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核安全保障サミットの勝者1位は胡錦涛・国家主席/最大の敗者は鳩山由紀夫首相(米ワシントンポスト紙) http://www.asyura2.com/10/senkyo84/msg/437.html
米ワシントン・ポスト紙(4月14日付)は、核安全保障サミットで90分にわたってオバマ大統領と会談した中国の胡錦涛国家主席を勝者の一位にあげたのに対して、日本の鳩山由紀夫首相は最大の敗者だと報じた。 同記事が勝者として列挙したのは、胡錦涛主席に次いでヨルダン国王のアブドラ2世、マレーシアのナジブ・ラザク首相、ウクライナのビクトール・ヤヌコビッチ大統領、アルメニアのセルジ・サルキシャン大統領ら、である。 最大の敗者とされた鳩山首相は、“By far the biggest loser of the extravaganza was the hapless and (in the opinion of some Obama administration officials) increasingly loopy Japanese Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama.”=「豪華サミットの断トツ敗者は、不運で(オバマ政権当局者の見解では)ますます奇妙の度を強める日本の鳩山由紀夫首相だった」と酷評されている。 アメリカ側にそう評価されても仕方がないだろう。何せ、「金持ちの息子、鳩山は日米関係を分かつ重要問題、つまり駐沖縄・米海兵隊基地の将来問題について、オバマ政権局者に彼のいい加減さを認識させてしまった」のだから。 これは「トラスト・ミー」と鳩山首相が二度にわたって、オバマ大統領に問題解決を約束したことを指している。 オバマ政権にまともに相手にされなかった鳩山首相に愛の手を差し伸べたのは、ほかでもない中国の胡錦涛主席であった、という。 そんなこんなで、唯一の被爆国である日本の首相であるにもかかわらず鳩山首相は、戦争で核爆弾を投下した唯一の国、アメリカで開かれた核安全保障サミットで何ら重要な役割が果たせなかった。 ----------------------------------- http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/04/13/AR2010041304461.html Among leaders at summit, Hu's first(The Washington Post) After all the chatter about nukes, loose and otherwise, 36 heads of state are heading home from Washington to tout their world leadership chops and their influence with the Obama administration. The winners at this week's nuclear summit were easily identified: They were the ones who got bilats with President Obama -- not a bodybuilding term, it stands for bilateral, or one-on-one, chat -- showing their prestige and importance. Chinese President Hu Jintao obviously heads the list, having chatted with Obama for 90 minutes. (And what is with this bowing business? [See photo below.] Okay, so Obama's a natural bower. And Hu owns the U.S. economy. But really.) The other winners include King Abdullah II of Jordan, Prime Minister Najib Razak of Malaysia, President Viktor Yanukovich of Ukraine and President Serzh Sargsian of Armenia, all of whom got a private meet, as did acting Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan, here because the elected president is gravely ill, who got a meeting with Obama on Sunday. Included in the winner group is Ahmed Aboul Gheit of Egypt, who is not really a world leader but only a foreign minister. By far the biggest loser of the extravaganza was the hapless and (in the opinion of some Obama administration officials) increasingly loopy Japanese Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama. He reportedly requested but got no bilat. The only consolation prize was that he got an "unofficial" meeting during Monday night's working dinner. Maybe somewhere between the main course and dessert? A rich man's son, Hatoyama has impressed Obama administration officials with his unreliability on a major issue dividing Japan and the United States: the future of a Marine Corps air station in Okinawa. Hatoyama promised Obama twice that he'd solve the issue. According to a long-standing agreement with Japan, the Futenma air base is supposed to be moved to an isolated part of Okinawa. (It now sits in the middle of a city of more than 80,000.) But Hatoyama's party, the Democratic Party of Japan, said it wanted to reexamine the agreement and to propose a different plan. It is supposed to do that by May. So far, nothing has come in over the transom. Uh, Yukio, you're supposed to be an ally, remember? Saved you countless billions with that expensive U.S. nuclear umbrella? Still buy Toyotas and such?
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