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Raging against Japan’s media machine (アジアタイムス)
投稿者 ドキッ!プロ奴隷だらけの水泳大会 日時 2011 年 1 月 07 日 08:11:54: hSNyXCkDoAhxY

Jan 6, 2011

Raging against Japan’s media machine
By Daniel Leussink


TOKYO - According to an old Japanese saying, "The nail that sticks up gets hammered down." This seems the unfortunate fate of Ichiro Ozawa, the only Japanese leader to stage two political revolutions in as many decades. The veteran lawmaker from Minshuto - the ruling Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) - faces a mandatory indictment over alleged illegal campaign donations by a construction company to his political funds body.

The scandal has dominated Japan’s headlines since March 2009, when Ozawa came under pressure to step down as Minshuto leader after allegations of misreporting by three secretaries came to light. Ozawa resigned from his post in May. His secretaries were later indicted. By then Ozawa had already paved the way for his party’s greatest moment, a sweeping election victory that brought an end to Japan's half a century as a virtual one-party state ruled by the Liberal Democratic Party of Japan. Ozawa recruited 120 fresh candidates for that win.

Critics say that in the lead-up to his indictment next month, the 68-year-old Ozawa has become the victim of a targeted campaign against him by the news media aimed at his political integrity. "The news media should lead the public and warn them when a dangerous thing might take place," said Minshuto lawmaker Megumu Tsuji during an interview. "But they have not played that role at all."

Tsuji, who holds a Lower House seat in the Diet, Japan's parliament, had not associated with Ozawa. He became supportive of the former Minshuto leader as he saw the media excessively casting him in a bad light.

Indeed, since Ozawa was sidelined from government, Japanese across the political spectrum have become critical of the institutions that raised the unproven allegations against him - the public prosecutor's office and mainstream media.

"Newspapers are most concerned about whether Minshuto will break up or not [as a result of Ozawa's upcoming indictment]," Tsuji said. "But that will not happen so easily, I think."

While mainstream news media in Western democracies face similar allegations of being too close to the centers of power, the problem is more entrenched in Japan. Scholars have described the almost daily coverage of the scandal by influential daily newspapers and television shows as a character assassination.

"The Japanese news media don't act like watchdogs," said Yasuhiko Tajima, who teaches journalism at Sophia University in Tokyo. "They are part of the establishment. Their place is in the elite, upper, top echelon of Japanese society." "They lack an incentive to change the existing power structure in a fundamental way," said Tajima.

Since stepping down as Minshuto's front man, Ozawa has limited his appearances in domestic news media. He largely stopped granting personal interviews to newspapers and television. In December, he unexpectedly agreed to a one-on-one interview with freelance journalist Yasumi Iwakami. The 70-minute talk was broadcast live on the Internet and attracted 79,000 viewers.

"If we really reform the old system, the first thing that will happen is that those with vested interests will revolt ... Aren't those with the most vested interests the big newspapers and television channels?" said Ozawa. "But maybe Ichiro Ozawa will put a scalpel in that old system of vested interests. He might be a really dangerous person because of that."

One pillar of old Japan that Ozawa vowed to reform is the press club system. His own press conferences have been open for 20 years to everyone who wants to attend. "I think that is one of the original reasons why they started calling me a criminal," he said. The press club system is a cartel-like arrangement of closed clubs attached to government institutions through which a dozen "member" news organizations regulate coverage of press events. As a rule, most of them prohibit non-members (including other journalists) from attending press conferences and asking questions.

One result of this system has been that the public prosecutors could avoid being quoted by name when commenting to the news organizations about the allegations against Ozawa. Critics also say the daily newspapers took most allegations against Ozawa at face value, while they remain unproven.

Tsunehiko Maeda, the 43-year-old top prosecutor who built a case against Ozawa's chief accountant in 2009, was indicted and fired in October last year after it came to light he had fabricated evidence. So far the newspapers have failed to press the public prosecutor's office on whether or not Maeda committed a similar crime against Ozawa's aide, or for a new investigation.

Last week, Ozawa announced his intention to testify before a parliamentary panel about the allegations against him. It was the latest chance for the newspapers to give Ozawa a drilling through reportage, anonymous editorials and point-of-views representing citizen's voices.

"On the subject of money and politics, former DPJ president Ichiro Ozawa has apparently made up his mind to appear before the Lower House Deliberative Council on Political Ethics," wrote the Asahi Shimbun on December 29. "He must have calculated the pros and cons in reaching a decision, but why did it take so long?"

"The wily veteran showed that he still must have a few tricks up his sleeve," said another Asahi article from the same day. The Asahi Shimbun could not be reached for comment by Asia Times Online due to a New Year's holiday.

Ahead of its election victory, Minshuto pledged to end the press club system and open press conferences to journalists who do not belong to major news organizations. Even freelance journalists have started attending press conferences. But the party also pledged an end to cross-ownership of broadcasters and newspapers and an open auction system to sell broadcast frequency rights - it has so far failed to make good on this promise.

"The problem is that citizens expected a more drastic political shift after the change of government [to Minshuto in 2009]," said Akira Uozumi, author of numerous books on scandals involving politicians, the public prosecutor's office and the news media. "The biggest reason [for the lack of change] is perhaps Ozawa's exclusion from the government."

Members of the public have made their sentiments clear, with around 2,500 Japanese from all walks of life recently holding marches in Tokyo against the news media and the public prosecutor's office. The march was organized through blogs and Twitter. Similar events against "Ozawa-bashing" were held in Osaka, Nagoya, Fukuoka and Niigata, but ignored by newspapers and television broadcasters.

