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0:00:19 自己紹介
0:01:12 集団主義思想
0:03:13 右翼左翼の枠組みの真相
0:08:28 ティーパーティー運動
0:13:46 民主党と共和党の同意点
0:17:15 ロン・ポールの旋風
0:20:29 選挙と投票の意義
0:23:49 プロの政治家
0:26:24 右翼と左翼の化かし合い
0:30:52 超裕福家系の政治戦法
0:32:56 脅威・不安解消という落とし穴
0:34:30 免税財団の行っていること
0:37:29 アメリカ政府の仕組みと機能
0:43:07 大統領が独裁的になったのはいつ頃?
0:43:49 ヒラリー・クリントンのビデオ
0:45:43 国民の意識の高まりを支配者は恐れている?
0:47:35 世界統一政府への歩み
0:54:49 自由開放運動の思想と課題
0:59:51 八百長プロレスの政治とマスコミ
1:01:48 グレン・ベック
1:02:47 FOXニュース
1:05:06 憎悪の政治
1:07:57 独占資本家と全体主義の歴史
1:13:22 銀行救済
1:17:37 ティーパーティーの今後
1:19:05 ケムトレイルの映画「一体何を撒いているの?」
The Collectivist Conspiracy
This is a PrisonPlanet.TV's exclusive interview with G.Edward Griffin released in the beginning of last year (2011). I think the interview is very pertinent to the Japanese people as well, because the situation is so similar that you could almost always state the identical thing for Japan by merely changing some name to the Japanese one in any given case. But the Japanese politics is, I think, murkier than the US's. Sometimes it's not clear which institution or name that plays a certain role in politics. The interview is quite long so I made a table of contents as follows:
0:00:19 Introduction
0:01:12 The Collectivist Ideology
0:03:13 The Truth Behind the Left-Right Paradigm
0:08:28 The Tea Party Movement
0:13:46 The Things That Both Republican and Democrat Agree With
0:17:15 Ron Paul's Popularity
0:20:29 The Real Value of Voting
0:23:49 Professional Politicians
0:26:24 Tactics Used by Right Wingers and Left Wingers
0:30:52 Very Wealthy Families and Political Strategies
0:32:56 A Strategy Behind Achieving Securities
0:34:30 Tax Exempt Foundations
0:37:29 The American Government Is No Longer the One It Used to Be
0:43:07 When Did America become Dictatorship?
0:43:49 Hillary Clinton's Video Clip
0:45:43 Are the Elitists Worry About People Becoming Aware?
0:47:35 The Drift Toward the World Government
0:54:49 A Simple Ideal for the Freedom Movement
0:59:51 Phony Wresting Match
1:01:48 Glenn Beck
1:02:47 FOX News Network
1:05:06 The Politics of Hatred
1:07:57 The Monopoly Capitalist's Conspiracies
1:13:22 Bank Bailouts
1:17:37 Is the Tea Party Movement Valuable?
1:19:05 The Film, "What in the World Are They Spraying?"
