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原子力という狂気 (マスコミに載らない海外記事)
投稿者 anan 日時 2011 年 5 月 29 日 19:55:49: zc6.Dkkkz5uCM


Dr. Vandana Shiva

Navdanya International





福島事故は、我々が人間と自然の関係に立ち返ることを求めている。事故は、気候の危機とエネルギー危機に対する答えとしての、いわゆる"原子力ルネッサンス"についても、疑問を提起している。エネルギー・環境研究所理事長のアルジュン・マヒジャニは、公共環境法会議で講演し、"原子力ルネッサンス"には、毎週、300基の原子炉と、毎年、2乃至3つのウラニウム濃縮工場が必要になるだろうと語った。使用済み核燃料には、分離すれば毎年爆弾 90,000発分のプルトニウムが含まれている。一日に10-2000万リットルの水が必要とされる。



マハラシュトラ州、ラトナギリ地方のマドバン村で、原子炉6基で構成される、9,900 MWのジャイタプール原子力発電所は、もし建設されれば世界最大の原子力発電所となる。2010年12月、フランス国営の原子力エンジニアリング会社アレヴァと、インド国営のインド原子力発電公社は、フランス大統領ニコラ・サルコジとインド首相マンモハン・シン出席の下、6基の原子炉を建設すると220億ドルの契約を調印した。



ジャイタプールは、ライガド、ラトナギリ、シンドフドルグ地方の肥沃な沿岸地帯の細長い一帯に予定されている多くの原子力発電所の一つだ。予定されている発電量総計は、33,000 MWだ。ここは、ユネスコの人間と生物圏計画の元、世界遺産として、インド政府が宣言したがっている地域だ。コンカン地域の住民は原子力発電所反対運動を続けている。彼らはコンカン・バチャオ・サミティと、ジャナヒト・セヴァ・サミティを結成し、強制土地収用に対する小切手の受け取りを拒否した。第73修正に対する違反に抗議して、10人の地方議員が辞職した。

ジャイタプールでは集会禁止令が発令されており、5人以上の集会は許されない。2011年4月18日、計画されているジャイタプール原子力発電所公園に反対する抗議デモ参加者に、警官隊が発砲した。一人が死亡し、8人が重傷を負った。ハリヤーナー州ファテーハーバード県に計画されている、2,800 MWの原子力発電所は、1,503エーカーの肥沃な農地買収が必要だ。80の村が反対しており、農民二人が抗議の際に死亡した。

以前、バルギ・ダムによって、162の村が立ち退かされたマディヤ・プラデーシュ州チュトカで、原子力発電所が計画されている。44の村が原子力発電所に反対している。物理学者で反核活動家の スレンドラ・ガダカル博士は、原子力は、きわめて長期間、環境から隔離しておくことが必要な、莫大な量の毒を生み出す、湯沸かし技術だと表現している。放射性廃棄物として生み出されるプルトニウムの半減期は24,000年だが、原子炉の平均寿命は21年だ。今のところ、安全と証明された放射性廃棄物処理の方法は存在しない。使用済み核燃料は、常に冷却し続ける必要があり、冷却装置が壊れれば、原子力災害になる。まさにこれが福島の第4号炉で起きたのだ。

CO2排出と気候変動で、化石燃料が問題視されたおかげで、原子力エネルギーが、突如として、"きれい"で"安全"とい歌い文句で推進されはじめた。しかし技術として、原子力発電は、もし使用済み燃料を何千年もの間、冷却するためのエネルギーを考慮に入れれば、発電する以上のエネルギーを消費するのだ。インドでは、原子力発電所用に、土地を取得し、人々を立ち退かせる必要があるため、原子力エネルギーのコストは更に高くなる。デリーから、わずか 125キロしか離れていないウッタル・プラデシ州のナロラ原子力発電所は、5つの村を立ち退かせた。1993年、ナロラで、大火災とメルトダウン寸前の事故が起きた。

















