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不都合な真実? The inconvenient truth about HAARP?
June 12, 2011 00:00:06 Theme: 地震 posted by po-nikkei
Japanese Government Pays 60 Trillion Yen to Stop More H.A.A.R.P. Attacks
Fri May 27 2011 05:06
May 24th, 2011
[Via Eutimes ]
The cowardly Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan handed 60 trillion yen over to the Federal Reserve Board crime syndicate immediately after his country was attacked with HAARP and nuclear terror, according to Japanese security police sources. The extortion money was paid off following threats to use HAARP to cause Mt. Fuji to erupt. For those of you still too brainwashed to believe such a thing is possible, please take a look at the following transcript available on the US Defense Department’s home page:
It quotes then Secretary of Defense William Cohen as publicly stating in 1997 that:
“Others are engaging even in an eco-type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves.”
The chief suspects in the Earthquake, Tsunami and Nuclear terror attacks against Japan are US Senator J. Rockefeller and the Bush faction of the US corporate and criminal government.
Rockefeller is a power broker behind GE, the company that manufactured the flawed reactors now spewing radiation in Fukushima. In addition, US Deputy Secretary of State Kurt Campbell, acting as an envoy for Rockefeller, met with Japanese power broker Ichiro Ozawa on March 9th, two days before the earthquake, tsunami and nuclear disaster hit Japan. During that meeting Campbell promised that if Ozawa cancelled his plans to split the ruling Democratic Party of Japan, Japanese public prosecutors would stop persecuting him, according to Japanese imperial family and Democratic Party sources. Ozawa was also promised control of zeolite deposits in Fukushima Prefecture, the sources said. Zeolite is used to clean up radioactive waste. It is also worth noting that Senator Rockefeller once wrote an introduction to a book by Ozawa.
In another sign this was a deliberate attack, experts at the University of Tokyo and well as in Italy detected HAARP signals focused on Fukushima in the hours before the earthquake and tsunami struck. The same signals have since been detected focused on Mt. Fuji where the ground water is heating up. In addition, over 5 different people have contacted this writer since the earthquake to warn that “Japan was about to sink into the ocean.”
To counteract this threat, the White Dragon Society has provided GPS coordinates for all worldwide HAARP facilities to the appropriate parties. We have also been contacted by agents located within US underground bases who told us the US Seal Beach underground base (with a HAARP facility in it) had seven levels with one entrance located 14,000 feet underground and another located 26,080 feet underground. There were also entrances to underground bases in Brekon Beacon in Wales, Brussels in Belgium and Berkshire, England.
Despite the cowardly reaction of the Japanese government, the Federal Reserve Board crime syndicate and their corporate subsidiary known as Washington D.C. are still headed for bankruptcy. This is a fact of nature that cannot be changed with threats and violence, no matter how extreme.
Fortunately, US President Obama and four top Generals have promised to take action against the Satanist Khazarians operating inside the US in exchange for a write off of all US external debt. The debt will, of course, be written off, but only in exchange for a promise of a swords-to-plowshares transition by the military industrial complex.
In a separate development, we published a warning last week from a self-described MI6, FSB and Serbian triple agent using the code name Alexander that the Camp Bondsteel US military base in Kosovo would be hit by a suitcase nuclear bomb at 4:44 PM on April 4th. We waited to see if this would happen before writing this report and it did not.
As a result, we feel a need to explain why we took Alexander’s warning seriously. “Alexander” first contacted this writer several years ago after being introduced by a Canadian agent called Steve M. He told me he had 70 kilograms of Thai Stick, that is to say marijuana dipped in opium and said that he would kill me if I did not introduce him to the yakuza. I introduced him to a Japanese right-winger who then took him to see some Yakuza gangsters. The yakuza told him it was a trap and that the “Thai stick” was tainted with dangerous narcotic chemicals.
In fact, Alexander became increasingly delusional and megalomanic (calling himself the Anti-Christ etc.) after partaking of his own product. Alexander himself is a nice person who means well but he was sent here by some very nasty people connected to George Bush senior et al.
This trap was part of what appears to be a deliberate campaign to discredit this writer. A Japanese public security agent also, around the same period, attempted to get this writer to drink orange juice that had been spiked with amphetamines. There were other such incidents as well that I will not get into.
These attempts to destroy this writers’ mind with drugs were accompanied by a massive smear campaign. Democratic Party of Japan politicians, Japanese publishers and many other influential people have been approached multiple times by people saying “Benjamin Fulford has gone insane.”
Unfortunately for them, my sanity is still here with me (I can see it floating right above my head J).
There is nothing insane about saying that 90% of humanity’s savings should not be spent on a massive military machine engaged in perpetual warfare. It is the current rulers of the West who are acting insanely by invading harmless countries, killing innocent people and stealing their resources.
