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本年7月にヒッグス粒子の存在が確認されたとCERNが公式に発表しました。其れについて米国アリゾナ州立大学に属する「科学成果政策協会」の部長が、(私には)難解な投稿を著名な科学雑誌nature に書いています。「私には難解」と書いたのには理由があります。この投稿は、多分興味深い指摘をしているのだろうと思うのですが、多様な「文学的語彙」、「文学的表現」に加えて、科学と言う営為について論者の思考するところが見えないからです。
Sometimes science must give way to religion
The Higgs boson, and its role in providing a rational explanation for the Universe, is only part of the story, says Daniel Sarewitz2.
Daniel Sarewitz is co-director of the Consortium for Science, Policy and Outcomes at Arizona State University, and is based in Washington DC.
「 時に科学は宗教に道を譲ることもある」
22 August 2012
Visitors to the Angkor temples in Cambodia can find themselves overwhelmed with awe. When I visited the temples last month, I found myself pondering the Higgs boson — and the similarities between religion and science.
The Higgs, of course, has been labelled the ‘god particle’ because it accounts for the existence of mass in the Universe. But the term (coined by physics Nobel laureate Leon Lederman, perhaps to the regret of some of his colleagues) also signals the ambition of science, or at least of certain branches of physics, to probe the origins and meaning of existence itself — which, to some, is the job of religion. Science may seek a theoretically and empirically sound explanation of such origins and religion may not. But this distinction is less clear than it seems.
The wonder invoked by the Angkor temples is not an accident or a modern conceit. It flows, at least in part, from the intention of those who designed the temples. “In each of the Angkor monuments,” the architect Maurice Glaize explained in his exhaustive 1944 guide to the temples, “a pre¬occupation with symbolic order seeks to create a representation of the universe in reduction … realising a kind of correctly ordered model”. The overwhelming scale of the temples, their architectural complexity, intricate and evocative ornamentation and natural setting combine to form a powerful sense of mystery and transcendence, of the fertility of the human imagination and ambition in a Universe whose enormity and logic evade comprehension.
アンコール寺院から感ずる驚愕感は偶然の賜物ではないし、さりとて今風の思いつきでもない(論者の意図不明:訳者注)。それは、この寺院を設計した人の思想から少なくとも一部は流れ出ているものなのだろう。建築家モーリスGlaizeはこの寺院についての彼の著作(1944年)で、「アンコール寺院の夫々の場所では、シンボリックな秩序のもとに整然としたたたずまいをみせる内部のあれこれでもって小宇宙を表現を創造することを意図して建造されている。その結果、美しく秩序ある宇宙像を作り上げている」と書いている。寺院の巨大な規模、建築学的複雑さ、数々の装飾物、そしてそれらの自然な配列が結合して神秘と荘厳さの力強い意味を形成している。神秘と荘厳さは、宇宙の中での人の空想と希望に由来するのだが、其れは往々にして思い込みと見かけの論理ゆえに正しい解読を妨げるのだ(enormity and logic の意味不明:訳者注)。
Science is supposed to challenge this type of quasi-mystical subjective experience, to provide an antidote to it. The Higgs discovery, elucidating the constituents of existence itself, is even presented as a giant step towards the ultimate cure: a rational explanation for the Universe. That such scientific understanding provides a challenge to religion is an idea commonly heard from defenders of science, especially those in more militant atheist garb. Yet scientists who occupy that ground are often too slow to recognize the irrational bases of their own beliefs, and too quick to draw a line between the scientific and the irrational. Take, for example, how we come to know what science discovers. Most people, including most scientists, can acquire knowledge of the Higgs only through the metaphors and analogies that physicists and science writers use to try to explain phenomena that can only truly be characterized mathematically.
Here’s The New York Times: “The Higgs boson is the only manifestation of an invisible force field, a cosmic molasses that permeates space and imbues elementary particles with mass … Without the Higgs field, as it is known, or something like it, all elementary forms of matter would zoom around at the speed of light, flowing through our hands like moonlight.” Fair enough. But why “a cosmic molasses” and not, say, a “sea of milk”? The latter is the common translation of an episode in Hindu cosmology, represented on a spectacular bas-relief panel at Angkor Wat showing armies of gods and demons churning the “sea of milk” to producean elixir of immortality.
“For those who cannot follow the mathematics, belief in the Higgs is an act of faith, not of rationality.”
