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福島原発は完全に制御不能状態!!マスコミは楽観論のみ垂れ流し!8/18 ロシアTodayより(日本語訳:Junebloke)
" Paul Gunter, Beyond Nuclear joins Thom Hartmann."
*Beyond Nuclear(反核・反原発独立系団体):
* ウィキペディアより:"Paul Gunter" is a co-founder of the Clamshell Alliance anti-nuclear group, who was arrested at Seabrook Station Nuclear Power Plant for non-violent civil disobedience on several occasions.[1] An energy policy analyst and activist, he has been a vocal critic of nuclear power for more than 30 years. Gunter worked as the Director of the Reactor Watchdog Project for Nuclear Information and Resource Service for almost 20 years.[2] In 2007, Gunter joined Beyond Nuclear as their nuclear reactor specialist. He has made many national and international television, radio, and conference appearances and is often quoted in the press.[In 2008, Gunter won the Jane Bagley Lehman Award from the Tides Foundation for outstanding achievements in "the fight against nuclear power"
"Meanwhile, Japan is not out of the danger fact the nuclear crisis is getting worse and worse! We've recently learned from Japan that the amount of radiation released was more than 20 times that from the Hiroshima bomb, and now it looks they may be experiencing the early stages of a total China Syndrome meltdown. And is the United States in danger too?"
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