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アメロ計画が復活? (Benjamin Fulford) http://www.asyura2.com/10/hasan67/msg/426.html
http://benjaminfulford.typepad.com/ アメロ計画が復活:今回の案は金本位制 欧米の秘密政府は中国に世界の金融の管理を譲りたくないため、この案を推進しているという。そしてこの新通貨が発表されてから、米連銀は解体されるという。 もちろん「アメロ」が発表された際、多くの人々は自分達のドルを「アメロ」ではなく人民元や日本円等との交換を選択する可能性も高い。状態は未だに流動的である。 The Amero plan is back, this time backed by gold: BIS source The US dollar is about to be replaced by the Amero at a rate of two dollars to one Amero, according to a high level financial source in Switzerland. The Amero will replace the US and Canadian dollars and the Mexican peso, he says. It will be backed by Mexican and Canadian gold, the source adds. The decision was made at a high level within the Western secret government, he says. The introduction of the Amero will be followed by a dismantling of the Federal Reserve Board, he says. Once the announcement is made, people will have exactly 30 days to convert their dollars to Ameros before the dollars become worthless. The Western government does not want to cede control of its financial system to China so a decision was made to go with the gold-backed Amero, he says. Of course many holders of dollars may decide to opt away from the Amero and trade their dollars for other currencies, notably the Chinese yuan and the Hong Kong dollar. We will seek to confirm this news from other sources and will provide updates if necessary.
★阿修羅♪ http://www.asyura2.com/
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