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「沖縄県民に配慮を」、米下院議員が普天間移設問題でアピール | AFP http://www.asyura2.com/10/senkyo84/msg/472.html
【4月15日 AFP】米民主党のデニス・クシニッチ(Dennis Kucinich)下院議員(オハイオ州選出)は14日、米軍普天間飛行場(Marine Corps Air Station Futenma、MCAS Futenma)の移設問題を進めるにあたっては日本への配慮が必要で、地元住民の反対を念頭に置く必要があると指摘した。 クシニッチ議員は国防歳出小委員会の委員長を務める同党のノーム・ディックス(Norm Dicks)下院議員あての書簡で、少女暴行事件など駐留米軍兵による犯罪に対する沖縄県民の不安を強調。また、名護市への基地移転は、騒音被害やサンゴ礁への影響が出る可能性を指摘し、「海外の米軍基地に対する歳出検討の際には、日本国民の懸念を考慮してほしい」と書いている。 2008年米大統領選挙の民主党指名候補を争ったクシニッチ議員は戦争批判で知られ、国内外の暴力を減らすために、内閣レベルの「Department of Peace(平和省)」の創設を提案している。(c)AFP
WASHINGTON — A liberal US lawmaker appealed Wednesday for sensitivity to Japan over the relocation of a military base, saying the United States needed to bear in mind local opposition before going ahead. In a letter, Representative Dennis Kucinich highlighted concerns by residents of the southern island of Okinawa over crimes involving US troops, including alleged sexual assaults. Kucinich, a member of President Barack Obama's Democratic Party from Ohio, said that the relocation of the Futenma air base to the town of Nago could cause disruptive noise and threaten a fragile coral reef. He wrote to fellow Representative Norm Dicks, who heads the subcommittee in charge of defense appropriations, as lawmakers prepare work on appropriations for the 2001 fiscal year. "As you work with your colleagues to appropriate funds for US military bases overseas, please take the concerns of the Japanese people into account," Kucinich said. The Obama administration has urged Japan to stay with a 2006 agreement under which the Futenma air base would move from the crowded urban center of Ginowan to quiet Nago. US officials say the plan is the best way to ensure security in East Asia while reducing the burden on Okinawa. As part of the deal, 8,000 of the more than 20,000 US troops in Okinawa would move to Guam. But Japanese Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama, whose left-leaning coalition swept out long-ruling conservatives in August elections, is reviewing the deal. Some of his supporters want the Futenma base off Okinawa entirely. Kucinich, a former presidential candidate, is known for his vocal criticism of war. He has proposed creating a cabinet-level Department of Peace to help curb violence at home and abroad.
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