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小沢一郎は「中国と距離を置く」約束をする代わりに逮捕を免れたようだ( Benjamin Fulford) http://www.asyura2.com/10/senkyo79/msg/598.html
http://benjaminfulford.typepad.com/ 検察にパイプを持っているBDSのメンバーからの情報によると、検察は小沢一郎が中国と距離を置かないと小沢一郎を含め側近3人を逮捕し小沢の妻の財産を押収すると言ったらしい。そのため小沢は中国と一定の距離を置くことを約束し、それによって逮捕を免れたという。中国と仲良く近所付き合いをするのは当たり前のことだが、多くの民主党議員が中国から賄賂を受け取ることは日本の国益に反する。もちろんアメリカから賄賂を受け取った連中も同じである。賄賂を受け取るということは、日本の国益より賄賂を受け取った国の国益を優先するということだ。 Japanese power broker Ozawa promises to distance himself from China to avoid arrest Japanese power broker Ichiro Ozawa avoided arrest by promising to distance his government from China. Prosecutors threatened to put Ozawa and three associates in jail as well as confiscate his North Korean born wife’s property unless he complied, according to a Black Dragon Source with police connections. Many members of the Democratic Party of Japan government have been staying at lavish Chinese guest houses where each one of them is entertained by 20 extraordinarily beautiful women, according to two people who accompanied DPJ delegations to China. If Japanese government officials accept bribes from a foreign country, be that the US or China, then they will start to act in the interests of that foreign government and not their own country. If the Japanese wish to accept such Chinese hospitality, then they must reciprocate when their Chinese counterparts visit Japan.
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