All the White Dragon society and its allies are saying is that we want the owners of the Federal Reserve Board to appear before a truth and reconciliation committee in exchange for forgiveness and that control of the global financial system be returned to the people of the planet. We have the ability to end poverty and stop environmental destruction within a matter of months.
日本の公安警察筋によれば、日本がHAARPと核恐怖で攻撃された直後に、日本の臆病な菅直人首相は60兆円を連邦準備制度理事会犯罪組織に手渡しました。 強要金は、HAARPを使って富士山を噴火させる原因を作ることができるという脅迫があった後に支払われました。 まだそのようなことが可能であると思っているように洗脳されているあなたは、米国国防省のホームページの上の記事に目を通してください:
為替に詳しくない方のために簡単に説明すると、日本からアメリカにお金を渡すには円をドルに必要があるためドルを買っていく。 ドルを買っていくと円が安くなるのでドル高円安になる。 ただ今ドルが安くなっているのは(円が高くなっているのは)、金融危機でアメリカがドルを大量に発行したため通貨価値が下がり、安全資産である円が買われていることが背景にある。
つまり日本政府がドルを買えば円安になる。 ただ持っているドルそのままにしても仕方が無いので、アメリカの国債を買うことになる。
2011年 06月 11日 04:55 JST
公務員の給料が払えなくて年金に手を付けているのとの記事も出ていたのに、急に国債を買い入れる記事が出るのは異常だ。 そのお金はどこから出てきたのか? そう考えると上の記事の信憑性がますます高まってくる。
そうなれば今後のアメリカの株価を占うのも簡単だ。 しばらく下がり続けていたダウもナスダックも潤沢な資金(日本から搾取したお金)を背景に反転してしばらく上がり続けるようになるだろう。
この記事でアメリカのきな臭さがますます深まっていく。 一方では、トモダチ作戦などと名付けた作戦で日本に貢献しているように見せかけ、もう一方では、お金のために富士山をも爆発させると脅しをかけてくる。 日本の一般国民に見えてくるのは貢献部分だけである。
1つだけ言っておくが、私は親中でも親韓でもない。 むしろアメリカは好きだった。 だが今回の一件でアメリカが信用ができなくなった。
Japanese Government Pays 60 Trillion Yen to Stop More H.A.A.R.P. Attacks
Fri May 27 2011 05:06
May 24th, 2011
[Via Eutimes ]
The cowardly Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan handed 60 trillion yen over to the Federal Reserve Board crime syndicate immediately after his country was attacked with HAARP and nuclear terror, according to Japanese security police sources. The extortion money was paid off following threats to use HAARP to cause Mt. Fuji to erupt. For those of you still too brainwashed to believe such a thing is possible, please take a look at the following transcript available on the US Defense Department’s home page:
It quotes then Secretary of Defense William Cohen as publicly stating in 1997 that:
“Others are engaging even in an eco-type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves.”
The chief suspects in the Earthquake, Tsunami and Nuclear terror attacks against Japan are US Senator J. Rockefeller and the Bush faction of the US corporate and criminal government.
Rockefeller is a power broker behind GE, the company that manufactured the flawed reactors now spewing radiation in Fukushima. In addition, US Deputy Secretary of State Kurt Campbell, acting as an envoy for Rockefeller, met with Japanese power broker Ichiro Ozawa on March 9th, two days before the earthquake, tsunami and nuclear disaster hit Japan. During that meeting Campbell promised that if Ozawa cancelled his plans to split the ruling Democratic Party of Japan, Japanese public prosecutors would stop persecuting him, according to Japanese imperial family and Democratic Party sources. Ozawa was also promised control of zeolite deposits in Fukushima Prefecture, the sources said. Zeolite is used to clean up radioactive waste. It is also worth noting that Senator Rockefeller once wrote an introduction to a book by Ozawa.
In another sign this was a deliberate attack, experts at the University of Tokyo and well as in Italy detected HAARP signals focused on Fukushima in the hours before the earthquake and tsunami struck. The same signals have since been detected focused on Mt. Fuji where the ground water is heating up. In addition, over 5 different people have contacted this writer since the earthquake to warn that “Japan was about to sink into the ocean.”
To counteract this threat, the White Dragon Society has provided GPS coordinates for all worldwide HAARP facilities to the appropriate parties. We have also been contacted by agents located within US underground bases who told us the US Seal Beach underground base (with a HAARP facility in it) had seven levels with one entrance located 14,000 feet underground and another located 26,080 feet underground. There were also entrances to underground bases in Brekon Beacon in Wales, Brussels in Belgium and Berkshire, England.
Despite the cowardly reaction of the Japanese government, the Federal Reserve Board crime syndicate and their corporate subsidiary known as Washington D.C. are still headed for bankruptcy. This is a fact of nature that cannot be changed with threats and violence, no matter how extreme.
Fortunately, US President Obama and four top Generals have promised to take action against the Satanist Khazarians operating inside the US in exchange for a write off of all US external debt. The debt will, of course, be written off, but only in exchange for a promise of a swords-to-plowshares transition by the military industrial complex.
