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〔フクシマ・ノート〕 「水蒸気爆発」の危険を認識し、「結婚をあきらめ」現場で復旧作業を続ける20代の若者の話(机の上の空 大沼安史の個人新聞)
"The fuel has melted, but melted through or not – we don't know," Mr Watanabe says. "It's at the bottom of the reactor. If it melts out, and meets water, it would be a major crisis. The engineers are working very hard to get it under control."
Whatever happens, Mr Watanabe has abandoned any hope of getting married. "I could never ask a woman to spend her life with me," he says. "If I told her about my work, of course she will worry about my future health or what might happen to our children. And I couldn't hide what I do."
(一時、病院に入院して雲隠れした清水前社長について)「こういう現場で一度だけ(*ママ 一度も?)作業したことないし、現場の問題を経験したことがないから、事故が起きたら本能的に逃げるしかなかったんだろうね」。「ワタナベ」さんは清水前社長に、軽蔑でなく同情しているのだそうだ。「ああいう人に厳しく当たると、自殺してしまうかも知れない」
"[Mr Shimizu] had never worked onsite before or experienced any problems, so when trouble hit his instinct was to run away," Mr Watanabe says. He says he feels no contempt for the disgraced company boss, only sympathy. "If you pushed a guy like that too hard, he might commit suicide."
Whatever his reasons, Mr Watanabe displays infinitely more humility, concern for humanity and humour than the men who run his industry. For roughly the same take-home pay as a young office clerk, he and his workmates have sacrificed any hope of normal lives. He has never met the Prime Minister, the local prefecture Governor or even the boss of Tepco. He will never have children and may die young. In another world, he might be paid as much as a Wall Street trader, an idea that makes him laugh.
"I'll probably get a pen and a towel when I retire," he says. "That's the price of my job."
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