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投稿者 小沢内閣待望論 日時 2010 年 3 月 28 日 14:35:28: 4sIKljvd9SgGs




いずれにしても2008年9月以降に刷られたドルは国際通貨として認められていない。その証拠は米連銀のSt. Louis支社のこの表だ: FRED Graph


その他の関連するニュースとして、アメリカの複数の州 VS ワシントンでの裁判と反乱だ。既に14州が新しい国民健康法案が憲法に反するという裁判を起こしている。また殆んどの州政府は既にワシントンからの独立を宣言した。




The N.W.O. Cabal is collapsing; the signs are everywhere

The following group contacted the Black Dragon Society promising the Federal Reserve Board and the Washington D.C. crime syndicates will soon lose power. They sent me an audio file but I got the message “this file cannot be opened at this domain.” However, I found the audio here:


Several people, including a direct envoy from the Chinese Politburo and a member of the British Royal family have told me a similar tale of imminent change. The gist of all their stories is that soon vast amounts of new government-controlled funding will become available and that the Federal Reserve Board and the Internal Revenue Service will be dismantled.

We have been disappointed before but there is enough information now available, even on the corporate propaganda media outlets, to make it clear we are reaching the end game.

Among the bits of evidence we find Japan, China and Russia not only not buying new Treasury bills but actively reducing their holdings. We also find the world’s central banks are no longer buying T-bills either.

Then we have China announcing they will have a trade deficit in March. That sounds like bad news for China but in fact is due to their increasing their imports of commodities from around the world by 80% year on year. This is part of their strategy to take down fiat dollars by refusing to buy anything but real stuff with their own hard-earned dollars.

Anybody with basic math skills can figure out, after looking at this chart from the St. Louis Federal Reserve Board:


that the only reason the US has not experienced hyper-inflation is because all those trillions of dollars the Feds have created since September 2008 are not being honored as valid currency by the rest of the world and even most of the US banking system.

On top of this you have over a dozen US states (and soon a lot more) suing the Federal Government claiming the Obama health-care law is un-constitutional. Most states have also now passed laws denouncing many D.C. power grabs as un-constitutional.

The British have also thrown down the gauntlet at D.C. by demanding that Bush era Vice-President Cheney, Secretary of State Rice and “Defense” Minister Rumsfeld all testify in front of a Parliamentary enquiry into the legality of the Iraq war.

Even the most brainwashed people out there will also notice the Euro and the European Union are falling apart. Basically, the hard working and frugal Germans and Nordic peoples are refusing to subsidize the Mediterranean countries. The “Greek” crisis is really the death knell for the Soviet style EU because the Mediterranean countries have no viable alternative to issuing their own currency. The Euro is going to end up as a German/Nordic successor to the Deutschemark.

Of course, it is not over until the fat lady sings and until we see the propaganda media organs shut down and the Washington D.C. criminals put in their place, we need to keep our powder dry and stay fully alert for any tricks or terror they may try to pull off.

Posted at 16:49 | Permalink
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Comments I found this prophetic website by Jouko Piho of Finland. http://www.kolumbus.fi/jouko.piho/english/english.htm 04-05-2009
It is a very long page (I read 3 visions per day), oldest vision/dreams at the bottom. Do a page search for Japan or Obama, China invades Japan and Obama is the last President. Think of this website as intelligence from the future.

Posted by: St Nottingham | 03/28/2010 at 10:13

Hi Echo,
You can hear what the YouTube deleted one said(there was no video anyway as it was a radio show) on the other link about two thirds into the show.The fact that the YouTube was deleted is highly significant.Further to that, how in the hell can anyone have a copyrite on the contents of a radio show that offers this information in the public domain?

Posted by: David Gray | 03/28/2010 at 09:46

Herman Van Rompuy - the EU's new NWO shill president,


Posted by: Otto Lund | 03/28/2010 at 02:15



Posted by: sakusaku | 03/28/2010 at 01:42




Posted by: あ | 03/28/2010 at 01:14



Posted by: ゴンペンタ | 03/27/2010 at 14:56

1/ There are 4 scandinavian countries (Iceland, Denmark, Sweden and Norway), if you add Finland then you have what you refer to as the "Nordic" countries. Norway (the richest of them) and Iceland (the poorest) are neither members of the EU nor the Euro.
Sweden and Denmark are members of the EU but not the Euro, only Finland is. Therefore, the Euro is only of concern to Finland.
2/ France, the second largest economy in the EU and a core founder of both the EU and the Euro enjoys a productivity per worker higher than that of Germany {although the French are certainly not as frugal!}.
3/ The Euro IS since its creation the successor to the Deutshmark.
Benjamin, when it comes to the EU or Euro, do you know your subject?

Posted by: Victor | 03/27/2010 at 07:14


Posted by: Archy | 03/27/2010 at 07:07

BREAKING NEWS: Military Movement In California “They just kept coming”…IN WOODLANDS COLOURS NOT DESERT COLOURS

Indian in the machine writes: I think sometimes there’s a moment in everybody’s lives, where they say “no more” and take some action…some truth action. Are we gonna wait for the military to come knocking on our doors before that moment comes? Apparently for many…yes!

