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A Science Teacher Draws the Line at Creation
A science teacher asks if scientists and biblical literalists can get along
理科の教師は、科学者と聖書肯定者の共存があり得るか否かを問う。By Jacob Tanenbaum
As a science teacher, I am always curious about people’s attitudes toward what I teach. Since more than 40 percent of U.S. adults believe literally what is written in the Book of Genesis—that Earth and the universe were created in six days about 6,000 years ago—and since I was in the neighborhood recently, I decided to visit the Creation Museum in Petersburg, Ky., run by the Answers in Genesis (AiG) Ministry.
The museum has a brand-new planetarium and 70,000 square feet of exhibits claiming that the story of Genesis happened exactly as written. In the main lobby, a large display depicts life just after creation. Richly detailed with plants and rocks, it features a small boy playing, while two dinosaurs graze nearby. According to the exhibits, the stars are younger than Earth (they were created on Day 4), and Noah saved all animal species that we see today from the Flood. Earth had its one and only ice age, lasting a few hundred years.
What disturbed me most about my time spent at the museum was the theme, repeated from one exhibit to the next, that the differences between biblical literalists and mainstream scientists are minor. They are not minor; they are poles apart. This is not to say that science and religion are incompatible; many scientists believe in some kind of higher power, and many religious people accept the idea of evolution. Still, a literal interpretation of Genesis cannot be reconciled with modern science.
理科教師として、私はいつでも人の在り様に興味がある; というのはそれは私の教師としての姿勢に関わるからだ。米国の大人の40パーセント以上が「創世記」(地球と宇宙は6000年前に6日間の内に創造されたとの説)の記述を文字通りに信じるている。私は近くにあったCreation Museum in Petersburg, Ky.を訪ねた。それはキリスト教の教義を解説するためのAnswers in Genesis (AiG) Ministryが運営している。
その博物館には真新しいプラネタリウムがあり、七万平方フィートの展示館では、創世記の物語は、聖書に書かれているように実際にあったのだと主張していた。ロビーの大きなディスプレイが創造直後の生命を描いていた。岩や植物がふんだんに描かれた場面に一人の小さな少年が遊んでいる。二頭の恐竜が近くで草を食んでいる。展示によれば、創世後4日目につくられた地球より後に星々が作られたと説明する。ノアは、私たちが今日見ている動物達を洪水から救った。其のとき、地球は唯一で最後の氷河期にあり、それは数百年続いた。博物館で私を混乱させたのはテーマであった。それは1つの展示から次の展示へと次から次に繰り返されるのであるが、聖書記述と現今の科学者が言うところの事柄の違いは殆ど無い、と言うのだ。 それらは極端に違ってる;それらは両極端といえるほどかけ離れている。これは科学と宗教が並存できないと言うのではない;多くの科学者は、ある種の高度な存在を信じている。また、多くの宗教人は進化論の考えを受け入れている。それにもかかわらず、創世記の文字どおりの解釈と現代科学とは相反する。
Scientists tell us we live in a remote corner of a vast universe that existed billions of years before humans arrived. The universe and Earth could continue just fine without us. We are one species of many on a little planet with an ancient fossil record that shows that more than 99 percent of the species that once lived are now extinct. This speaks to a tenuousness of our existence as a species—an existence we need to protect vigorously.
AiG’s biblical literalists, on the other hand, hold that we are God’s favorites. We live at the universe’s center on a planet God made and maintains for us to use. Earth’s resources are here for us to exploit. God protects us and promised he would not destroy Earth again until the end of days. In that scenario, we have little reason to safeguard our existence.
Creationists begin with answers and work to prove that those answers are right. This is antithetical to the scientific process. Scientists who formed the idea of human evolution did not invent the idea and go looking for fossils. Well before Charles Darwin published his treatise in 1859 and well before workers in a limestone quarry in 1856 found strange bones that would later be called Neandertal, scientists struggled to explain what they saw in the natural world and in the fossil record. The theory of evolution was the product of that analysis. That is how science works.
