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(回答先: Re: フルフォード軟禁->フルフォード安全 投稿者 1984 日時 2011 年 12 月 16 日 08:51:42)

ベンジャミン・フルフォード有料メルマガ ≪2011-12-19号Vol.155≫
ベンジャミン・フルフォードの国内外 金融・経済・政治の裏事情レポート
≪2011/12/19号 VOl.155≫
日本の公安警察筋によると、先週もロスチャイルド一族スイス分家の頭David deRosthschildの子分たちが日本の植民地支配をより徹底させるために、日本の金融システムの乗っ取りを図って積極的に動いていたという。この企てに関わった日本人奴隷分子のリストには次の人物の名前が記されている:小泉純一郎、小和田恒、行天豊雄、黒田晴彦、勝栄二郎など。
Weekly Geopolitical News and Analysis20111219: Kim Jong Il murdered as part of major Asian power battle
North Korean dictator Kim Jong Il was murdered Saturday as part of a major power struggle in East Asia, according to Asian secret society sources and Japanese military intelligence. The murder of Kim was followed by a series of arrests of senior police officials in Japan linked to North Korea as well as the ouster of six CIA agents, the Japanese sources say. The death has left Yasuhiro Nakasone, the top North Korean and Rothschild agent in Japan, without a power base, Japanese underworld sources say. In North Korea, meanwhile, there is now a succession battle taking place between the Rothschild faction, who want to place their trained stooge Kim Jong Un in power and set up a Rothschild central bank versus a military clique that wants independence from Rothschild control, Rothschild and Japanese underworld sources say. The action is Asia is linked to a worldwide takedown of the satanic cabal that has been trying to create a global dictatorship.
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