:16: GgaPs4QXWLwO2 : 85rTG3hiJk

オーストリアの Otawa教授ではなくて、 
オーストリアの Dr. Gerhard Wotawa教授。

Central Institute for Meteorology and Geodynamics (ZAMG), adds: “ZAMG
was the first institute world‐wide that published, as early as ten days after the accident, anestimate of high emissions of radioactive substances from Fukushima‐Daiichi. This analysis was based on a few data available to us at this time, and is now fully confirmed by a comprehensive

08. 2011年10月28日 10:10:56: gx7dVGZ6VU
72ページ 郡山、宇都宮、前橋の関東北部 Cs−137が 数万[Bq/m3] 3月15日6時


09. 2011年10月28日 10:18:09: MpuBCBsxhk


れいの、 ヨウ素135 を、3/15に大量検出したと高崎CTBTが発表いたが、


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