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東エルサレムの住宅破壊/レバノンのパレスチナ難民/イスラエル軍事衛星/Musicians boycott Israel
投稿者 妹之山商店街 日時 2010 年 6 月 30 日 12:42:09: 6nR1V99SGL7yY

東エルサレムの住宅破壊 / レバノンのパレスチナ難民 / ガザの天文学者

東エルサレムで衝突 パレスチナ人住宅撤去に反発(字幕・28日)


West Bank poverty 'worse than Gaza'

West Bank poor pay heavy price

Refugees march for Lebanon rights

Plight of Palestinian refugees in Lebanon

Lebanon's Palestinian refugees

イスラエル:大物歌手、公演中止相次ぐ パレスチナ占領政策に抗議

Musicians boycott Israel


Israel launches spy satellite

Israel launches spy satellite

Israel launches Ofek 9 spy satellite


01. 2010年6月30日 16:50:12: FqDvXxU8vI

02. 2010年7月04日 09:04:55: 3CZIB318bg
Foundation reveals Israeli plans to increase demolitions of homes in OJ
[ 03/07/2010 - 02:52 PM ]

OCCUPIED JERUSALEM, (PIC)-- The Makdesi Foundation confirmed Israeli occupation authority’s (IOA) intention to soon resume demolition of hundreds of Palestinian homes in Occupied Jerusalem, on allegations that the houses are “illegal”.
The foundation provided in a press statement on Saturday a number of demolition orders issued against Jerusalem homes, targeting about a thousand housing units, "in service of Judaization and settlement activity schemes" in the occupied city of Jerusalem.
The foundation also drew attention to more than 200 pending lawsuits in Israeli courts in objection to the unfair demolition decisions.
The statement highlighted that an exchange of letters between the Israeli Ministry of Interior and the so-called "National Construction Monitoring Unit", found a complaint filed by the unit to the Minister of the Interior against the Israeli Jerusalem Municipality's failure to implement the official decisions to demolish Jerusalem homes.
According to the foundation, the construction monitoring unit is currently making intensive contacts with the Israeli Ministry of Interior in an effort to put pressure on the Jerusalem Municipality for immediate implementation of demolition orders on Jerusalem houses "as soon as possible”.

Egyptian Delegation: Life of the people of Gaza intolerable
[ 03/07/2010 - 04:58 PM ]

GAZA, (PIC)-- Members of a visiting Egyptian solidarity delegation said in Gaza on Saturday that the situation in the besieged Gaza Strip is "very difficult", stating, "It's an unbearable life, and we have come to assure you that we are with you in heart and mind".
The delegates, who were on their third day in Gaza, called for expediting a Palestinian reconciliation "so as not to continue the isolation of Gaza residents."
The delegation’s remarks were made after its visit on Saturday to some areas that were destroyed during the recent Israeli war on Gaza, and to some of the Egyptian monuments in the Strip, such as the memorial of the Unknown Soldier in Khan Younis.
In turn, Wafd Party representative and head of the Egyptian delegation, Mohammed al-Shurdi, said that he came to Gaza carrying humanitarian aid and to visit some Egyptian historical monuments in occupied Palestine, which link the two peoples as one people, including the memorial of the Unknown Soldier in Khan Younis in the southern Gaza Strip.
For his part, Palestinian Legislative Council member, Dr. Younis Astal, said in his welcoming of the delegation, "We received a delegation from Indonesia the day before yesterday and before it delegations from Kuwait and Bahrain, all of these delegations are coming [to show] solidarity and sympathy and to declare their desire to break the siege on the Gaza Strip.”
In another instance, sources from the Jordanian Lifeline Committee said that the Egyptian authorities arrested two members of the committee, who were in the task of coordinating a new aid convoy scheduled to be launched into the Gaza Strip within the next two weeks.
Lifeline committee member, Mahmoud Sadaqa, said, "The Committee lost contact with Lifeline chairman of public and foreign relations committee, Bashir Zameeli, and Lifeline member Anas Neroukh after arriving at Cairo airport early Sunday morning."
Sadaqa added that military security arrested Zameeli and Neroukh for involvement in the Lifeline Convoy 3, led by former British MP George Galloway.
For his part, Lifeline campaign coordinator, Fathi Abu Nassar confirmed that Neroukh and Zameeli were arrested after leaving from Aqaba to Egypt. Jordanian trade unions are holding an emergency meeting to discuss this issue, he said.

03. 2010年7月04日 12:33:16: OwM9KKPzog
Amnesty : Israël doit cesser d’expulser les palestiniens
[ 04/07/2010 - 11:00 ]

L’organisation internationale "Amnesty" a demandé dans un communiqué aux autorités de l’entité sioniste, de mettre fin aux démolitions des maisons palestiniennes qui abritent des milliers d’habitants qui sont très inquiets d’être expulsés, notamment dans la ville sainte d’Al Qods occupée.
Ce nouveau communiqué est paru suite à la décision sioniste stipulant, bientôt, l’expulsion de 17 familles palestiniennes de leurs habitations.
«Plus de 600 Palestiniens, dont une majorité de mineurs ont perdu leurs domiciles qui ont été démolis suite aux ordre des autorités occupantes israéliennes», selon les Nations Unies.

L'occupation approuve la construction de 60 unités coloniales à al-Qods occupée
[ 04/07/2010 - 12:16 ]

Le journal hébreu "Haaretz" a rapporté que la commission de la planification et de la colonisation dans la partie Est de la ville occupée d'al-Qods a l'intention d'approuver la construction de 60 nouvelles unités coloniales dans la colonie de "Pisgat Zeev", au nord d'al-Qods, simultanément avec la visite du premier ministre sioniste, Benjamin Netanyahu, à Washington.
Le journal a déclaré qu'il est prévu que cette décision soit publiée malgré la crise qui a éclaté lors de la visite du vice-président américain, Joseph Biden, à la ville occupée d'al-Qods en mars dernier, suite à la ratification de l'élargissement du quartier "Ramat Shlomo", au nord-est d'al-Qods.


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