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〔フクシマ・メモ〕 WSJ紙 事故直後の緊迫した日米間のやりとりを再現 「事故が起きて数時間の間、彼ら(日本の当局者)は状況の重大性を分かっていないようだった」*「首相官邸からの情報が遅く、断片的にしか届かないので、ルース大使は防衛省や外務省、果ては財務省の内閣レベルの当局者に電話をかけまくった」*「情報が入って来ないので米海軍は海軍機に搭載した測定器を使って(データを集め)放射能雲の拡散シミュレーションを行った」*キャンベル次官は藤崎大使に「お国の存亡がかかっていることではないか」と告げた
「日本 事故の重大さをようやく認める メルトダウン後、日米関係 緊張(Japan Concedes Severity of Blast:Nuclear Disaster Strained Relations With U.S. in Days After the Meltdown)」と題された記事のハイライトは以下の通り。
"In those early hours, they didn't seem to understand the severity of the situation," said one U.S. official in Tokyo. "In the beginning, they weren't taking any suggestions from us at all."
"We felt pretty confident [within a few days of the accident] that there was significant fuel damage," Bill Borchardt, the NRC's operations chief, said in New York late last month. "There were numerous indications of high radiation levels that can only come from damaged fuel at those kinds of levels."
In the accident's early days, the U.S. ambassador in Tokyo, John Roos, made "around the clock" phone calls to Japanese officials, according to a U.S. official. Upset by the slow trickle of data from Prime Minister Naoto Kan's office, he began calling Cabinet-level officials representing the ministries of defense, foreign affairs and even finance, this official says.
Worried by the data deficit, the U.S. Navy began running simulations of the radioactive plume using detectors on Navy aircraft. On March 14, the Navy's Seventh Fleet redeployed after detecting low-level contamination in the air about 100 miles northeast of the Daiichi plant.
The U.S. was particularly worried about the spent-fuel pool at the plant's reactor No. 4, where active fuel rods were stored as the reactor was offline.
"We believe … there is no water in the spent-fuel pool," Nuclear Regulatory Commission Chairman Gregory Jaczko told a House panel on March 16. Ultimately, Tepco officials were able to confirm the presence of water, although the fuel rods were damaged and leaked radiation.
Hours before Mr. Jaczko's testimony, Mr. Roos, the U.S. ambassador in Tokyo, had said Americans in Japan should "continue to follow the advice of the Japanese government" on the 12-mile evacuation zone. But later that day, the U.S. told Americans within 50 miles of the plant to get out. The State Department also urged U.S. citizens to defer travel to Japan.
A U.S. official said Assistant Secretary of State Kurt Campbell called Japanese Ambassador Ichiro Fujisaki, a longtime friend, to his office four or five times on March 16. Mr. Campbell told Mr. Fujisaki that the U.S. might have issue broader evacuation warnings, and brushed aside the ambassador's fears that the divergent views on evacuation could embarrass Japan.
One U.S. official says Mr. Campbell told Mr. Fujisaki that "the survival of your nation" was at stake.
Mr. Fujisaki recalls the sticking point was that information wasn't coming quickly enough from the stricken plant. He said Japan appreciated the U.S. help and quickly worked to take advantage of it. On March 18, NRC experts in Tokyo finally got their first meeting with Tokyo Electric Power, or Tepco. But instead of being taken to the second floor "war room" Tepco had set up to deal with the nuclear crisis, they were ushered into a conference room on another floor and introduced to two low-level employees. "Tepco [had] seemed to make no preparation. It was just chaos," said Mr. Nagashima, the ruling-party lawmaker.
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