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投稿者 小沢内閣待望論 日時 2009 年 10 月 29 日 18:27:33: 4sIKljvd9SgGs


※Benjamin Fulford DVD シリーズ




商品名: ベンジャミミン・フルフォード講演会〜民主党政権の行方、日本の未来について〜DVD


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Posted at 16:05 | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)

日本の大物フィクサーからの情報によると、米連銀の連中やパパブッシュのナチ一派やエリザベス女王は米連銀の延命のために2011年に日本を中国の植民地にすることを約束しているそうだ。 そうなれば結局鳩山由紀夫はただの奴隷売国奴であったことになる。日本国民の許可なしにその様な約束をすれば鳩山政権は直ちに終わるだろう。日本が中国の親友やパートナーになるのは良いことだが、永遠に中国の奴隷にはならない。10月27日の藤井財務大臣の記者会見に注目をするべきだ。日本は新しい金、そして現物の商品本位性の金融システムに参加をすることを発表しなくてはならない。


The BOJ, the BOE, the Queen, Obama, the Feds in desperate final gambit

As the clock ticks towards the final deadline for the Federal Reserve Board Obama, Queen Elizabeth, her slave Japanese Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama, the Feds and a Chinese faction are all struggling to preserve their power at all costs. The Queen has offered to turn over Japanese sovereignty to the Chinese by 2011 in exchange for their cooperation, according to a senior Japanese secret government source. Hatoyama has thus revealed himself to be a traitor of the first order and his government has just signed its own death warrant.

The Japanese people would be happy to be friends and partners with the Chinese but they would never accept being their slaves.

The Federal Reserve Board is mathematically impossible to revive no matter what maneuvers these criminals come up with. Any fake announcement or gerrymandered “nationalization” of the Fed will fail. We will be watching Japanese Finance Minister Fuji’s October 27th press conference with great interest. If he does not announce Japan is going along with the new financial system and will no longer accept Federal Reseve Notes then he will be branded an enemy of humanity. The people of the planet are fully awake and are watching with extreme interest. No matter how much these snakes try to hide, they always reveal themselves in the end through their actions.

The Chinese are also smart enough to realize these scum are just trying to buy time until 2011 so they can start operation blue-beam. They have no intention of doing anything other than enslave the Chinese along with the rest of the planet and are not fit to be negotiated with.

Posted at 18:21 | Permalink | Comments (41) | TrackBack (0)
イギリスのエドワード元王子の娘からの情報によると、エリザベス女王の父はヒトラーの腹違いの弟である。この事実を封印するためヒトラーとジョージ6世(エリザベスの父)の父であるジョージ五世は、ロシアのアレクサンダー王を殺害し、またヒトラーの育ちの親であったドイツのカイザーウィルヘムを監禁した。 結局第二次世界大戦というのは大量殺戮のためのインチキ戦争であった。

このカラクリが明るみになると、エリザベス女王とウィンザー一族が辞任に追われるのは時間の問題である。またエリザベスの別の従兄弟によると、ダイアナ姫の次男ハリーの実の父はダイアナ姫のボディーガードで愛人であったジェームズ・ヒューイット(Jamese Hewitt)だ。確かに写真で見る限りよく似ている。

James Hewitt:

.Prince Harry


Queen Elizabeth is Hitler’s Niece says King Edward’s daughter

(corrected and expanded)

Queen Elizabeth’s father, King George VI, was also Adolph Hitler’s half-brother (not father as initially reported) according to Emily Elizabeth Catherine Josephine Mary Windsor-Cragg, [illegitimate] daughter of Edward VIII Duke of Windsor.

“Hitler was born in 1889 five years before Edward VIII, when "Georgie" (Victoria's favorite) was 23, long before his marriage to May Teck. He was brought up and abused as the eldest son in Bavaria, and Kaiser Wilhelm, the idealist, was in touch with him. The Duke of Windsor met his older half-brother for the first time in Germany in 1937; however, I have a document that shows Hitler was an intel agent for the British in the 1920's, so he probably KNEW Wallis,” she says.

“Edward VIII Duke of Windsor was routed out, scapegoated, bankrupted, exiled and labeled as Not-See because his wife, unbeknownst to him on his wedding day, was an MI-5 agent of his Father, the King George V,” she says.

“Edward VIII [my dad] was never allowed to marry anybody he liked; only ditsie royal women were permitted to him. So, of course, a black intel ops woman was very attractive, if only because he was so isolated from marriageable women,” she continues.

“The whole story is held at Windsor Library in the Royal diary archives near where my father made his home before he was kicked out of England,” she adds.

Kaiser Wilhelm was exiled and Czar Nicholas was slaughtered by the Cocaine addicted bully George V because they knew the secret about Hitler’s parentage, says Lady Windsor-Cragg.

This information about Hitler contradicts the results of an Austrian Parliamentary investigation and other testimony by close Hitler aides that his father was the Baron Rothschild. Hopefully authorities in the UK will act promptly to check the Royal diary archives to confirm Lady Widnsor-Cragg’s assertions before the evidence is hidden.

A cousin of Queen Elizabeth says it is “the privilege of kings” to have “dalliances” with various women and have the resulting children sent or “remitted” to South Africa. “There is a place called George in the Outwanicque Mountains in South Africa where in the Knaizna forest you will find the Rex family, the hillbillies of South Africa,” he says. This family has some of the most royal blood in the world and are sent to “finely polished colleges,” he says.

This source also had a bombshell of his own that he would like put out on the net for confirmation or denial on the part of other informed parties: “Look at Di’s (Princess Diana’s) children. The second one’s father is Diana’s horse trainer and lover. Look at his features, they are identical to those of the horse trainer.”

See for yourself: James Hewitt:

.Prince Harry

Well Elizabeth, what is your response to all this?

Posted at 09:50 | Permalink | Comments (15) | TrackBack (0)



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