In a separate development, we published a warning last week from a self-described MI6, FSB and Serbian triple agent using the code name Alexander that the Camp Bondsteel US military base in Kosovo would be hit by a suitcase nuclear bomb at 4:44 PM on April 4th. We waited to see if this would happen before writing this report and it did not.
As a result, we feel a need to explain why we took Alexander’s warning seriously. “Alexander” first contacted this writer several years ago after being introduced by a Canadian agent called Steve M. He told me he had 70 kilograms of Thai Stick, that is to say marijuana dipped in opium and said that he would kill me if I did not introduce him to the yakuza. I introduced him to a Japanese right-winger who then took him to see some Yakuza gangsters. The yakuza told him it was a trap and that the “Thai stick” was tainted with dangerous narcotic chemicals.
In fact, Alexander became increasingly delusional and megalomanic (calling himself the Anti-Christ etc.) after partaking of his own product. Alexander himself is a nice person who means well but he was sent here by some very nasty people connected to George Bush senior et al.
This trap was part of what appears to be a deliberate campaign to discredit this writer. A Japanese public security agent also, around the same period, attempted to get this writer to drink orange juice that had been spiked with amphetamines. There were other such incidents as well that I will not get into.
These attempts to destroy this writers’ mind with drugs were accompanied by a massive smear campaign. Democratic Party of Japan politicians, Japanese publishers and many other influential people have been approached multiple times by people saying “Benjamin Fulford has gone insane.”
Unfortunately for them, my sanity is still here with me (I can see it floating right above my head J).
There is nothing insane about saying that 90% of humanity’s savings should not be spent on a massive military machine engaged in perpetual warfare. It is the current rulers of the West who are acting insanely by invading harmless countries, killing innocent people and stealing their resources.
All the White Dragon society and its allies are saying is that we want the owners of the Federal Reserve Board to appear before a truth and reconciliation committee in exchange for forgiveness and that control of the global financial system be returned to the people of the planet. We have the ability to end poverty and stop environmental destruction within a matter of months.
I was said badly, but introduce whether HAARP, this are artificial earthquakes because I come here, and a terrible article came out.
It is that after all HAARP is an artificial earthquake generator I read, and to understand a title.
When "the Japanese Government paid 60 trillion yen to stop further HAARP attack", it becomes.
I will translate only the first part.
The Japanese coward Naoto Kan prime minister handed Federal Reserve Board crime syndicate 60 trillion yen right after Japan was attacked for HAARP and nuclear fear according to Japanese security police source. After there was a threat to be able to make a cause to let Mount Fuji erupt using HAARP, the money of compulsion was paid. You who are brainwashed to still think that such a thing is possible please take a look at the article on the homepage of the American Department of Defense:
It is a daily bar of FX to support this.
After having acquired 77.081 yen on March 17, 2011, the dollar is bought to 85.536 yen of April 6, 2011.
I buy the dollar for the dollar for the yen when I easily explain it for the person who does not know a lot about exchange to hand money to U.S.A. from Japan because it is necessary. Because the yen becomes cheaper when I buy the dollar, it becomes the strong dollar weak yen. Because U.S.A. published the dollar by a financial crisis as for the dollar becoming cheaper (as for the yen rising) in large quantities, monetary value falls, and there is that the yen that is safe assets is bought in the background now.
In other words it becomes the weak yen if Japanese Government buys the dollar. I will only buy American government bonds even if I keep the dollar having intact because there is no help for it.
If this amount of money was 60 trillion yen, it shows a right thing numerically.
Furthermore, FRB (the Federal Reserve Board) which should have been brought into question at the purchase upper limit of government bonds has an article that I start the purchase of government bonds on 13th.
It is government bonds purchase =NY consecutive silver of approximately 62 billion dollars on - July 11 on U.S. FRB, June 13
June 11, 2011 04:55 JST
Though the article with what I cannot pay the salary of the public employee, and add a hand to a pension appeared, it is abnormal that an article to purchase government bonds suddenly appears. The reliability of the upper article rises more and more when I think so about where the money came out of.
It is easy to tell the future stock prices of America if it becomes so. The NASDAQ turns over backed by an abundant fund (a.k.a. the money that exploited Japan), and Dow who continued withdrawing for a while will come to continue getting nervous for a while.
Americans dark deepens by this article more and more. On the other hand, I pretend to be it to contribute to Japan by the strategy that named Operation friend and can write a threat on the other when I give vent to Mount Fuji for money. It is only a contribution part that a Japanese civilian can see.
Only one says, but I am not pro-Korea in parents. Rather I liked U.S.A. But U.S.A. did not have trust by this affair.
As for such a thing, a fact is not announced and may not know most people.
Therefore this article wants people as much as possible to spread.
I do not update it for a few days to have many people read this article.
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