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位相幾何学(トポロジー)におけるトーラスを使ったホロコスミックス理論は、二十世紀の最後の年の2000年1月にNew York で刊行された、”Bulletin of the International Earth Environment University, (IEEU) Volume 21, January 2000 issue にアインシュタインの相対性理論の欠陥を補い、古代の叡智との結びつきを示して次の形で発表されている。
Holocosmics : Beyond the new horizon of an unified theory in the Meta-Sciences
By Hajime Fujiwara
Historical Review
Traditional science has been dominated by Newton's laws. Newton's theory was the first to elucidate and express motion and inertia, though following a limited and linear mode of thinking.
At the turn of the century, Albert Einstein suggested the presence of inertia in the laws that control nature. He refined Newton's laws through the time space nexus which was a majestic simplification of scientific thought (#1; Einstein A .; 1905). According to Einstein, the laws of nature had to be written in such a way that their forms were identical no matter how time and space were distorted; "that laws must be independent of all coordinate system"(#2; Peat, D.; 1991).
This transformation from Newton's f=ma to Einstein's E=mc2 forced us to "dimension jump" which is equivalent to "leaping" from the linear to a non-specific, non-linear, or a specific curvilinear. This special theory of relativity is mathematically based on Lorentz' transformation which explains all the basic equations necessary to establish the relativity of time and space.
Nobel Prize laureate, Richard Feynman was an off-beat scholar with a cloud of myths like a gadfly, a rake, a clown, a naif, a super-genius and a magician. Nevertheless, he contributed a great deal to the development of quantum mechanics.
Feynman said to Dayson [Freeman], and Dayson agreed, that Einstein's great work had sprung from physical intuition and that when Einstein stopped creating it was because 'he stopped thinking in concrete physical images and became a manipulator of equation'
(#3; Gleick,J.; 1992)
To overcome the critical weakness of Einstein's general theory of relativity, Werner Heisenberg suggested abandoning the concept of phase space in his uncertainly principle. And, soon thereafter, Erwin Schrodinger explained quantum states with his wave function.
From linear to curvilinear
The theoretical development from Newton to Einstein, to quantum mechanics, shows an evolution from linear to curvilinear concepts in geometry. The transition from linear to non-linear is characterized by the emerging phenomena typically demonstrated by the complexity system at the edge of chaos. The fractal growth pattern of minerals, the ratio of human diastolic and systolic blood pressure level, the fluctuating movement of the stock market and the commodity futures prices, all systems from elementary particles to the universal systems are subject to the Fibonacci number (#4; Fujii N. & Fujiwara H.; 1989). The Fibonacci number is a dynamic law that lies at the heart of all systems. As a cosmic law, it controls the spontaneous emergence of structure and form in nature, with a perpetuating pattern towards self-organization. This Fibonacci number, also known as the "golden section" (a ratio of 1: 1.618 or ) has been well known since Egyptian and Greek times. It is a divine proportion, which statically represents this Fibonacci number. The secret beauty of the golden section () is demonstrated with the following "continued radical" and "continued fraction" equations:
(phi)= (1-1)
, a "gene-like operator" is the decisive life-force of the Fibonacci number that embraces only a combination of the most fundamental number of "1". The spiraling motion of the Fibonacci number towards infinity is the very formula, which controls the hidden secrets in nature and in the cosmos. This formula has a lovely name of "go-back spin-off advancement". (Fig 1)
This advancement depends macrosopically on the static representation of linear growth. Furthermore, this advancement also depends microscopically on the dynamic representation of curvilinear growth. (Fig 2)
The introduction of Holocosmics
In order to complete our paramount theorization or advancement from the linear to curvilinear geometrification of the cosmic "one-ness-ization", we are compelled to introduce the term: "Meta-science", which embraces the concept of Holocosmics. (Fig 3)
Physicists have restricted the meaning of the word "Universe". However, based on Holocosmics' concept, the Universe simply represents a subsystem of the Universal System. This new concept leads to a super-scientific revolution (#5; Chang K. & Fujiwara H.; 1994). In the concept of Holocosmics, not only does a point mathematically represent a zero dimension, but also beyond this singular point, exists "nothingness". Furthermore, beyond the Universal System, there exists "emptiness". Nothingness is a key concept of Taoism, emptiness is the essence of Buddhist philosophy and, in between these two worlds exists a "real world" which represents the foundations of traditional science.
