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>自己紹介: 英語情報を理解したい日本の皆様に字幕、解説付きで情報提供をしていきます。ぜひSUBSCRIBEしてください。地球の未来に役に立つと思うものは、多少古いものであってもアップいたします。というのは、現在起きていることは「大きな流れ」の中であるということをご理解いただきたいからです。
>They have usurped the right to create money out of thin air without any illegal right or president.
This is Benjamin Fulford speaking on April 17th 2011 in Tokyo Japan. We are continuing a battle to remove from the control of world financial system, a group of inbred? gangsters who have been plotting to create a worldwide fascist government in a thousand year Reich.
We have found out through our long researches and investigations and battled with these people that they are members of an ancient cult of Sun worshippers. They call their God Lucifer, the Sun God. But they also admit to worshiping a Satan and devil. This is hard to believe but it’s true.
And we have attained a recording of a conversation last week made by Peter Hans Kolvenbach, the former head of Jesuit, in which he said he was a leader of the Satanist cult. He was the Luciferian representative on earth. He made threat to sink the islands of Japan to the bottom of ocean. He also said he had a grave ready for me. For I have an answer to that. I have forgiveness ready for him.
We wish these people to step aside peacefully so that humanity may finally live up to full potential. We do not want to spend 90% of our savings on endless wars and we do not want to leave our future in a hand of a few inbred fascist monsters. We wish to be free as a species. We want to end poverty and we want to stop environment destructions. We want to live up to a full potential. There is no reason why we should have 1.1 billion hungry people. We’ve already wiped out 30% of species on this planet. We can stop them immediately.
These people are not competent to run the world financial system. They are concentrated in Vatican Bank at a BIS head quarters and other central banks. They have usurped the right to create money out of thin air without any illegal right or president. They are gangsters. They dress up as fancy Wall Street people. They pretend to be leaders. But all their doing is stealing money from the rest of the world. We are asking them politely, “Please step aside. We will forgive you. There will be amnesty. Nobody is gonna have to go to jail but we need you to set humanity free”.
The process of creating money should be a public utility. It should not be in a hand of fascist dictators operating in secret. It should be an open public utility owned by everybody. That is who should control the world financial system. The people of the planet earth. Thank you.
