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UN Agency: Reactor 3 exploded a second time 24 hours later ― Then wind and rain brought high levels of radiation over Tokyo, Sendai, Nagano
Summary Report of RSMC Beijing on Fukushima Nuclear Accident Emergency Response, WORLD METEOROLOGICAL ORGANIZATION (United Nations), Oct. 27, 2011:
On 15 March, an explosion was heard in Unit 2 and damaged the pressure-suppression system, causing the leaks of radioactive cooling water. 3月15日に2号基から爆発音が聞かれ、圧力制御システムが壊れ、放射能汚染冷却水が漏れた。Shortly afterward, Unit 4 was damaged by an explosion and a large amount of radioactive materials was released into the atmosphere.そのすぐあとに、4号基が爆発で壊れ、大量の放射性物質が大気中に放出された。 At 11:00 (Japan Standard Time) JST on 15 March, Unit 3 explored [sic] again.日本時間午前11時、3号基が「また」爆発した。 At that time, due to the easterly winds and precipitation in and around Fukushima, the surrounding areas including Tokyo, Nagano, Sendai and other places detected high radiation, which matched well with the simulation results.当日の東風と雨により東京、長野、仙台、その他で高い放射線量が検出され、これはシュミレーション・モデルの結果と一致した。
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