異常すぎる日本の「暫定基準値」 乳児に与える飲料の基準は国際法で定められた原発の排水より上















(『在日日本人』という言葉、宮本政於著の書名。後に「弱い」日本の「強がる」男たち―お役所社会の精神分析 として講談社プラスアルファ文庫で刊行。この言葉、元々オーストラリア、ラ・トローブ大学社会学部、杉本良夫教授の著作「日本人をやめる方法」から取ったもの。亡国エリート官僚の生態を描いた名著『在日日本人』。残念ながら絶版。今こそ読まれるべきだろう。)



『放射能汚染の現実を超えて』小出裕章著 河出書房新社刊 10ページより



01. 2011年5月29日 20:14:23: j6mPtpQow6


02. 2011年5月29日 20:25:26: EGaQ73B5yp

Fukushima: How Many Chernobyls Is It?

Dr Scampa’s Lethal Doses Count Increases Dramatically

    by Bob Nichols

(San Francisco) – The world’s second big nuclear disaster occurred at Chernobyl Reactor No. 4 in the Ukraine on Apr 26, 1986. Simply tagged as “Chernobyl,” it is what the next big and well known nuke disaster, after the American Three Mile Island, on March 28, 1979 came to be called. “Chernobyl” ejected 30% of one 192-ton, three-month old reactor core. That’s 57.6 radioactive tons thrown into the air by fire and explosions.

The tiny radioactive and burning smoke particles have traveled around the world many times since 1979, killing an estimated one million people to date from radiation caused illnesses and cancers. This is according to Editor Dr Janette Sherman’s exhaustive and widely acclaimed book on 5,000 Chernobyl scientific papers recently published by the New York Academy of Sciences [1].

   Fukushima Daiichi Equals 50 Plus Chernobyls

As Dr. Michio Kaku, a world renowned CUNY theoretical physicist pointed out on CNN March 18, 2011, Chernobyl involved one reactor and only 57.6 Tons of the reactor core went into the atmosphere. In dramatic contrast, the Fukushima Daiichi disaster immediately involved six reactors and IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency, a UN Agency) documented 2,800 Tons of highly radioactive old reactor cores.

Simple division tells us there are at least 48.6 Chernobyls in the burning old reactor cores pumping fiery isotopes into the Earth’s atmosphere. It is no stretch to say Fukushima Daiichi’s six reactors and the dry holding pools for old reactor cores are equal to more than 50 Chernobyl disasters.

Further clarification is needed, of course, and it is being worked out now by independent physicists. Note that the lethality of radioactive reactor cores goes up the first 250,000 years they are out of the reactor – not down.

Looking at the current Japanese meltdown as more than 50 Chernobyls is just the start. In addition, the fate of the four nearby reactors at Fukushima Daini is as yet unknown by the outside world. Working at the nearby reactors, only 10 km (6 miles away) is a quick, painful death sentence. They are inside the mandatory evacuation zone.

This much is known. All radioactive exposures are cumulative for each human, animal and plant. What’s more, mutated genetic codes are passed on to offspring forever. This means all Japanese and all Northern Hemisphere inhabitants are suffering internal radioactive contamination from Fukushima Daiichi reactors already.

    Fukushima Equals 3,000 Billion Lethal Doses

Dr Paolo Scampa, a widely know EU Physicist, single handedly popularized the easily understood Lethal Doses concept. “Lethal Doses” is a world wide, well understood idea that strips Physics bare and offers a brilliant, understandable explanation for all the physics gobbledygook Intelligence agencies and their respective governments use to disguise the brutal truths of the Fukushima Daiichi Disaster.

Three thousand billion (3,000,000,000,000) Lethal Doses of Radiation means there are 429 Lethal Doses chasing each and every one of us on the planet, to put it in a nutshell. This is up from about 70 Billion Lethal Doses March 23, 2011. It is getting worse everyday without any intervention by the US and the other nuclear powers.

VeteransToday calls on the world’s nuclear powers to intervene sooner rather than later. It is up to the world’s only remaining Super Power, the United States, to get the Japan Reactor Disaster Intervention meeting officially underway.