"One element of the news media is bringing Japanese society back to a condition like in the Second World War," said Sadao Hirano, an Ozawa confidant, during an interview. "The news media suffer from the economic recession, but they have not reformed their own business models hard enough. They hang on to vested interests obtained under previous Japanese governments."

Daniel Leussink is a Dutch journalist in Tokyo, Japan. His website is


01. ドキッ!プロ奴隷だらけの水泳大会 2011年1月07日 08:22:03: hSNyXCkDoAhxY : RE3pW5ZX6U

02. 2011年1月07日 08:49:25: oLX08exg3Y

03. 2011年1月07日 09:22:16: lVsxvE7RHU

04. 2011年1月07日 09:33:38: BEbY2C1BDs




05. 2011年1月07日 10:01:56: 8XjPs3r1TI
ニュースメディアは景気後退に苦しみますが、彼らはそれら自身の十分固いビジネスモデルを改革していません。」 「しっかり、前の政府の下で得られた特権にしがみつきます」


06. 2011年1月07日 18:06:56: EtbmurHuUb




東京は - 古いと言って日本によると、"打たれる出る杭"。これは、小沢一郎、何十年になる2つの政治革命を演出する唯一の日本の指導者の不幸な運命のようです。民主党出身のベテラン議員は - 与党民主党(民主党) - 彼の政治資金団体に建設会社の主張不法選挙の寄付を必須に起訴に直面している。


批評家は言うポップアップ来月起訴するには、68歳の小沢氏は、彼の政治的目的のニュースメディアが彼に対してターゲットキャンペーンの犠牲者となっている可能性インチ"ニュースメディアは国民をリードし、それを警告危険なことが起こる可能性がある場合に、"民主党議員恵辻はインタビューで述べた。 "しかし、彼らはプレイしていないことをすべてのロール"。


確かに、小沢氏は政府から戦列を離れていたので、政治的なスペクトル全体の日本人は彼に対する根拠のない疑惑を提起機関の重要になっている - 検察庁と主流のメディア。

"新聞が最も懸念しているの民主党が上下しない[小沢さんの今後の起訴の結果として]中断するかどうか、"辻は言った。 "しかし、それは、私が思うように起こりにくい"と述べた。


"日本のマスコミは、番犬のようには動作しません、"東京の上智大学でジャーナリズムを教えて泰彦田島氏は言う。 "彼らは、設立の一部です。その場所は、日本社会のエリート、上部、上層部にあります。" "彼らは基本的な方法で既存の権力構造を変更するにはインセンティブを欠いている、"田島は言った。

民主党のフロントマンとして辞任以来、小沢氏は国内のニュースメディアでの彼の出現を制限している。彼は主に新聞やテレビに個人的なインタビューを付与停止しました。 12月に、彼は突然フリーランスのジャーナリストやすみIwakamiと1対1でインタビューすることで合意した。 70分話がインターネット上で生中継され、79000の視聴者を集めている。

"私たちは本当に古いシステムを改革する場合、発生する最初のものは既得権益者が反乱が...ほとんどの既得権益大新聞やテレビのチャンネルと、これらではないということです?"小沢と述べた。 "しかし、おそらく小沢一郎は、既得権益の古いシステムにメスを配置します。彼はそのための本当に危険な人物かもしれません。"

小沢氏は改革することを誓ったことは昔の日本の柱の一つは、記者クラブのシステムです。彼自身の記者会見に出席したい人に20年にオープンされている。 "私は、彼らが犯罪のニュースを私に呼び始めた理由は、元の理由の一つだと思う"と彼は言った。記者クラブのシステムは、を介してダース"メンバー"報道機関、プレスイベントの報道を規制する政府機関に接続されているクローズドクラブのカルテルのように配置されています。原則として、それらのほとんどが記者会見に出席し、質問をしてから非会員(他のジャーナリストを含む)を禁止しています。




"政治とカネの問題に関して、元民主党大統領小沢は明らかに政治倫理上の衆院審議会の前に表示する決心をしたが、"12月29日朝日新聞を書いている。 "彼は、意思決定に到達することに賛否両論を計算する必要がありますなぜそのように時間がかかるの?"


先は、選挙での勝利の、民主党は、主要な報道機関に属していないジャーナリストに記者クラブのシステムとのオープン記者会見を終了することを約束した。も、フリーランスのジャーナリストが記者会見に参加始めている。しかし、当事者は、エンドを約束し、放送局や新聞のクロス所有権と放送周波数の権利を販売するオープンオークションシステムに - これまでのところ、この約束を良くするに失敗しました。

"問題は、市民が[2009年に民主党へ]政府の変更後、より抜本的な政治的変化を予想している"と、アキラ魚住は、政治家、検察官のオフィスやニュースメディアの不祥事で多数の書籍の著者と述べた。 "[は、変更の欠如]の最大の理由はおそらく、政府からの小沢さんの排除である。"

公共のメンバは、すべてのは、最近のニュースメディアに対して、東京でデモ行進を持って生活や検察庁の歩みからの約2,500日本人と、その感情は明らかにしている。行進は、ブログやTwitterを使って開催されました。 "小沢バッシング"に対して同様のイベントが、大阪、名古屋、福岡、新潟で開催されたが、新聞やテレビ放送では無視されます。

"ニュースメディアの一つの要素は、戻って第二次世界大戦のように条件に日本の社会を持って来て、"貞夫平野は、小沢氏の側近、インタビューの中で語った。 "ニュースメディアは、経済不況に苦しむが、彼らは十分に懸命に独自のビジネスモデルを改革していませんが彼らは、以前の日本政府の下で得られる既得権益にしがみつく。"



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