Minkowsky's "world line" and the exclusion of the "Ghost field"
In 1905, Einstein published a paper on the special theory of relativity. Three years later, Herman Minkowsky defined the "world-line" with a model of the "null cone" and succeeded in expressing Einstein's theory in a more precise, mathematical language. The Einstein-Minkowsky model however, failed to explain ideas beyond the speed of light because the concept of the null, cone was limited by the photon's world line (which is equal to the speed of light: 300,000 km/sec). (Fig 4)
Holocosmics consists of a multi-dimension, which allows for the behavior of shrink-expansion between emptiness and nothingness, forming a real world and ghost field, which are the areas beyond the photon's world line.
The ghost field and the real world should be integrated into the Mobius' circular band of never-ending beginnings which in turn, will beget the cosmic element or all other strange and undiscovered, ultimate sub-particle.
The field equation and Holocosmics
Einstein's general theory of relativity is based on the field equations, which are represented by the operator G.
You may regard G as an operator; when you apply it to any metric tensor Ax, you get a tensor GAx (the Einstein tensor), and the field equations read:
GAx=Mx. (1-2)
In a vacuum, where there is no matter, these equations read:
GAx=0 (1-3)
There are the equations which govern gravitational fields. When written out, they consist of ten partial differential equations of a very difficult type, perhaps the most difficult equations occurring in the whole of physics.
(#6; Synge, J.L.; 1970)
However, the field equations are not adaptable into the ghost field-which consists of the monstrosity and the immensity of nature. In this, we can witness the splendor of the Mobius band and the singular point of onenessization. The ghost field and the real world, found between the emptiness and nothingness, form the Holocosmics that can be expressed as follows:
The above representation of Holocosmics develops infinitely and is a very interesting fundamental, cosmic thought. This controls the hidden secrets of nature and of the cosmos. This area is that Einstein could not accomplish for it requires a higher state of "geometrification". Topological and curvilinear approaches are the most powerful weapon needed to conceptualize the 21st century's form of geometry which was "even neglected by great geometricians such as Descartes", said Leibniz.
The simplest model of cosmic structure
The results of contemporary mathematics indicate that only the topological approach can expand our thoughts beyond zero and infinity. The most familiar spherical model in topology is a torus, which is a donut shape with the surface of a well-behaved geometrical figure. However, when introduced to the geometry of a "strange attractor" from the complexity system, the surface of the torus transforms into an infinite dimension with limitless and endless detail. The higher geometry of Meta-science can crystallize Holocosmics into wonderful geometric configuration. Here is one of the simplest origins and structures shown as a spherical model. (Fig 5)
Einstein desired this model as it represents the core of cosmic onenessization. This led Leibniz to declare that cosmic simplification must be the teaching of an ancient Asian sage. (Fig 6)
Receiving the wisdom of the 1 ching (fundamentals of change) from a missionary friend, Leibniz wanted to get the transformation of Einstein's philosophy which meant achieving a higher level of the systematization of Eastern and Western sages' wisdom.
With the transition from the 20th to 21st century, and amidst the information revolution, these works are of paramount importance. The Holocosmics of Meta-scientific exploration is the best principal to accomplish such a great task. In realizing this success of integrating the prominent works of Newton's laws and Einstein's theory of relativity, we can enter a totally new horizon of Bartland Rusell's advanced science of human intellectualization". We are experiencing the excitement of discovery, much like that of the famous English philosopher, Francis Bacon, in making this presentation "a gift to mankind".
1. Einstein, Albert. On the electrodynamics of Moving Bodies; Annalen der Physik 17, 1905. Translated by W. Perritt & G. B. Joffeery. The principle of Relativity; Dover Publications Inc., NY, 1952.
2. Peat, David F. The Philosopher's stone; Bantam Books, New York, 1991.
3. Gleick, James. Genius; Vintage Book, NY, 1992.
4. Fujii, Nobuharu & Fujiwara, Hajime. Inter-Brain Fantasy (Japanese Title "KannoGenso"); Toko-shoin, Tokyo, 1988.
5. Chang, Kingshung & Fujiwara, Hajime. Future Wisdom of Meta-Science (Japanese/Chinese Title "Uchu Junrei"); Tomeisha, Tokyo, 1993 and Soiryoku Press, Taipei, 1997.
6. Synge, J. L. Talking about Relativity; North-Holland Publishing Co., 1970.
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