01. 2011年1月29日 12:13:34: VlFlrOeWdo
ヨルダンでも数千人がデモ 首相退陣求める 2011年1月29日7時39分AP通信によると、ヨルダンでも28日、首都アンマンなどでリファイ首相の退陣と物価高騰の是正を求める反政府デモがあった。アンマンでは、穏健派イスラム組織「ムスリム同胞団」の支持者ら約3500人が参加。「リファイは出て行け」などと叫びながらデモ行進した。国内の他の6都市でも同様のデモがあり、計約2500人が参加したという。 AFP通信によると、アンマンのデモでは「アラブ国家はエジプト(のデモ)を歓迎する」「ムバラク(大統領)を追い出せ」などとエジプトの反政府デモを支援するシュプレヒコールが聞かれたという。 http://www.asahi.com/international/update/0129/TKY201101290112.html アラブ 反政府行動さらに拡大 2011年1月29日(土)「しんぶん赤旗」 食料品価格の高騰や高失業率への抗議、民主的政治運営などの要求で、チュニジアで始まった反政府行動は、同様の条件を抱えるアラブ各国に飛び火しています。エジプトでは「ムバラク大統領退陣」を求める抗議行動が全国規模で広がり、国際原子力機関(IAEA)のエルバラダイ前事務局長が、同大統領の退陣を要求して27日に故国に帰国するなど新たな動きがでてきています。(カイロ=伴安弘) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
エジプト 民主化を呼びかけ 全国デモ 最大規模へ エジプト人でIAEA事務局長としてノーベル平和賞を受賞し、反政府デモの呼びかけに賛同していたエルバラダイ氏は27日、翌日に行われるデモに参加するためにオーストリアのウィーンから帰国しました。同日のデモはエジプト全国の各都市で予定されており最大規模のものになりそうです。 帰国を前に同氏は記者団の質問に、「エジプト政府はデモ隊に暴力を行使すべきではなく、変化の時がきたことを理解すべきだ」と述べました。またロイター通信に対しては「ムバラク大統領は退陣すべきだ」と語りました。 同氏は、帰国に当たって米ウェブサイト・ビーストで、エジプトの民主化を呼びかけていました。 同氏は昨年のエジプト議会選挙でのムバラク政権与党の不正に国民が「完全に失望した」ことを指摘しました。 クリントン米国務長官が事実上、ムバラク政権支持を表明したことについて、西欧で流布されている「アラブ世界では強権的体制かイスラム聖戦主義者かの選択肢しかない」という見解はエジプトではあてはまらないと主張。「エジプトには多様性が存在する」として国民は「現代的で穏健な政府を選出する」ことができると述べました。 デモ参加者 拘束者1000人 ネット遮断 エジプトでは27日にも首都カイロなどでデモが続き、これまでに拘束された参加者は1000人になりました。シナイ半島北部の町では警官の発砲で1人が死亡。死者は7人になりました。 大統領退陣を求めるデモが広がるなか、ムバラク政権与党・国民民主党のシェリフ書記長は27日会見し、デモ参加者と対話の用意があると述べました。 一方、カイロでは大規模デモが予定されている28日、午前中から、インターネットが遮断されています。 イエメン 各地で数万人デモ 終身大統領制容認 現政権の退陣要求 イエメン各地で27日、1978年以来32年間、政権に就いているサレハ大統領の退陣を求めるデモが行われ、数万人が参加しました。22、23の両日のデモを上回る規模となりました。 首都サヌアでは4カ所に分かれて、反政府勢力が呼びかけたデモに数万人が参加。現地からのテレビ放送では、同市の大通りを埋め尽くしました。政府与党が組織したデモも同市で行われ、数千人が参加しました。 議会ではサレハ大統領の終身大統領制を容認する憲法改定が論議されています。野党勢力はこの改定に抗議しています。 チュニジア 3閣僚を更迭 内閣改造 前政権幹部残留に批判 デモ沈静化狙い チュニジア暫定政府のガンヌーシ首相は27日、テレビで演説し、国民の批判の対象となっている国防、外務、内務の主要閣僚を交代させる新人事を明らかにしました。 同氏は引き続き首相にとどまりますが、3閣僚の更迭により、ベンアリ前政権与党幹部の残留に対する批判デモを沈静化させることをねらっています。 内閣総辞職を求めてきた数百人のデモ参加者らは、この演説を首相官邸前で聞き、一部を除いて歓声を上げて歓迎しました。総辞職要求の中心になってきたチュニジア労働総連合(UGTT)はガンヌーシ首相の残留を受け入れました。 同首相は「暫定政府は民主主義への移行を実現する明確な任務を持っている。この任務は、人々が完全に自由な選択ができる選挙を組織することだ」と述べました。 同首相は、6カ月以内に実施する大統領選挙や議会選後に辞任する意向を示しています。 http://www.jcp.or.jp/akahata/aik10/2011-01-29/2011012907_01_1.html |
08. 2011年1月30日 10:31:37: rJGjAVvwks
以下はドイツのあるサイトの情報を基にしたものです。エジプトの反政府デモを背後で組織したのは、米国である。 ウィキリークスが公開したエジプトの米大使館発の公電。 抜粋。 >Alliance of Youth Movements Summit・・・ エジプトの反政府運動の名称か? >xxxxxxxxxxxx contended that the GOE will never undertake significant reform, and therefore, Egyptians need to replace the current regime with a parliamentary democracy. He alleged that several opposition parties and movements have accepted an unwritten plan for democratic transition by 2011 2011年9月にはエジプト大統領選挙が行われる予定。その前に政権交代を実現する計画。今、起こっていることは、正にこれ。 >he was able to meet activists from other countries・・・the other activists at the summit were very supportive, and that some even offered to hold public demonstrations in support of Egyptian democracy in their countries, 他の国の活動家も、自国でエジプト民主化運動支援デモをすることを約束。 >on the Hill he met with xxxxxxxxxxxx, a variety of House staff members, including from the offices of xxxxxxxxxxxx and xxxxxxxxxxxx), and with two Senate staffers. エジプトの活動家はワシントンで議会関係者と会っている、 >the USG should pressure the GOE to implement significant reforms by threatening to reveal CAIRO 00002572 002 OF 002 information about GOE officials' alleged \"illegal\" off-shore bank accounts. エジプト政府関係者の海外違法口座を公表すると脅して、政治的な宗教的な自由を 実現するようにと、エジプトの活動家の提案。(菅政権にも同じ様な脅迫が使われている可能性大) >several opposition forces -- including the Wafd, Nasserite, Karama and Tagammu parties, and the Muslim Brotherhood, Kifaya, and Revolutionary Socialist movements -- have agreed to support an unwritten plan for a transition to a parliamentary democracy, involving a weakened presidency and an empowered prime minister and parliament, before the scheduled 2011 presidential elections (ref C).According to xxxxxxxxxxxx, the opposition is interested in receiving support from the army and the police for a transitional government prior to the 2011 elections. 