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ベンジャミン・フルフォード  「日本の不景気について」等。
投稿者 新世紀人 日時 2009 年 2 月 03 日 13:05:37: uj2zhYZWUUp16


日本人の敵であるウィーゼンタール・センターのRabbi Cooperが明日の朝10時に外国特派員協会で売名行為を行う予定だ

2009年2月2日の朝10時から日本の言論の自由を弾圧する団体であるSimon Wiesenthal CenterのRabbi Abraham Cooperが、日本外国特派員協会にて記者会見をする予定である。私はまだ入院中なので行くことができないが、読者の皆様の中で都合のつく方は是非行ってみて下さい。記者会見が終わった後Cooper を尾行し、彼の会う日本人の名前がわかれば公開して下さい。彼が会う日本人は売国奴ネットワークである。彼の動きとネットワークを特定できれば、日本の再びの独立が実現可能になるかもしれない。この偽善者であるCoopeは前回来日した際に私の本を弾圧した。その理由は「ブッシュがイラクで100万人殺した」と書いたからであるという。彼は「二度とホロコーストのような虐殺があってはならない」と言いながら、現在行われているホロコーストについて書く作家を弾圧している。このことからも見事な偽善者ぶりがわかる。


The hypocritical Rabbi Cooper of the Simon Wiesenthal Center will be speaking at the Foreign Correspondent’s club of Japan on February 2nd at 10AM

Rabbi Cooper revealed his shameless hypocrisy during his last visit to the FJJC when he said, on the record, that one of the reasons he wanted one of my books banned was because I wrote that President Bush had killed 1 million people in Iraq. Imagine how breathtakingly cynical you would have to be to ask for a book written by a Jewish author be banned because it is denouncing a genocide.

I will be asking my Japanese readers to follow Cooper after he leaves the FCCJ in order that they be able to identify everybody he meets during his visit to Japan. That network of people can be considered traitors and by naming them and shaming them, we will be able to ensure that Japan can once again become an independent country.

We must not allow such immoral people to further humiliate Japan.

Posted at 23:06 | Permalink | Comments (12) | TrackBack (0)





The Japanese economy falls off a cliff, and that is a good thing for Japan.

The latest economic data from Japan (including a 9.6% year on year fall in industrial production) would seem to indicate the Japanese economy has fallen off a cliff. Although I have not analyzed the numbers in detail, I am sure the fall in industrial production can be linked to a drop in exports to countries like the US and many European nations that have been paying for Japanese products by borrowing from Japanese citizens for the past 30 years. Losing such deadbeat customers will be a good thing for Japan in the long run, even if it seems to hurt for now.

What the Japanese government needs to do now is sell off some of its vast assets in order to reduce the national debt burden. After that they will find it easy to spend large amounts of money building things (like old folks homes) the Japanese people need. Japanese industry has also begun retooling itself to develop technologies that have been suppressed by US and European vested interests.

Japanese exports also need to pay serious attention to new markets like India and Africa to replace the European deadbeats. Of course the colonial Liberal Democratic regime of Prime Minister Taro Aso will cling to power until it is forced to hold elections in September. That means Japan’s economy is likely to remain in freefall until September.

Posted at 20:21 | Permalink | Comments (5) | TrackBack (0)


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