      The Fukushima Kill

The Fukushima Kill, already underway world wide, will certainly dwarf that of Chernobyl. All US Super Power President Obama’s delay does is increase the numbers of The Kill. That is a clear Choice. We call on President Obama to re-visit that Choice.

Further, the Genetic and DNA changing aspects of the radioactivity now in the air, spreading worldwide within a year, will spawn a grotesque new assortment of radiation-degraded mutants; both human and of other life forms.

Many of these creatures in the animal world will not survive long outside the womb, if carried to term. What’s more, future Human Genetic Mutants of ever-lower intelligence and greater, more grotesque physical deformities are the genetic legacy of Humanity forevermore. That is the new starting point for any rational and reality-based national or foreign policy.

    What We Know Now about Fukushima

Here is what is known more than 75 days after six reactors at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Reactor Plant started a disastrous and lethal nuclear meltdown on March 11, 2011.

- March 11, 14:46, a One Million Kiloton Earthquake measuring 9.0 on the Richter Scale hammered Japan off-shore near the six Japanese reactors. The reactors attempted to shut down automatically when electronic sensors detected the earthquake. The huge earthquake dropped the reactors three feet, moved Japan 8 inches to the West and altered the tilt of the Axis of planet Earth.

- March 11, about 15:30, the giant Earthquake caused a tsunami up to 30 meters (98.4 Ft) high washed away all the fuel tanks for the reactors Emergency Generators and all the reactors’ outside electrical feeds. This was the Death Blow to the reactors.

The six Fukushima Daiichi reactors were dead in the water and their fate sealed. Without an external source of electricity for the water pumps and hot reactors, they are just so much radioactive scrap iron – good for nothing. The internal temperature of the reactors started climbing immediately.

- March 11, about 18:00, only two and a half hours later, multiple reactor cores started melting down as the reactors internal temperatures skyrocketed to the melting point of uranium and beyond – a measured 1,718 Deg C (3,124.4 Deg F) past the melting point.

Uranium melts at 1,132.2 Deg C (2,069.9 Deg F.) The internal reactor temperatures reached at least 2,850 Deg C, (5,162 Deg F.) The millions of 1 mm Uranium fuel pellets in the reactors and in the core pools had no defense at all without the powerful water pumps and billions of gallons of cooling water against those temperatures.

The Uranium pellets simply melted forming a white hot lava-like radioactive uranium isotope blob that was and probably still is super heated by the power of the uranium atom itself. The highly radioactive blob then burned through the graphite seals of the General Electric Mark 1 Reactor Control Rods at the bottom of the American submarine based reactor design of US Navy Admiral Hyman Rickover, now deceased.

General Electric copied the US Government financed Navy nuclear reactor design for many commercial nuclear reactors. The Radioactive Blobs trickled out of hundreds of control rod holes instead of melting together to form a single giant, highly radioactive, burning lava blob like that of Chernobyl.

      The Solution, Then and Now, has Changed

World famous theoretical physicist Dr. Michio Kaku caught the world’s attention on a March 18, 2011 CNN broadcast when he suggested the Prime Minister of Japan immediately choose the “Chernobyl Option” for the Fukushima Daiichi General Electric reactors.

Kaku said the Japanese PM should order the Japanese Air Self Defense Force to bomb the reactors into submission with boron, sand, water and concrete like the Red Army did to kill the out-of-control Chernobyl reactor on orders of USSR President Gorbachev. Boron absorbs neutrons, the radioactive heart of the reactors.

The time for Dr. Kaku’s “Chernobyl Option” has passed. Multiple explosions destroyed the reactors and the swimming pools holding old reactor cores weeks ago. Hundreds to thousands of tons of burning highly radioactive reactor cores are scattered all over the Fukushima Daiichi site. The reactors are releasing as much as a Tepco (Tokyo Electric Power Company) measured 10 Quintillion (10,000 Trillion Bq) radioactive counts per second of deadly radioactive smoke particles into the Earth’s atmosphere.

