12. 2011年9月12日 22:57:31: z2D65LYHE6
>ネプツニウムは飯舘村に何千ベクレル/Kgという量で存在 福島第一原発事故は史上最大の事故であること確定的です。日本政府、東京電力、大本営発表に加担するマスコミが、日本人のみならず、人類に対して行った犯罪性は明らかです。 以下はヤブロコフ博士の「チェルノブイリ」の引用です。ベラルーシでは1平方メートルあたり370ベクレル以上プルトニウム(以下Pu)に汚染された土地が4000平方キロメートルある。円の面積にすると半径63キロほどです。さて、セシウムで汚染された土壌1キロあたりを1平方メートルあたりに換算するには65を使用していました。ネプツニウム(以下Np)では1200になります。土壌1キロあたり1000ベクレルの場合、1平方メートルに換算すると12000ベクレルになります。チェルノブイリの汚染が遥かに小さく見えます。チェルノブイリの避難区域はPu239、240の場合は1平方メートルあたり3700べクレル以上です。 (通しページ37) >Soil contaminated by Pu-238, Pu-239, and Pu-240 at levels higher than 0.37 kBq/m2 was found in 4,000 km2, or nearly 2% of the country (Konoplyaet al., 2006; Figure 1.12). As a whole, more than 18,000 km2 of agricultural land or 22% of Belarus farmland is heavily contaminated. Of that, an area of 2,640 km2 cannot be used for agriculture and the 1,300-km2 Polessk state radioactive reserve near the Chernobyl NPP is forever excluded from any economic activity owing to contamination by long half-life isotopes. (335) >The zone of involuntary resettlement is an area outside the exclusion zone where the level of ground contamination from Cs-137 is above 15 Ci/km2, that from Sr-90 is above 3 Ci/km2, or that from Pu-239 and Pu-240 is above 0.1 Ci/km2. 福島第一原発3号機のMOX燃料は32本で、大体、Puを450キロくらい含んでいます。Pu20キロで2万平方キロが汚染されると。さて3号機爆発で、どの位のPuが飛散したのでしょう。原子力安全・保安院の試算など信ずるに足らずです。 (39) >If only about 3% of the fuel (5 tons) was discharged then the Chernobyl catastrophe caused the world to be contaminated with 20 kg of Pu, a quantity sufficient to contaminate a territory of 20,000 km2 forever. The half-life of Pu-239 is 24,000 years. If 30–40% of the fuel was released (Gofman, 1994; Medvedev, 1990; Sich,1996; UNSCEAR, 2000; and others) allowing nearly 3 × 109 Ci to escape, or 80–90% was released (i.e., 7–8 × 109 Ci; see Chernousenko, 1992; Kyselev et al., 1996; Medvedev,1991)―the manifold larger territories of the Northern Hemisphere will be contaminated forever. 250) >POLAND. Average values of Pu-239 + Pu-240 in the Polish economic zone of the Baltic Sea ranged from 30 to 98 Bq/m2 in three sampling locations. The highest concentration of Pu in sediment probably came from the Vistula River, which delivered 192 MBq of Chernobyl’s Pu-239 + Pu-240 to the Baltic Sea in 1989 (Skwarzec and Bojanowski, 1992). Np−239がPu−239に変化して汚染し続けることは、チェルノブイリで 実証済みです。 (44) >Within the succeeding months and the first year after the explosion the major external radiation was due to isotopes of Ce-141, Ce- 144, Ru-103, Ru-106, Zr-95, Ni-95, Cs-136, and Np-239. Since 1987, most external radiation levels have been defined by Cs-137, Sr-90, and Pu. 遺伝子異常とPu汚染は関係があるようです。 (86) >Histological analysis of peripheral blood lymphocytes reveals structural and chromosomal number aberrations. Presence of cells with several aberrations (multiaberrant cells)may indicate the level of the impact of Pu (Il’inskikh et al., 2002). ストロンチウム90とPuに汚染された地域では発育が遅れ、逆にCs−137に汚染された地域では早熟化が起きるようです。 (101) >In the territories contaminated with Sr-90 and Pu, there was a 2-year delay in puberty for boys and a 1-year delay for girls, whereas sexual development was accelerated in territories contaminated by Cs-137 (Paramonova and Nedvetskaya, 1993). CsとSrが30年毎に半減しても、Puの半減期は2万年。 (231) >Given the half-life of the two main radionuclides (Cs-137 and Sr-90) of approximately 30 years each, the radionuclide load in the contaminated territories will decrease about 50% for each human generation. The concentrations of Pu, Cl-36, and Tc-99 will remain practically the same virtually forever (half-lives consequently more than 20,000 and 200,000 years), and the concentration of Am-241, which is a decay product of Pu-241, will increase over several generations. 高崎に設置されたCTBT放射性核種探知観測所のデータを初め、核燃料のウラニウム(U)やPuの痕跡は徹底的に消されます。ところが、カリフォルニア、ハワイ、グアムでは通常の2〜3倍のU、Puが検出されています。千葉県柏市でも核燃料である低濃縮Uが検出されています。 (245)1986年 >Midyear concentration of Pu-239 and Pu-240 in surface air in 1986 for Khoinyki was 8.3 × 10−6 Bq/m3 and for Minsk it was 1.1 × 10−6 Bq/ m3, levels that were 1,000 times higher than the precatastrophe concentrations, which were measured at less than 10−9 Bq/m3 (Gres’, 1997). (246) >DENMARK. From April 27 to 28 the mean air concentration of Cs-137 was 0.24 Bq/m3; Sr-90, 5.7mBq/m3; Pu-239+Pu-240, 51 Bq/m3; and Am-241, 5.2 μBq/m3 (Aarkrog, 1988). (248) >Pu-239 + Pu-240 89 μBq/m3 Vienna May Irlweck et al., 1993 0.4 μBq/m3,∗ Paris Apr. 29–30 Thomas and Martin, 1986 Puはプリピヤチ川でも検出されています。 (247) >The maximum concentration of Pu-239 in the Pripyat River was 0.37 Bq/liter. Puの環境半減期のことでしょうか?50キロ以内では6、7年、200キロまでは50年以上。そう言えばCs−137の環境半減期は180〜320年でした。 (252) >TABLE 8.9. The Years Needed to Achieve a 50% Reduction in the Amount of Each Radionuclide in the Top (0–5 cm) Soil Layer in Areas 50 and 200 km from the Chernobyl NPP (National Belarussian Report, 2006) Years Radionuclide Pu-239, Pu-240 Up to 50 km 6–7 Up to 200 km >50 御用学者が言った「Puは重いから遠くに飛ばない」は、事実ではありません。 Puは思わぬ所に出現して学者を驚かすようです。 (254) >Contrary to the common view that the Chernobyl plumes contained mostly light and gaseous radionuclides, which would disappear without a trace into the Earth’s atmosphere,the available facts indicate that even Pu concentrations increased thousands of times at distances as far asmany thousands of kilometers away from Chernobyl. (306) >The active migration of Sr-90, Cs-137, Pu, Am, and other isotopes results in bioaccumulation that will present unforeseen surprises for decades to centuries to come. えんどう豆の仲間がPuを蓄積すると。 (265) >Among annual plant species, those of the pea family (Leguminosae) tend to concentrate Pu and Am (Borysevich and Poplyko, 2002). (319) >The Pu body contamination of Gomel citizens 4–5 years after the Chernobyl accident is on average three to four times higher than global levels (Hohryakov et al., 1994). 食物の三価鉄を増やすことがPuの体内吸収を妨げる。 (325) >Increase the stable elements in food to impede the incorporation of radionuclides.・・・trivalent Fe interferes with the uptake of Pu. (325) Puの排出剤です。 >Several effective decorporants specific for medical treatment of heavy radionuclide contamination are known (for Cs, Fe compounds; for Sr, alginates and barium sulfates; for Pu, ion-exchange resins, etc.). 放射性物質は、人間も、その一部である環境を循環します。なかなか減らないようです。 (344) >As a result of the accumulation of Cs-137, Sr-90, Pu, and Am in the root soil layer, radionuclides have continued to build in plants over recent years. Moving with water to the above-ground parts of plants, the radionuclides (which earlier had disappeared from the surface) concentrate in the edible components, resulting in increased levels of internal irradiation and dose rate in people, despite decreasing total amounts of radionuclides from natural disintegration over time.