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(回答先: ムーディーズ、米国の格付け見通し悪化の可能性を警告 投稿者 tea 日時 2011 年 1 月 31 日 03:10:12)

2011.1.29 05:00
ムーディーズのシニア・クレジット・オフィサー、スティーブン・ヘス氏は「金融危機とその余波によって、財政赤字は、以前よりも悪化する方向へ進んでいる」と指摘した。ムーディーズによれば、米国は、Aaa格付けを持つ国のなかでは歳入に対する負債の割合が426%と最も大きい。これは、ドイツ、フランス、英国の2倍超の水準。デンマークやスウェーデンと比べると4倍超となる。(ブルームバーグ Christine Richard)
Moody’s Aaa-rated American journey
Posted by John McDermott on Jan 27 23:03.
Moody’s served up a cocktail of existential angst and sovereign debt analysis on Thursday, in the form of a Special Comment justifying the US’s continued Aaa rating (subscription required).
The verdict ― contortion and a stern whisper for the US to get its act together, or else. (If this sounds familiar, it is.) From the report, emphasis ours:
Moody’s maintains a Aaa rating on the government bonds of the United States, with a stable outlook. This rating is based on a number of characteristics of the US economy, institutions, and government finance that together support a rating embodying the lowest level of risk to bondholders. However, recent trends in and the outlook for government financial metrics in particular indicate that the level of risk, while still small, is rising and likely to continue to rise in the next several years. Although no rating action is contemplated at this time, the time frame for possible future actions appears to be shortening, and the probability of assigning a negative outlook in the coming two years is rising.
It notes that a new Congress, the tax cut extensions and the ostensible failure of the bipartisan debt commission have all shortened the timeframe for action.
And it recognises that the US is an outlier compared to other Aaa nations, with respect to:
1. General government debt / revenue
2. Federal government debt / revenue
3. Interest payments / revenue
The US is different of course (world’s reserve currency, etc.) but one can almost feel the crack of bones as knots are tied and retied underneath the weight of the financial world.
Besides, Moody’s argues there is still time to fix the roof before the sun goes down. Indeed it expects the following to happen in the next three years:
Over the next three years, our expectations include:
1. Constructive efforts to reduce the current budget deficit as evidence of firmer growth becomes apparent;
2. Constructive efforts to control the long-term growth of entitlement spending or to expand its funding;
3. Average nominal real GDP growth in the 4-5% range;
4. Long-term Treasury bond yields rising toward, but averaging less than, 5%.
The next three years, during which the two political parties will have to come together and arrive at a credible compromise that will involve painful concessions for each ― and with a presidential campaign scheduled right smack in the middle.
No problem.
This entry was posted by John McDermott on Thursday, January 27th, 2011 at 23:03 and is filed under Capital markets. Tagged with AAA rating, credit rating, credit rating agencies, moody's, united states, us debt, US Treasuries.
2011年 01月 13日 18:16 JST
[ロンドン 13日 ロイター] 米格付け会社ムーディーズ・インベスターズ・サービスは13日、米国、ドイツ、フランス、英国について、過去5カ月間に財政的な道筋に大きな変化はみられず、「Aaa」格付けに適合するとの見解を示した。
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