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〔フクシマ・NEWS〕 ニューヨーク・タイムズが「被曝に閾値なし」のBIER報告を紹介
ニューヨーク・タイムズが「日本にのしかかる知られざる被曝(Radiation’s Unknowns Weigh on Japan)という記事を掲載した。⇒
この中でタイムズ紙は、「被曝の影響は直線的で閾値というものはない」と結論づけた、全米科学アカデミー「電離放射線の生物影響に関する委員会(BIER委員会)」の第7次報告(ベイル Z、2006年、リチャード・マンソン委員長)を紹介している。
タイムズによると、「BIER Z」は主に、ヒロシマ、ナガサキの原爆攻撃の際、高エネルギーのガンマ線を浴びた、数千人に及びヒバクシャのデータから、この「線形・敷居なしモデル(linear, no threshold model)」の結論を引き出した。
大沼 小出裕章さんが引用する「ベイル報告」を、ニューヨーク・タイムズが紹介した。
Radiation’s Unknowns Weigh on Japan
Published: June 6, 2011
As officials in Japan agonize over what constitutes a safe radiation dose for people who live near the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear reactors, the state of the science has been a daunting problem. Studies on the effects of exposure are based mostly on large doses delivered quickly by atomic bombs, while radiation from the Fukushima disaster would more likely result in small doses delivered over many years.
So far the debate in Japan has centered on the risks to children. Government guidelines set after the disaster allowed schoolchildren in Fukushima Prefecture to be exposed to 20 times the radiation dose previously permitted. The new level is equal to the international standard for adult workers at nuclear power plants.
今までのところ日本での論争は子供へのリスクに集中しました。 日本政府は災害が起こったあとで、それまで許容されていた20倍の放射線を福島県の学童が浴びることを認めるという新たなガイドラインを決めました。新しいレベルは、原子力発電所で働く大人の作業者に対する国際規準と同等です。
After a huge outcry from parents, the government promised that it would lower the permissible level and that it would pay to remove contaminated topsoil from school grounds.
But the debate is not limited to children; the authorities have to weigh the risks of allowing thousands of people, including the elderly, to be exposed to levels that remain far above natural background radiation.
しかし論争は子供たちのことに限らないのです。 当局は、自然のバックグラウンドよりもはるかに高い放射線にさらされている、大人たちも含めた数千数万もの人たちを、許容されるリスクであるかどうか、秤量しなければなりません。
The general is that when people are exposed to small doses for decades, the incidence of cancer will rise over time. But that prediction is based on extrapolating from data on people who were exposed to acute brief doses when atomic bombs were dropped on Nagasaki and Hiroshima in 1945 ― not on observing individuals exposed to small doses over decades.
一般的な仮説(前提)は、人々が何10年間も小線量にさらされるとき、時間が経つにつれ癌の発生が上昇するということです。 しかしその推定は、1945年の長崎と広島に落とされた原子爆弾による激しく短時間の被ばく、それを受けた人々のデータから外挿したものであって、何10年間もにわたって小線量にさらされた人々の実際の観察によるものではありません。
Some researchers argue that all humans are regularly exposed to a low natural level of radiation, and that it is not harmful when below a certain threshold, although fetuses may be an exception. Another vocal minority argues that there is statistical evidence for higher cancer rates among people exposed to tiny incremental doses.

Still, the mainstream view is that extrapolating from the Hiroshima and Nagasaki data is more prudent.
“There’s a point beneath which you just don’t know, and a straight line is the simplest assumption,” said Dr. Richard R. Monson, an epidemiologist and chairman of the committee that wrote an influential report released in 2006 by the National Academy of Sciences on low-level radiation exposures.
His committee based its recommendations on a hypothesis known as the “ linear, no threshold model.” Under this hypothesis, if a given dose will cause fatal cancers in a certain number of people in a population, then half that dose will cause fatal cancer in half as many people, and a millionth of that dose will cause fatal cancer in a millionth as many people.
彼の委員会、その提言は「しきい値なし直線モデル」としてよく知られる仮設に基づいていました。 この仮説によれば、与えられた被ばく量が人口中に一定の人数に致死的ながんを引き起こすとすれば、半分の被ばく量は半分の人数に致死的がんを引き起こし、百万倍の被ばく量は百万倍の人数に致死的がんを引き起こすというものです。
Dr. Monson’s committee largely extrapolated from the health records of thousands of Japanese civilians exposed to a sudden burst of high-energy gamma radiation by atomic bombs. Over the next 65 years, most of those people died from cancers that may or may not have been caused by radiation, and others from causes common to old age.