協力政党並びに政治(宗教)団体が、大統領の権限を弱め、首相により権限を与える議会民主主義に移行することで合意した。暫定政権に軍と警察が支援を与えることを関心がある。 以下公電の前文 S E C R E T SECTION 01 OF 02 CAIRO 002572 SIPDIS FOR NEA/ELA, R, S/P AND H NSC FOR PASCUAL AND KUTCHA-HELBLING E.O. 12958: DECL: 12/30/2028 TAGS: PGOV, PHUM, KDEM, EG SUBJECT: APRIL 6 ACTIVIST ON HIS U.S. VISIT AND REGIME CHANGE IN EGYPT REF: A. CAIRO 2462 B. CAIRO 2454 C. CAIRO 2431 Classified By: ECPO A/Mincouns Catherine Hill-Herndon for reason 1.4 (d ). 1. (C) Summary and comment: On December 23, April 6 activist xxxxxxxxxxxx expressed satisfaction with his participation in the December 3-5 \"Alliance of Youth Movements Summit,\" and with his subsequent meetings with USG officials, on Capitol Hill, and with think tanks. He described how State Security (SSIS) detained him at the Cairo airport upon his return and confiscated his notes for his summit presentation calling for democratic change in Egypt, and his schedule for his Congressional meetings. xxxxxxxxxxxx contended that the GOE will never undertake significant reform, and therefore, Egyptians need to replace the current regime with a parliamentary democracy. He alleged that several opposition parties and movements have accepted an unwritten plan for democratic transition by 2011; we are doubtful of this claim. xxxxxxxxxxxx said that although SSIS recently released two April 6 activists, it also arrested three additional group members. We have pressed the MFA for the release of these April 6 activists. April 6's stated goal of replacing the current regime with a parliamentary democracy prior to the 2011 presidential elections is highly unrealistic, and is not supported by the mainstream opposition. End summary and comment. ---------------------------- Satisfaction with the Summit ---------------------------- 2. (C) xxxxxxxxxxxx expressed satisfaction with the December 3-5 \"Alliance of Youth Movements Summit\" in New York, noting that he was able to meet activists from other countries and outline his movement's goals for democratic change in Egypt. He told us that the other activists at the summit were very supportive, and that some even offered to hold public demonstrations in support of Egyptian democracy in their countries, with xxxxxxxxxxxx as an invited guest. xxxxxxxxxxxx said he discussed with the other activists how April 6 members could more effectively evade harassment and surveillance from SSIS with technical upgrades, such as consistently alternating computer \"simcards.\" However, xxxxxxxxxxxx lamented to us that because most April 6 members do not own computers, this tactic would be impossible to implement. xxxxxxxxxxxx was appreciative of the successful efforts by the Department and the summit organizers to protect his identity at the summit, and told us that his name was never mentioned publicly. ------------------- A Cold Welcome Home ------------------- 3. (S) xxxxxxxxxxxx told us that SSIS detained and searched him at the Cairo Airport on December 18 upon his return from the U.S. According to xxxxxxxxxxxx, SSIS found and confiscated two documents in his luggage: notes for his presentation at the summit that described April 6's demands for democratic transition in Egypt, and a schedule of his Capitol Hill meetings. xxxxxxxxxxxx described how the SSIS officer told him that State Security is compiling a file on him, and that the officer's superiors instructed him to file a report on xxxxxxxxxxxx most recent activities. --------------------------------------------- ---------- Washington Meetings and April 6 Ideas for Regime Change --------------------------------------------- ---------- 4. (C) xxxxxxxxxxxx described his Washington appointments as positive, saying that on the Hill he met with xxxxxxxxxxxx, a variety of House staff members, including from the offices of xxxxxxxxxxxx and xxxxxxxxxxxx), and with two Senate staffers. xxxxxxxxxxxx also noted that he met with several