The invisible, killing Radioactive Smoke is already all over the Northern Hemisphere and everyone in it – each and every one – is radiologically contaminated. The scope of Dr. Kaku’s once brilliant former solution is unfortunately, now too small and ineffective.

Generally speaking, most Radiation cannot escape into the atmosphere if it is covered by water. Honshu, Japan is an island and the Pacific Ocean is conveniently located nearby.

Subsidence charges from multiple nuclear weapons buried by drilling rigs 500 ft (152.4 meters) below and inland of the string of six reactors must be engineered to slide the reactors into the sea. This method works best if there is igneous or volcanic rock behind the subsidence charges, to “bounce” the blast and pressure wave from and “push” the trashed reactors area of the beachfront into the sea.

Specially equipped submarines can then pick up the pieces of reactor cores from under water. The surface of the ocean blocks the escape of radiation. The submarines must work fast to limit killing more of the Earth’s Oceans.

Veterans Today calls on President Obama to authorize the disposal of the six reactors at sea and the collection of the deadly radioactive metals with submarines. We conclude there are no other options left.

      The “Do Nothing Option”

The “Do Nothing Option” allows the deaths and maiming of many millions of people to rapidly proceed. Doing nothing, by default, allows the Fukushima Kill to ruthlessly continue unabated. Doing nothing is also not acceptable from a practical standpoint; because, Japan does not own the nuclear weapons to use themselves.

Nuke the reactors at Fukushima Daiichi right into the sea, Mr. President.


Sources and Notes:
It is 76 days since the Fukushima Daiichi Disaster:
From and including: Friday, March 11, 2011
To and including: Tuesday, May 24, 2011
It is 75 days from the start date to the end date, end date included
Or 2 months, 14 days including the end date.

Chernobyl: Consequences of the Catastrophe for People and Nature, written by A. V. Yablokov, V. B. Nesterenko and A. V. Nesterenko, published by the New York Academy of Sciences in December 2009, translated and edited into a book by Dr. Janette Sherman. Dr. Sherman’s Website. http://janettesherman.com/about/
From Dr Sherman’s website: http://janettesherman.com/books/
“This is a collection of papers translated from the Russian with some revised and updated contributions. Written by leading authorities from Eastern Europe, the volume outlines the history of the health and environmental consequences of the Chernobyl disaster. Although there has been discussion of the impact of nuclear accidents and Chernobyl in particular, never before has there been a comprehensive presentation of all the available information concerning the health and environmental effects of the low dose radioactive contaminants, especially those emitted from the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Official discussions from the International Atomic Energy Agency and associated United Nations’ agencies (e.g. the Chernobyl Forum reports) have largely downplayed or ignored many of the findings reported in the Eastern European scientific literature and consequently have erred by not including these assessments.”
To Order Click Here

“Meltdowns also likely occurred at No. 2, No. 3 reactors of Fukushima plant,” Asahi, Japanese newspaper, May 18, 2011,
Picture of The Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant seen from about 38 kilometers west of the facility and at an altitude of 7,300 meters (Eiji Hori)

Press Release (May 15,2011), “The Reactor Core Status of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station Unit 1,” TEPCO (The Tokyo Electric Power Company. http://www.tepco.co.jp/en/press/corp-com/release/11051509-e.html
Attachment:Tokyo Electric Power Company: Reactor Core Status of Fukushima
Daiichi Nuclear Power Station Unit 1 (PDF 92.6KB)

“Power company says smoke spotted at another Japanese nuclear plant,” March 30, 2011, By the CNN Wire Staff, http://articles.cnn.com/2011-03-30/world/japan.daini_1_nuclear-power-plant-turbine-building-cooling-system?_s=PM:WORLD
Ecological Development Biology: Intergrating Epigenetics, Medicine and Evolution Scott F. Gilbert and David Epel, December 2008, 459 pages, 182 illustrations, Sinauer


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