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the Daily Mail の英文も付けておきます。こっちのほうが面白い。
One source close to the investigation said the woman had insisted he wear a condom, but the following morning he made love to her without one.
This was the basis for the rape charge. But after the event she seemed unruffled enough to go out to buy food for his breakfast.
ウィキリークス創設者 コンドームなし"生"セックスで国際指名手配
A detailed, chronological account of the women’s alleged encounters with Assange−which in both cases began with consensual sexual contact but later included what the women claimed was nonconsensual sex, in which Assange didn’t use a condom−was published on Tuesday by The Guardian
Arrest Warrant for "Sex Crimes" Against Wikileaks Founder Julian Assange Is for "Sex Without a Condom", NOT Non-Consensual Rape Using Force
Similarly, the Daily Mail reported in August:
'When they got back they had sexual relations, but there was a problem with the condom - it had split.
'She seemed to think that he had done this deliberately but he insisted that it was an accident.’
Whatever her views about the incident, she appeared relaxed and untroubled at the seminar the next day where Assange met Woman B, another pretty blonde, also in her 20s, but younger than Woman A.
The [second] woman admitted trying to engage her hero in conversation.
Assange seemed pleased to have such an ardent admirer fawning over him and, she said, would look at her ‘now and then’. Eventually he took a closer interest.
What he did not tell her was that the party was being hosted by the woman he had slept with two nights before and whose bed he would probably be sleeping in that night.
‘The passion and attraction seemed to have disappeared,’ she said.
Most of what then followed has been blacked out in her statement, except for: ‘It felt boring and like an everyday thing.’
One source close to the investigation said the woman had insisted he wear a condom, but the following morning he made love to her without one.
This was the basis for the rape charge. But after the event she seemed unruffled enough to go out to buy food for his breakfast.
- Wikileaks創設者のアサンジ氏をレイプ告発した美女の正体はCIA関係者?(円と生活) tk 2010/12/07 22:29:46
- Re: Wikileaks創設者のアサンジ氏をレイプ告発した美女の正体はCIA関係者?(円と生活) スットン教 2010/12/09 21:30:34
- Re: Wikileaks創設者のアサンジ氏をレイプ告発した美女の正体はCIA関係者?(円と生活) スットン教 2010/12/09 21:30:34
