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犯罪組織ワシントンD.C.の終わりが近い?(Benjamin Fulford) http://www.asyura2.com/10/hasan67/msg/515.html
http://benjaminfulford.typepad.com/ アメリカ国内の有力団体からの連絡によると、近いうちにアメリカで革命が起きるようだ(一部起きている)。有力な案は、アメリカ国内で52個のお金を発行する装置が配られる。アメリカの50州に1個ずつ配られ、ペンタゴンや最高裁判所にもそれぞれ1個ずつ渡るという。こうなるとお金を作る権利が米国民に戻る。 それに伴い中国政府は3月貿易赤字になることを発表した。その理由は世界各国からの現物商品の輸入が前年比80%伸びた。要するに「無」から作られたドルを潰すために、世界の現物を買い占めている。 いずれにしても2008年9月以降に刷られたドルは国際通貨として認められていない。その証拠は米連銀のSt. Louis支社のこの表だ: FRED Graph
その他の関連するニュースとして、アメリカの複数の州 VS ワシントンでの裁判と反乱だ。既に14州が新しい国民健康法案が憲法に反するという裁判を起こしている。また殆んどの州政府は既にワシントンからの独立を宣言した。 イギリスもワシントンに全面的な喧嘩を売り始めた。イギリスの国会がイラク戦争が違法であったかどうかを調べるために、ブッシュ政権のチェイニー副大統領、ライス国務長官やラムズフェルド国防長官の証人喚問を呼び掛けている。要するにに戦争犯罪者であるかどうかを調べたいと言っている。このことはイギリスの新聞では報道されているが、アメリカの新聞では報道されていない。 また旧ソ連とそっくりの憲法を持つEUも解体され始めた。いわゆる「ギリシア危機」というのは、勤勉で貯金をする北欧が地中海の国にお金を渡さないと断言している。地中海の国々がユーロから脱皮して新しい通貨を出すのは時間の問題である。 もちろんまだ終わってない。企業プロパガンダマスコミが嘘を止めて、アメリカ軍が戦争を止めるまでは気を緩めてはならない。 The N.W.O. Cabal is collapsing; the signs are everywhere The following group contacted the Black Dragon Society promising the Federal Reserve Board and the Washington D.C. crime syndicates will soon lose power. They sent me an audio file but I got the message “this file cannot be opened at this domain.” However, I found the audio here: http://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=169644 Several people, including a direct envoy from the Chinese Politburo and a member of the British Royal family have told me a similar tale of imminent change. The gist of all their stories is that soon vast amounts of new government-controlled funding will become available and that the Federal Reserve Board and the Internal Revenue Service will be dismantled. We have been disappointed before but there is enough information now available, even on the corporate propaganda media outlets, to make it clear we are reaching the end game. Among the bits of evidence we find Japan, China and Russia not only not buying new Treasury bills but actively reducing their holdings. We also find the world’s central banks are no longer buying T-bills either. Then we have China announcing they will have a trade deficit in March. That sounds like bad news for China but in fact is due to their increasing their imports of commodities from around the world by 80% year on year. This is part of their strategy to take down fiat dollars by refusing to buy anything but real stuff with their own hard-earned dollars. Anybody with basic math skills can figure out, after looking at this chart from the St. Louis Federal Reserve Board: http://research.stlouisfed.org/fred2/graph/?s[1][id]=AMBNS that the only reason the US has not experienced hyper-inflation is because all those trillions of dollars the Feds have created since September 2008 are not being honored as valid currency by the rest of the world and even most of the US banking system. On top of this you have over a dozen US states (and soon a lot more) suing the Federal Government claiming the Obama health-care law is un-constitutional. Most states have also now passed laws denouncing many D.C. power grabs as un-constitutional. The British have also thrown down the gauntlet at D.C. by demanding that Bush era Vice-President Cheney, Secretary of State Rice and “Defense” Minister Rumsfeld all testify in front of a Parliamentary enquiry into the legality of the Iraq war. Even the most brainwashed people out there will also notice the Euro and the European Union are falling apart. Basically, the hard working and frugal Germans and Nordic peoples are refusing to subsidize the Mediterranean countries. The “Greek” crisis is really the death knell for the Soviet style EU because the Mediterranean countries have no viable alternative to issuing their own currency. The Euro is going to end up as a German/Nordic successor to the Deutschemark. Of course, it is not over until the fat lady sings and until we see the propaganda media organs shut down and the Washington D.C. criminals put in their place, we need to keep our powder dry and stay fully alert for any tricks or terror they may try to pull off.
★阿修羅♪ http://www.asyura2.com/
since 1995
★阿修羅♪ > 国家破産67掲示板
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