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産経新聞が「“小沢氏の破滅”と英紙が論評 『首相は解任すべき』と助言」(1/2 2/2)と題してフィナンシャル・タイムズ紙記事の概略を紹介している。
“小沢氏の破滅”と英紙が論評 「首相は解任すべき」と助言(産経新聞)
鳩山政権についても外交では米軍普天間飛行場移設問題で同盟国の米国をいらだたせ、内政でも藤井裕久前財務相が辞任、連立を組む少数政党に金融政策を乗っ取られるなど混乱していると厳しい見方を示した。 その民主党政権が延命を図るには「小沢氏の辞任か、さらに良い方法としては決断力に欠ける鳩山由紀夫首相が小沢氏を解任するしかない」と“助言”し、自民党の長期支配を終わらせ、政権交代を実現させた好機を生かすため、細川政権の轍(てつ)は絶対に踏んではならないと警鐘を鳴らしている。
フィナンシアル・タイムズ紙の英文記事はこちら ⇒
Ozawa destruction
Published: January 19 2010 20:00 | Last updated: January 19 2010 20:00
Not for nothing is Ichiro Ozawa known as “the destroyer”. The man who engineered the electoral destruction of the Liberal Democratic party, something he had been plotting for nearly 20 years, could easily end up performing the same service for his own Democratic Party of Japan.
The so-called “God of Elections”, now secretary-general of the party he steered to victory in last August’s lower house elections, has become a liability. The DPJ’s popularity has slumped in just a few months from a 70 per cent approval rating to 45 per cent. That is in large measure because of the whiff of scandal surrounding Mr Ozawa and the perception that the 67-year-old political warhorse is secretly running the DPJ from behind the scenes.
Prosecutors, who began their investigation into Mr Ozawa’s fund-raising operations before the DPJ swept to power, have already arrested three of his current and former aides. The prosecutors’ use of the media to leak damaging stories about Mr Ozawa is disgraceful and supports the DPJ’s claim that real power in Japan still resides with unelected bureaucrats. But, by the same token, Mr Ozawa has always been associated with the old-style money politics that the DPJ supposedly wants to banish.
The stench around Mr Ozawa is damaging a party that has presented itself as clean, policy-based government. That is why Mr Ozawa must either prove his innocence or withdraw from the scene.
If Mr Ozawa quit – or, better yet, were fired by Yukio Hatoyama, the indecisive prime minister – the DPJ might gain a new lease of life. It certainly needs it. It has many other problems, not least a second political funding scandal around Mr Hatoyama himself.
The DPJ has got off to a poor start. It has dithered on foreign policy, annoying its allies in Washington who, to be fair, have been even more clumsy in adapting to a new government in Tokyo. But domestically, too, the DPJ has faltered. It has got into a tangle over fiscal policy, hastening the departure of Hirohisa Fujii as finance minister. The DPJ has also become beholden to minor coalition partners, who have hijacked policy areas such as financial regulation.
The last – and only other time – the LDP lost power was in 1993. Then, the machinations of none other than Mr Ozawa helped ensure the premature demise of the ruling coalition after a mere nine months in office. Last year’s victory of the DPJ was a good thing for Japan. History must not be allowed to repeat itself.
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