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(回答先: 解放戦争に向かう中東 - (田中 宇) 投稿者 Orion星人 日時 2010 年 8 月 17 日 10:40:57)
Don't Believe The Hype
2010-08-16 19:30:00
(by sunshine)
Harvard University fund sells all Israel holdings
In another blow to Israeli shares, the Harvard Management Company notified the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) on Friday that it had sold all its holdings in Israeli companies during the second quarter of 2010. No reason for the sale was mentioned. The Harvard Management Company manages Harvard University's endowment.
Harvard Management Company stated in its 13-F Form that it sold 483,590 shares in Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd. (Nasdaq: TEVA; TASE: TEVA for $30.5 million; 52,360 shares in NICE Systems Ltd. (Nasdaq: NICE; TASE: NICE) for $1.67 million; 102,940 shares in Check Point Software Technologies Ltd. (Nasdaq: CHKP for $3.6 million; 32,400 shares in. Cellcom Israel Itd. (NYSE:CEL; TASE:CEL for $1.1 million, and 80,000 Partner Communications Ltd. (Nasdaq: PTNR; TASE: PTNR) shares for $1.8 million.
Harvard Management Company's 13-F Form shows some interesting investments. Its two largest holdings, each worth $295 million, are in iShares ETFs, one on Chinese equities, and the other on emerging markets. Harvard also owns $181 million in a Brazilian ETF.
Harvard liquidates Israeli stock holdings
Prestigious university's Investment fund's holdings in Israeli stocks stood at $41.5 million at end of first quarter of 2010. Company owned Teva, Cellcom, Partner, Nice and Check Point stocks
Harvard University fund sells all Israel stocks
New York - Harvard University informed the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) on Friday that it sold all its holdings in Israeli companies
今年4月、カリフォルニア大学バークリー校の大学院学生が中心(中心人物はEmiliano Huet-Vaughn) となって、パレスチナ自治区内でイスラエルが勝手に壁を築き、入植地を拡大している事実を指摘、このような非人道的なことを行っているイスラエルに対して武器供給を行っている米企業を綿密に調査した結果、カリフォルニア大学機構は少なくともジェネラル・エレクトリック社とユイテッド・テクノロジー社に対し、それぞれ5,500万ドルと800万ドルもの投資を行っていることが判明、これを即刻停止させるよう全カリフォルニア大学の学生委員会は大学評議員会に対して働きかけるべきだとの陳述書を提出。大きな話題となった。
UC Berkeley Student Senate Fails to Override Veto of Israel Divestment Measure
Berkeley PassesResolution Urging Divestment from Israel
In the latest of UC incidents pertaining to Israel, UC Berkeley’s A.S. Council passed a controversial resolution last month urging the public divestment of the entire University of California system from Israel, only to see it vetoed by ASUC President Will Smelko a week later
A.S Resolution Draws Criticism from Pro-Israel Group
An A.S. resolution demanding that the university stop working with companies associated with human-rights violations has come under fire from members of the pro-Israel campus community
