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以下は、Scientific American on-line 2012年11月21日号記事の紹介です。
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New Higgs Results Bring Relief—and Disappointment
By Michael Moyer | November 14, 2012 | 32
Higgs to two-photon candidate event as seen by CMS in May 2012
This past July, physicists at the Large Hadron Collider announced that they had discovered a new particle that looked much like the long-sought-after Higgs boson. In fact, the Higgs-like particle they found was nearly perfect—based on the available data, it looked almost exactly like what the Standard Model of Particle Physics predicts the Higgs to look like. This finding gave physicists encouragement that they had finally bagged the elusive Higgs, but it fed the dread that the LHC won’t come up with any shocking new observations to puzzle over. For if physicists don’t find anything that conflicts with existing theories, how will we deepen our understanding?
去る7月、大型加速器(LHC)の素粒子物理学者たちは、長く追求されてきたヒグス・ボソンに良く似た新しい粒子を発見したことを公表した。実際、彼らが見つけたヒッグズのような粒子は、完璧に実測データに基づいており素粒子物理学の標準理論が予言したそのものであるように見える。この発見はヒグス粒子を捉えるべく奮闘してきた物理学者たちを 大いに激励するものであったが、一方で、それは、LHCがいまだ追いついておらず、いずれは解かねばならない新しい衝撃的な観測を示唆しないという恐怖を提供するものでもあった。物理学者が既存の理論と矛盾するものを何も見つけないとすると、私たちはどのようにして新たな自然界の理解を得たらよいのか?
This week physicists working at the LHC are sharing the first batch of Higgs data since that initial announcement. The LHC can’t observe the Higgs directly, of course, since it quickly decays into other fundamental particles. Instead, physicists must count up the number of particles that detectors observe and tease out those that may have come from a momentarily existent Higgs. If the Standard Model is correct, physicists know how many of these daughter particles they should see. Any deviation from these expected numbers would indicate that something is happening beyond the Standard Model.
Alas, most of the Higgs results being presented this week at the Hadron Collider Physics symposium in Kyoto, Japan, have been well within our standard understanding. Physicists at ATLAS and CMS, the two largest particle detectors at the LHC, have about double the amount of data they did in July; this new data hasn’t dramatically changed the tentative conclusion that the LHC is seeing a plain-old Standard Model Higgs.
To be sure, these are still early days, and with time and data physicists could learn that the Higgs differs from Standard Model predictions, or even that there’s more than one Higgs to be found.
And that’s also not to say the new results lack intrigue. In July, physicists found that the Higgs decays into two photons slightly more often than it was expected to. Could this have been a hint of new physics? Possibly. It could also just have been a statistical blip that would wash away in the coming flood of data. But while ATLAS and CMS physicists have this week updated their results for many other Higgs decays, on the question of photon decay they have chosen to remain silent. This week, the most tantalizing observation is the one that doesn’t exist.
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