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米市民 沖縄に連帯/ワシントン 「新基地ノー」と集会【しんぶん赤旗/Guam Blog】 http://www.asyura2.com/10/senkyo85/msg/268.html
以下は http://ameblo.jp/warm-heart/entry-10519218287.html から転載。 米市民 沖縄に連帯/ワシントン 「新基地ノー」と集会 - しんぶん赤旗 【ワシントン=西村央】米軍普天間基地の県内移設反対を掲げ、沖縄で9万人の大集会が実施されたのに合わせ、ワシントン市内の日本大使館前で25日、「新基地建設反対」「ジュゴン守れ」と呼びかける抗議集会が行われました。 この行動は米国内の市民団体「ネットワーク・フォー・オキナワ」が呼びかけたもの。参加者は「新たな基地建設を拒否する沖縄県民の意思を尊重するよう鳩山首相に要請する」などと訴え、絶滅の危機にあるジュゴンがすむ海を埋め立てることへの反対を確認しました。 ニューヨーク市から駆けつけたマドリーン・ルイスさん(64)は「沖縄の米軍基地は、平和をもたらすものではない。基地騒音などの被害も米国では知られてはいないが、あまりにひどい。普天間基地も撤去が当然」と主張しました。 この日の行動では、クシニチ連邦下院議員(民主党)の「(沖縄の)地域住民の意思が完全に無視されている。私は沖縄県民の懸念を米議会に伝え、沖縄県民への支援を続ける」とのメッセージが紹介されました。 ----------------------------------- http://guamblog.com/2010/04/okinawa-protest-in-washington.html Sunday, April 25, 2010 I attended a protest outside the Japanese Embassy Sunday (4/25) against the military bases in Okinawa. A focus and theme of it was the military’s impact on Dugongs, which are described by the Center for Biological Diversity as distant relatives of the manatee, which can live for 70 years and grow to nearly 1,000 pounds. Everybody attending was given a Dugong mask to wear. I'll call it a semi-mask, because it was worn over the forehead and attached with two elastic bands around the ears. Very clever and creative. At one point we all bowed forward, which made the mask prominent. We were given yellow ribbons to wear as well, and concluded the protest by each placing stickers, many with images of the Dugong, on a poster. I was impressed by the effective use of symbolism and metaphor at this protest; it gave it emotional depth. It was a simple, mostly symbolic, protest. There were no long speeches or complex assessments of the situation. It included a reading of some excerpts from a statement by U.S. Rep. Dennis Kucinich who wrote: Appropriations Subcommittee on Defense, expressing my concern over the plan to move the U.S. Marine Corps Air Station in Futenma, Okinawa, Japan to Nago. As the Marine Corps prepares to move their operations to Nago, completely absent from the discussion is the perspective of the local residents. (My immediate thought: Is Kucinich aware of what's in store for Guam? Has he written about Guam as well?) The Dugong, an endangered species, also served as a metaphor for the broader issue. “We are all manatees because we are all in danger,” said John Feffer, who is on the staff of the Institute for Policy Studies, which appeared to organize the protest. This organization runs this website: Close The Base. Afterward, I approach Feffer and told him that I hope his group gives attention to Guam as well because of the buildup's environmental impacts. (From an environmental perspective, I don't see how it is possible to separate discussion of the impact of the military on Okinawa from Guam, which is as much as a relocation of the environmental problem as anything else.) Feffer told me the IPF has written about the Guam buildup it and I got the impression that he is earnestly concerned about it. Here’s a piece on the IFI Web site: From Okinawa to Guam, citizens are making the best-laid Pentagon plans go awry. Photo: (I wish I had a better photo. That’s John Feffer who is speaking. Second photo shows a close-up of the Dugong mask that I wore. And the third is a badly composed photo of a banner.) ===================================== 【関連サイト】
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