think tank members. xxxxxxxxxxxx said that xxxxxxxxxxxx's office invited him to speak at a late January Congressional hearing on House Resolution 1303 regarding religious and political freedom in Egypt. xxxxxxxxxxxx told us he is interested in attending, but conceded he is unsure whether he will have the funds to make the trip. He indicated to us that he has not been focusing on his work as a \"fixer\" for journalists, due to his preoccupation with his U.S. trip. 5. (C) xxxxxxxxxxxx described how he tried to convince his Washington interlocutors that the USG should pressure the GOE to implement significant reforms by threatening to reveal CAIRO 00002572 002 OF 002 information about GOE officials' alleged \"illegal\" off-shore bank accounts. He hoped that the U.S. and the international community would freeze these bank accounts, like the accounts of Zimbabwean President Mugabe's confidantes. xxxxxxxxxxxx said he wants to convince the USG that Mubarak is worse than Mugabe and that the GOE will never accept democratic reform. xxxxxxxxxxxx asserted that Mubarak derives his legitimacy from U.S. support, and therefore charged the U.S. with \"being responsible\" for Mubarak's \"crimes.\" He accused NGOs working on political and economic reform of living in a \"fantasy world,\" and not recognizing that Mubarak -- \"the head of the snake\" -- must step aside to enable democracy to take root. 6. (C) xxxxxxxxxxxx claimed that several opposition forces -- including the Wafd, Nasserite, Karama and Tagammu parties, and the Muslim Brotherhood, Kifaya, and Revolutionary Socialist movements -- have agreed to support an unwritten plan for a transition to a parliamentary democracy, involving a weakened presidency and an empowered prime minister and parliament, before the scheduled 2011 presidential elections (ref C). According to xxxxxxxxxxxx, the opposition is interested in receiving support from the army and the police for a transitional government prior to the 2011 elections. xxxxxxxxxxxx asserted that this plan is so sensitive it cannot be written down. (Comment: We have no information to corroborate that these parties and movements have agreed to the unrealistic plan xxxxxxxxxxxx has outlined. Per ref C, xxxxxxxxxxxx previously told us that this plan was publicly available on the internet. End comment.) 7. (C) xxxxxxxxxxxx said that the GOE has recently been cracking down on the April 6 movement by arresting its members. xxxxxxxxxxxx noted that although SSIS had released xxxxxxxxxxxx and xxxxxxxxxxxx \"in the past few days,\" it had arrested three other members. (Note: On December 14, we pressed the MFA for the release of xxxxxxxxxxxx and xxxxxxxxxxxx, and on December 28 we asked the MFA for the GOE to release the additional three activists. End note.) xxxxxxxxxxxx conceded that April 6 has no feasible plans for future activities. The group would like to call for another strike on April 6, 2009, but realizes this would be \"impossible\" due to SSIS interference, xxxxxxxxxxxx said. He lamented that the GOE has driven the group's leadership underground, and that one of its leaders, xxxxxxxxxxxx, has been in hiding for the past week. 8. (C) Comment: xxxxxxxxxxxx offered no roadmap of concrete steps toward April 6's highly unrealistic goal of replacing the current regime with a parliamentary democracy prior to the 2011 presidential elections. Most opposition parties and independent NGOs work toward achieving tangible, incremental reform within the current political context, even if they may be pessimistic about their chances of success. xxxxxxxxxxxx wholesale rejection of such an approach places him outside this mainstream of opposition politicians and activists. SCOBEY02008-12-307386PGOV,PHUM,KDEM,EGAPRIL 6 デモの集合地点、兵士に対する振舞い方などを記入したビラがまかれていた。 http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2011/jan/27/egypt-protest-leaflets-mass-action ムバラク政権の命運は尽きている。米国もすでに、見放している。 |