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The 19-year-old student is driven away from a police station in Sendai, where he was arrested on suspicion of cheating on an entrance exam at Kyoto University by posting test questions online with his mobile phone. Photograph: Kyodo News/AP
19歳の学生が仙台の警察署から追い払われる。彼は京都大学で試験問題を自分の携帯でオンラインで投稿したとして仙台で逮捕された。 写真: 共同ニュース/AP
Mobile phone exam cheat shocks Japanese meritocracy
If found guilty, student who used phone in university entrance exams will be first in Japan to earn criminal record for cheating
Justin McCurry in Osaka, Friday 4 March 2011 11.14 GMT
Article history
For a few brief days he was the most wanted person in Japan.
Police launched a manhunt, while newspaper editorials decried an age of lost innocence. Warnings were issued that the perpetrator might not have acted alone.
警察は犯人の捜索を始め、新聞社は社説でan age of lost innocence(未成年者?)をけなしました。加害者が単独に行動していないかもしれないという警告が発せられた。
* Age of Innocence 【映画】《The 〜》エイジ・オブ・イノセンス/汚れなき情事
The crime: using mobile technology to cheat during entrance examinations to some of Japan's most prestigious seats of learning.
その犯罪とは: 日本で最も名門の大学で学習する席を得るための入学試験で不正行為をするためにモバイル技術を使用したことです。
On Thursday night police arrested a 19-year-old preparatory school student after tracing the mobile phone he used to its subscriber, his mother. The student, whose name is being withheld because he is a minor, has admitted soliciting help online during entrance exams for four universities.
Using the name "aicezuki", he posted mathematics and English questions on Yahoo! Japan's chiebukuro (pearls of wisdom) bulletin board during exams at Kyoto and three other universities last month, reports said.
Answers appeared within minutes from more than 20 of the estimated 27 million people who use the site in Japan every month. Police found several answers on the site that closely matched those written on the student's exam papers.
Given the speed with which he posted a complex maths problem, investigators believe he photographed the questions using a model of mobile phone that enables users to disable the shutter sound.
Yahoo! Japan, an affiliate of the US internet company, said it would co-operate fully with the police investigation.
Police closed in on the suspect days after tracing the user to Sendai in northern Japan. He was arrested near the city's main railway station after his parents told police he had failed to return home the previous evening.
As well as being disqualified from the exam process, he now faces charges of fraudulent obstruction of business, a crime punishable by up to three years in prison or a maximum fine of 500,000 yen (£3,700).
If found guilty the teenager would be the first person in Japan to earn a criminal record for cheating.
Japanese media quoted him as saying he had acted alone. "I just wanted to pass the exam," he said.
日本のメディアは、彼が、単独に行動したと言ったと伝えた。 「私はただ試験に合格したかったです。」と、彼は言った。
While some said the case highlighted the pressures of the "exam hell" Japanese students must endure to enter higher education, the student, for all his resourcefulness and reported contrition, is unlikely to gain much sympathy.
The education minister, Yoshiaki Takaki, said his behaviour was unforgivable. "This deed has greatly damaged the credibility of university entrance exams, which should be fair and just. It is truly regrettable," he said.
高木義明文部大臣は、言われている彼のふるまいは許すことができないと言った。 「この行為は公正で正当であるべき大学入学試験の真実性を大いに破損しました。」 「本当に、それは残念です。」と、彼は言いました。
The episode has dominated TV news since the allegations came to light last weekend. Newspaper editorials bristled at the thought that the meritocratic values -- whether real or imagined -- on which Japan's top universities pride themselves had been compromised.
先週末にこの問題が明るみに出て以来、このエピソードはテレビのニュースを支配しています。新聞の社説は、日本のトップ大学が自慢するエリート集団(the meritocratic)の価値--それが実在か空想かば別として--が傷つけられたと憤慨した。
"This is a heinous act that undermines the fairness that should be the basis of the university entrance exam system," the Yomiuri Shimbun said.
With another round of university entrance exams later this month, education authorities are considering a ban on mobile phones at exam sites, a measure South Korea introduced in 2004 in response to widespread cheating.
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