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(回答先: ベンさんが騒いでますよ〜 投稿者 島唄 日時 2011 年 6 月 13 日 13:52:49)

Weekly Geopolitical News and Analysis: Gun battle rages over control of codes to new financial system
There was an 8-minute highly intense gun-fight last week as Khazarian agents attempted to steal codes for the new financial system from a White Dragon Society representative. The attack was repelled at which point the Khazarians contacted the Japanese Prime Minister’s office saying their agents had infiltrated security at nuclear plants in Japan and threatened a nuclear holocaust if they were not given control over the new financial system. Their patently false cover story for the threatened sabotage was that Japan was “selling plutonium to Iran.” They were told instead to quickly cut a deal with the Palestinians or else find themselves with no friends anywhere on the planet.
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