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by keizo
My fellow humans. You are about to wake up from a long terrible night mare. A cabal, a secret cabal that has been causing wars, spreading diseases, causing starvations and tormenting humanity for hundreds, if not thousands of years, has been identified and it’s about to be neutralized.
The result will be world peace. For the first time, in probably thousands of years, this will result in huge amounts of money being released for the purpose of ending poverty, stopping environment destruction and allowing humanity to live up with to potential.
その結果、世界平和が もたらされます。初めて、たぶん数千年で初めて、このことが貧困を終わらせ、環境破壊を止め、人類に最大限の生き方を許す目的のために、巨額のお金が拠出される結果となるでしょう。
According to American academy of scientist, over 6 thousands patents have been suppressed for so called security reasons. If these patents are released in a responsible manner, it will lead to an era that we only thought existed in science fiction movies. We are about to become free.
Hello. My name is Benjamin Fulford. I'm a spokes person for the organization known as the white dragon society. We are international group of financiers, military men, people in intelligent agencies and in secret organizations as well as journalists and regular citizens, who have been appalled and disgusted by the never ending wars caused by the military industrial complex. They have been using over 90 % of the humanity savings in order to steal oil, pillage countries and just cause mayhem.
We decided that we needed to stop these people. If we could release all the money that has been taken by the military industrial complex and use it for peaceful purposes, we could end poverty and stop environment destruction within months. We could also then create an era of progress which has never seen before by releasing all the technologies that they have holded for themselves and for their secret groups. This would include about everything, something known as free energy. It is the ability to create energy at almost 0 cost. It will allow everyone of us to live the life of a million year.
私たちはこれらの人々を制止しようと決意しました。もし私たちが軍産複合体によって奪われた全てのお金を解き放ち、それを平和的な 目的のために使うことができたら、私たちは数カ月のうちに貧困をなくし、環境破壊を止めることができるでしょう。私たちはそれからまた、彼らが自分たち自身や彼らの秘密グループのために保持してきた全ての技術を解き放つことによって、いまだかつて見たこともない進歩の時代を創造することができるのです。このことにはフリーエネルギーとして知られるもののような、全あらゆるものが含まれることになります。それはほとんどコストをかけずに、エネルギーを生み出す能力なのです。それは全ての人に1000年もの寿命を与えてくれるでしょう。
What it's been going now is that we have been slowly cutting off money to the military part of the United States government. We've been@@@不明 cannot borrow any more for your killing purposes. You need to transform military industrial complex from a @@@@@‘‘‘‘不明 things. And we will give the money to make sure nobody unemployed. The same with oil industries, we will let them phase out oil in the way that nobody loses money. If we release free energy and technology, we can turn Canada into a tropical paradise. We can increase the amount of fish in the ocean by ten times. We can make other planet inhabitable.
We are just trying to free ourselves as the species from the control of this ancient cabal. They are a group of people who has been using assassination, bribery, war and ridicule as the way to control society. And because they have been running out of money, they have become incredibly dangerous.
They threatened to attack Japan with an earthquake weapon as a result of impending bankruptcy. They said if you do not give us money, we will sink Japan into the ocean. And a fleet of American ships and submarines will send off the coast of north east Japan where they planted nuclear bombs in the bottom of the ocean and set them off in order to create Tsunami, or tidal wave, and cause destruction. Not only that, they also delivered engineer accidents at various Japanese nuclear power plants in order to cover up the radiation coming from these bombs.
This was not a natural Tsunami. If it was, the waves would have reached Hawaii and it would have reached other islands. But not. It was targeted to a single direction. That cannot happen in nature.
Leaders of this group are members of various organization that you know as the Bilderburg, the council of foreign relations and various groups of knights. The top readers of this war mangling group are George Bush Senior, Henry Kissinger, David Rockefeller, Jay Rockefeller, The Pope and Prince Charles. There are many other members of this group. But we know where they are, we know who they are.
We now have the backing a large group of intelligent organizations. This includes Asian Secret Society, including Triad and Yakuza. It means members of CIA, the NSA, the Pentagon. We have people from MI6 ( the British security). We have cooperation from people within the KGB and FSB. We have cooperation from within the Japanese military establishment.
We are growing in power worldwide and we no longer allow these criminals to act as if they cannot be prosecuted for anything. If you go into a country like Iraq and you murder more than a million of people and you steal the oil, you are the criminal and you deserve to be tried in the court of law. You cannot get away with this behavior any more.
They have been given a dead line and they know we are serious. They will be found wherever they've tried to hide on this planet and arrested. The only chance is to agree to appear before a South African Style Truth and Reconciliation Committee. And if they do so, and if they stop tormenting and harassing our spices in our planet, then they will be forgiven. This is the one time offer. We want world peace. We want an end to hunger, we want an end to environment destruction and we want all the progress that has been stolen from us given back so that we can have the future we are meant to have. Thank you.
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