BREAKING NEWS: Military Movement In California “They just kept coming”…IN WOODLANDS COLOURS NOT DESERT COLOURS

This was sent to me yesterday evening. I have heard alot of guff from people that the info from the Moscow visit was a bunch of [dis-info because there is no rail that runs through Edwards AFB (which is true) but the rail does run right up to the Auxillary Air Base to the North-North West end of the base]. Considering movements out of Camp Pendelton and So. California described in the information below, the camera footage of a train in California carrying this equipment, and the ability to move this equipment rapidly by rail/truck to get it to it’s destination in working order quickly so all that has to be done is logistics/location delivery and “turn the key” —ready to roll with the assigned units. All painted in WOODLAND camo schemes; not desert.

MILITARY -Southern Cal – L.A./O.C./I.E./A.V./V.C./S.D. ActivityUpdate

Date: Monday, March 8, 2010, 1:40 PM I figured this would cover all of us here in Southern Cal. From Ventura to the North on down to San Diego in the South. Let’s all be a human radar sweep and update this with what we see. I have to fire my camera back up… Anyhow, 11:00 AM PST two Chinook (OliveDrab) Choppers flying low and tight in a “SouthWest” direction. Their trajectory would take them directly over L.A.’s Metro Area. I’ve got to keep the camera on stand by. It’s always interesting to see that type of hardware in this area…



Posted by: Indian in the machine | 03/27/2010 at 07:05

speaking of terror tricks, these officers have a few things to say.


animals are never more dangerous than when they're cornered (no offense to animals)

Posted by: michael | 03/27/2010 at 05:46

they downed the youtube video, any idea you could post a fixed link or if there will be a fixed one? Youtube says it was copyright by David Ernest Mack.

Posted by: Echo | 03/27/2010 at 04:45

If true Ben, this is the most major thing you have published yet!!!!

Posted by: Richard | 03/27/2010 at 04:44

Dutch Pull-Out From War Expected After Government Collapse
Published: February 21, 2010

The collapse of the Dutch government comes as the Obama administration continues to struggle to get European allies to commit more troops to Afghanistan to bolster its attempts to win back the country from a resurgent Taliban. President Obama has made the Afghan war a cornerstone of his foreign policy and, after months of debate, committed tens of thousands more American troops to the effort.

“If the Dutch go, which is the implication of all this, that could open the floodgates for other Europeans to say, ‘The Dutch are going, we can go, too,’ ” said Julian Lindley-French, professor of defense strategy at the Netherlands Defense Academy in Breda. “The implications are that the U.S. and the British are going to take on more of the load.”


Posted by: g7enn | 03/27/2010 at 03:16


Posted by: 比売 | 03/27/2010 at 01:31



Posted by: scott | 03/27/2010 at 00:48

Sounds promising. Let's hope you are right Ben

Posted by: deebster | 03/26/2010 at 21:39

God Bless you Ben! Without the monthly updates @ Rense.com (my monthly dose of vitamin BF as I call it) I don't know how I could have kept "hanging on". The March 2010 edition @ Rense.com was a clincher of sorts. That along with a number of other things that have eventuated recently have really made things fall into place for me, and has dispelled whatever doubts I may still have had. So thank God it wasn't just my imagination playing tricks on me after all!

What you have been saying all along all these years I've been following your work wasn't just some artificial "Prozac" of the alternative media but it does actually all add up. And it really does appear as though the world is finally ready to surgically remove the cancer that has been taking it down to about an inch of its life.

Not so difficult a concept to grasp when you think about it, the choice between ending the charade and getting real or choosing to all finish up in some kind of apocalyptic sea of flames. But of course thats easier said then done.

From all appearances, meaning the indicators that can be cross referenced throughout the alternative media but also through reading between the lines via the MSMedia if you know where to look, the indicators are pointing in the right direction.

It can't be a coincidence either there's there's such a focus on the Vatican in view of the child sexual abuse cases from all over the world that are being brought forward lately, even one case implicating the current Pope himself as covered in the NY Times earlier this week.

To give you an idea; On a talk show in the Netherlands last night the minister of education Ronald Plasterk (ex-catholic) was basically calling on people to "un-register" themselves as members of the Catholic church as he did himself, calling it a "ticket to hell" (exact quote).

There are indeed millions of people that are still registered as Catholic but have never even seen the inside of a Catholic church in their entire life. Others attended Church services very early in life but haven't considered themselves Catholic for decades and aren't aware they are still actually registered as members of the Catholic Church.

Our minister of education was basically calling on people to stop and think for a change and make a choice about whether they still want to be associated with that outfit or not!

Its not only the sordid reputation the Catholic Church has had for quite some time but also the complete lack of interest the Church has had in its own congregations for so many years, this feeling is now really starting to become mutual in earnest. In view of the massive media coverage this is getting now it can only mean one thing and that is the wide sphere of influence the RC church once had will wither away fast, starting now.

Even-though not fast enough for many, things really are changing; A few years ago it was unthinkable that these matters are discussed so openly and directly on national TV.

In closing, a simple thank you doesn't cover it, my hat goes off to you Ben! And may the Gods keep you safe!

B/Regards, Dutchy

Posted by: Dutchy | 03/26/2010 at 19:52


I notice that you keep a constant repetition of words like:
...imminent change
...will soon lose power
...will be dismantled
...falling apart

For the common people, even do if it is true, in the short run, these outcomes do not affect us in anyway.

If you charge anyone to read these tales you should charge them, not us.
If not this is just paparazzi journalism, since there is not evidence of anything, you are loosing credit, like them.

So in other words you represent them, then we do not trust you, like most of the New Age Deceptions, Alex Jones, David Icke, David Wilcock...etc.

I liked your beginnings but you are becoming them, if you want a change you have to be more honest and transparent with us.

Posted by: joe | 03/26/2010 at 19:27

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