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(回答先: オリンパスの不透明なM&A、金融庁と監視委に調査要請=民主政調副会長 | Reuters 投稿者 不動明 日時 2011 年 10 月 26 日 01:44:28)

みそパンNEWS : オリンパスから日本のマフィアに13億ドルが流れた恐れ 豪ABCニュースで報道される
2011年10月25日19:57 by みったん
オリンパスから日本のマフィアに13億ドルが流れた恐れ 豪ABCニュースで報道される
1 名前:名無しさん@涙目です。(福岡県):2011/10/25(火) 18:32:16.44 ID:pyojuCHb0 BE:4821811698-PLT(12000) ポイント特典
The former chief executive of camera company Olympus says he believes up to $1.3 billion
in unjustified payments made by the company may have gone to the Japanese mafia.
Japanese camera giant in mafia kickbacks claim - ABC News
(Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
Japanese camera giant in mafia kickbacks claim
AM By North Asia correspondent Mark Willacy
Updated October 25, 2011 00:15:51
Photo: Former Olympus CEO Michael Woodford has taken his allegations to Scotland Yard. (AFP: Jiji Press )
Map: Japan
The former chief executive of camera company Olympus says he believes up to $1.3 billion in unjustified payments made by the company may have gone to the Japanese mafia.
Briton Michael Woodford, who was the first non-Japanese to be appointed to run Olympus in its 92-year history, alleges he was ousted at a board meeting almost two weeks ago for questioning where the payments went.
He was reportedly told by a disdainful Japanese colleague to go "catch a bus to the airport".
The scandal has shaken the blue-chip company and sent its share price into free fall.
Mr Woodford says more than $1 billion in payments went to obscure financial advisors during a series of acquisitions made by Olympus, and he fears the money was then funnelled to the mafia.
In one deal alone, Olympus paid nearly $700 million to an obscure financial advisor - more than a third of the sale price of the firm it was purchasing.
Audio: Olympus caught up in billion-dollar scandal (AM)
"I've been advised by contacts in Japan that I should take care of my safety. There is a potential for organised crime to be behind some of this," Mr Woodford said.
He has now returned to the United Kingdom and has taken his allegations to Scotland Yard.
He says the payments do not make sense.
"Whether there are forces behind it because these transactions are so extraordinary is a fundamental concern of mine," he said.
"If we get into the specific of the transactions - anyone who has looked at them - you are looking at amounts of approaching $1.5 billion which are pretty inexplicable.
"They are so extraordinary, these payments and they way they've been made. I just can't understand how that could have happened unless there was some type of issue behind them in relation to more sinister matters."
One Japanese magazine has speculated that these deals could have had the involvement of what it calls anti-social forces - a term used in Japan for the yakuza or the mafia.
For its part, Olympus has denied any wrongdoing, saying it sacked its rising star CEO, who turned the company's lagging European operation into the source of nearly half its worldwide profits, because of his failure to acclimatise to Japan's business culture.
This is despite the company's chairman describing himself as extremely pleased with Mr Woodford's performance just two weeks before he was fired.
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- 経営陣は捜査受け入れを〜オリンパス元社長 | NNNニュース 不動明 2011/10/30 03:39:58
- 東京新聞:オリンパス元社長 「菊川会長が情報口止め」:経済(TOKYO Web) 不動明 2011/10/30 03:39:00
- 米SECも調査を開始、オリンパスの巨額報酬支払い問題−NYT紙 - Bloomberg 不動明 2011/10/30 03:38:00
- オリンパスのM&Aめぐる混乱、残念の一言に尽きる=東証社長|Reuters 不動明 2011/10/30 03:36:36
- (おやこ新聞)まめちしき 「ケイマン諸島」ってなに? - MSN産経ニュース 不動明 2011/10/30 03:35:33
- オリンパス、5件目の買収案件が浮上 - WSJ日本版 - 不動明 2011/10/30 03:34:10
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