モンソン博士の委員会は、主として、原子爆弾によって高エネルギーのガンマ放射線(※3)の激発にさらされた何千人もの日本の民間人の健診記録から外挿しました。 被ばく以後の65年間にわたって、それらの人々の多くは放射能によるか放射能によらないかのどちらかの癌で亡くなり、残りは老人に共通の原因で亡くなりました。
Their death rate from cancer exceeded the one recorded for populations of Japanese not exposed to the radiation. But applying this data to the risks faced at Fukushima Daiichi is problematic, experts say, and could lead to overstating or understating the risk to people who live near the plant.
被爆者の死亡率は、日本人で放射線にさらされなかった人口に対する記録を超えていました。 しかし、福島第一で直面するリスクに、このデータを適用するのは問題があります、原発の近くに住んでいる人々にかかるリスクを言いすぎるか控え目すぎるかどちらかです、と専門家はいいます。
※1 当記事を紹介してくれた大沼安史様の〔フクシマ・NEWS〕 ニューヨーク・タイムズが「被曝に閾値なし」のBIER報告を紹介
“There’s a point beneath which you just don’t know, and a straight line is the simplest assumption,” said Dr. Richard R. Monson,・・・・."
※2 報告書「BIER Z」をまとめた全米科学アカデミー「電離放射線の生物影響に関する委員会(BIER委員会)」のこと
※3 「高エネルギーの中性子線high-energy neutron radiation」の間違いか。
Radiation’s Unknowns Weigh on Japan
The most obvious difference is that the bomb survivors’ exposure in 1945 was nearly instantaneous. People in the Fukushima area are confronting regular levels of contamination in the range of 5 to 10 times what people are normally exposed to in natural background radiation.
What is more, some of the radiation to which people are being exposed around Fukushima is inside the body; it comes from radioactive materials that contaminated their food or water. At Hiroshima and Nagasaki, many of the victims experienced only a quick external irradiation.
Evan B. Douple, the associate chief of research for the Radiation Effects Research Foundation, a joint Japanese-American science institute that analyzes health data from the bomb survivors, said that a dose delivered slowly over time was less damaging than an equal dose delivered quickly.
“It is well known in radiation biology that radiation-induced damage from a given dose of radiation is less effective if it is protracted or fractionated,” he said. The reason, he said, is that the body’s repair mechanisms work during the extended period of exposure.
The 2006 report by the National Academy of Sciences estimated that the effect of a given amount of radiation is 1.5 times worse when the dose is given all at once than when it is extended. But there are no authoritative details on varying doses over time.
As if this were not complex enough, another school of thought suggests that the radiation effect on people exposed at Hiroshima and Nagasaki was worse than the official statistics show.
This theory holds that weaker individuals were killed off by the bombs and by the hardships suffered in those cities at the end of World War II. The people who survived past that period, on whom the estimates are based, are not representative because they were stronger than average.
その理論では、体力の弱い人々は、爆弾とその直後の第二次世界大戦終結期の街で受けた苦難によって、みな殺されてしまったと主張します。 (統計調査の)見積もりの基礎となっているのは、その期間生き延びた人々で、平均より強かった人たちですから全体を代表しないというのです。
So the deaths counted in the following decades occurred among a hardier-than-average population, critics say.
In the United States, most of the policies involving radiation exposure involve people who are exposed to low levels on the job, like nuclear plant workers. If the United States faced decisions like those now confronting Japanese officials, “there really isn’t any coherent policy,” said Robert Alvarez, a former senior staff member at the Energy Department who works as a consultant for groups worried about nuclear risks.
Kuniko Tanioka, a member of the Japanese Parliament who traveled to Washington to research how the United States government conducts independent inquiries after major technological disasters, said that advising the public after a nuclear accident poses grave challenges in both countries.
Ms. Tanioka suggested that the best course that Japan could take would be to distribute all the raw data it has on radiation exposure to the international community and allow outside interpretations.
※4 エヴァン.B.Douple氏の、修復機構が働く時間的余裕がある緩慢な被ばくは、いっぺんに被ばくするより影響が少ないという理屈は、放射線による確定的傷害や一般のケガなどにはあてはまるけど、DNAの確率的傷害であるがんには必ずしも当てはまらないでしょう。なぜなら、がんはDNA修復機構が働いて生き残った細胞だからです。というと、修復機構が忙しいかノンビリかで修復後の不良品DNAの率が違う、という第2弾が飛んできそうですが(笑)。
※5 谷岡郁子(クニコ)、参議院議員・民主党
ETV特集「続報 放射能汚染地図」2
ETV特集 続報 放射能汚染地図_1 投稿者 gataro-clone
ETV特集 続報 放射能汚染地図_2 投稿者 gataro-clone
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