ここに、ニューヨークタイムズがある: 「ヒッグス粒子は、宇宙空間を満たし、素粒子に質量をあたえる宇宙の「糖蜜」ともいうべき目に見えない力の場を与えている。ヒッグズ場が無いと、或いはそんな状態であると、物質は、基本的には、光速で動き回ってしまう。その結果、月の光を掌で捉えられないように、それは私たちの手からこぼれ落ちてしまう」。其の通りだろう。しかし、何故糖蜜なのか?何故ミルクの海ではいけないのか?ミルクの海はヒンズ教の宇宙観で登場する説話を英語に翻訳した表現である。それが、アンコールワット寺院のそこここに見られるで壮観で繊細な浮彫りのパネル上では、神と悪魔の姿が描かれ、其の神と悪魔が不死の秘薬を生み出す「ミルクの海」をかき回している。数学を理解できない人にとっては、ヒグスを信ずることは信仰行為であって理性のそれではないのだ。
If you find the idea of a cosmic molasses that imparts mass to invisible elementary particles more convincing than a sea of milk that imparts immortality to the Hindu gods, then surely it’s not because one image is inherently more credible and more ‘scientific’ than the other. Both images sound a bit ridiculous. But people raised to believe that physicists are more reliable than Hindu priests will prefer molasses to milk. For those who cannot follow the mathematics, belief in the Higgs is an act of faith, not of rationality.
Science advocates have been keen to claim that the Higgs discovery is important for everyone. Yet in practical terms, the Higgs is an incomprehensible abstraction, a partial solution to an extraordinarily rarified and perhaps always-incomplete intellectual puzzle.
By contrast, the Angkor temples demonstrate how religion can offer an authentic personal encounter with the unknown. At Angkor, the genius of a long-vanished civilization, expressed across the centuries through its monuments, allows visitors to connect with things that lie beyond their knowing in a way that no journalistic or popular scientific account of the Higgs boson can. Put another way, if, in a thousand years, someone visited the ruins of the Large Hadron Collider, where the Higgs experiment was conducted, it is doubtful that they would get from the relics of the detectors and super¬conducting magnets a sense of the subatomic world that its scientists say it revealed.
Why does this matter? Challenges to the cultural and political authority of science continue to rise from both ideological and religious directions. It is tempting to dismiss these as manifestations of ignorance or scientific illiteracy. But I believe instead that they help to show us why it will always be necessary to have ways of understanding our world beyond the scientifically rational.
I am an atheist, and I fully recognize science’s indispensable role in advancing human prospects in ways both abstract and tangible. Yet, whereas the Higgs discovery gives me no access to insight about the mystery of existence, a walk through the magnificent temples of Angkor offers a glimpse of the unknowable and the inexplicable beyond the world of our experience.
Chris Chambers said:
In my opinion the arguments presented here are weak and deeply flawed.
First, the writer argues that we live in a universe "whose enormity and logic evade comprehension". This a false assertion. We have learned a tremendous amount about the origins and nature of the universe, and the recent discoveries at CERN add to this mounting knowledge.
Second, the writer argues that "for those who cannot follow the mathematics, belief in the Higgs is an act of faith, not of rationality". This is simply absurd. It is perfectly rational for me to believe the evidence-based conclusions of scientists who adopt a rational, evidence-based methodology. My belief is rational because (a) their method of obtaining and interpreting the evidence is itself rational; and (b) their method has revealed verifiable truths in the past. In short, they have earned my trust. This is no more an act of blind faith than believing Moscow exists even though I have never been there.
Third, and worst of all, the writer elevates the importance of his emotional response to religious artefacts above the accrual of knowledge. Here the argument is that an "authentic personal encounter" has more intrinsic value than actually knowing something about reality. It is perfectly reasonable to have an emotional response to an incredible piece of architecture, but any argument that celebrates ignorance is irrational and deeply flawed.
Does religion give us an insight into the "unknowable and the inexplicable", as the author concludes? Of course not. It provides no knowledge; it obtains no evidence. It can only pontificate and seek to emotionally impress. Religious faith provides comfort, control, and social reinforcement for animals that are cursed (or blessed) by the knowledge that they will die.
Science rightly ignores this as a distraction. Science refuses to accept that anything is inherently unknowable and inexplicable, which is precisely why it is the best and only method we have for understanding reality.
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