The danger is that 40 percent of the American electorate seems to have forgotten what science is. Considering that our nation put a man on the moon and invented the airplane and the Internet, this development is extraordinary. Yet when much of the electorate faces the complex scientific questions of our day, they do not reject science wholesale, they cherry-pick it. Few if any of them live without the benefits of fossil fuels and electricity. Most are happy to fly in airplanes, take hot showers, heat their homes, drive their cars, watch their televisions and text their friends. They reject science only if it conflicts with their beliefs or asks them to change their way of life.
When Americans selectively reject science, it handicaps us, as a nation, in a knowledge-based global economy. We need to be open when scientific discoveries tell us our actions have consequences, raise doubts about our future and ask us to change. So I’ll keep teaching science, not belief. Because if students do not understand how science works, we can destroy our country’s future or even threaten our existence on this old Earth.
1.1. bigskyrad03:37 PM 12/19/12
What is missing from this discussion is the immorality involved in dishonesty about well established facts - even measurements - by the creationists. How is the creationist lie about the measured age of dinosaur fossils vs the measured age of the oldest hominid fossils any different than a swindler's lie about the size of a piece of land or the weight of an object being offered for sale? A measurement is a measurement. Physical evidence for a historic event "is what it is." How is a creationist different from a holocaust denier? How could creationists possibly qualify for jury duty when they publicly declare contempt for the validity of physical evidence?
No belief about spiritual matters provides a valid "pass" re honest appreciation of facts about the physical world. We must stop being dismayed or confused and should loudly proclaim moral outrage about grotesque distortions of facts.
2. bradljt10:15 AM 12/20/12
Thank you, Mr. Tanenbaum, for an excellent essay on the sorry state of evolution literacy in our country, your critique of the Creation Museum in KY, and your courage to speak out as a teacher. A new resource aimed at helping teachers (Middle School through university) teach about evolution and the legacy of Darwin's work in diverse disciplines is "Charles Darwin: A Celebration of His Life and Legacy" available from Amazon and NewSouth Books in early 2013.
教師(大学によるミドル・スクール)が進化論を教えるにあたって役立つ文献でありダーウィンの様々な分野での仕事の遺産を知るには、「Charles Darwin: A Celebration of His Life and Legacy」(NewSouth Books in early 2013)が良い。
3. quizzical04:11 PM 12/20/12
I have one question. How does fussing and fuming about origins have anything to do with doing good experimental science in the quest of finding more and better ways of doing useful things? The implication that a belief in Creation somehow detracts from one's ability to do excellent engineering in any area of endeavor, seems quite impossible to believe. Evolutionists seem so desperate to push their hypothesis that everything is based upon their beliefs about origins.Nothing could be further from the truth.Why isn’t all this uselessly wasted energy directed toward developing better energy sources, curing cancer and other diseases, developing jobs for unemployed folks, better rehabilitation programs in prisons, developing hearing aids that actually work, curing the causes of dementia and I could go on and on?This article mentions how the 40% of Americans who do not believe in evolution happily use electricity, fly in airplanes, take hot showers, heat their homes, drive their cars, watch TV, and text their friends.This disingenuous author fails to notice that NONE of these wonders of modern science is dependent on a belief in the current secular hypothesis of origins.
4. dwillia599in reply to quizzical05:23 PM 12/21/12
Quizzical, you neglect the portions of the article that point out that the deniers of truth in science threaten our existence by not recognizing the need for clean, safe energy. They think some mythical creator is there to protect and gaurantee their right to "have dominion" over nature. Your argument might have been valid in the 1500's just after enlightenment, but now it fails us.
Quizzicalさんへ。 清潔で安全なエネルギーの必要を認識しないことにより、「科学的真実の否定」が私たちの存在を脅かしていることを指摘する記事のあの部分を無視している。神学的創造論者は創造者が自然を支配する権利を守り保障していると考えている。あなたの議論は啓蒙運動直後の1500年代には有効だった。しかし、今、それは私たちを失望させる。
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