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投稿者 小沢内閣待望論 日時 2009 年 6 月 14 日 11:45:58: 4sIKljvd9SgGs


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« 6月27日(土)ベンジャミン・フルフォード講演会〜「イルミナティ幹部との交渉」緊急報告、2012年に向けて〜 | Main




A global paradigm shift is getting closer

The tectonic plates of world power are shifting in ways that will be seen by many as being apocalyptic. Information from sources including senior Yakuza, the European illuminati, Asian royal families and the British Royal family make it clear some sort of climax is approaching.

The current main axes of secret power are: the Chinese secret societies, the Anglo-Saxon establishment, the Saiid family and the Agha Khan family (who control Islam), the Teutonic Knights (the Nazi Thule society and Skull and Bones), the Rothschild clan (who consider themselves to be the kings of the Jews even though 99% of Jews don’t know this), the European illuminati, and the super-secret Dragon clans.

At present the Chinese, the Anglo-Saxon establishment, the Dragon clans and the European illuminati agree on the need for an intensive campaign to develop forbidden technology, end poverty, stop environmental destruction etc. President Obama is on the phone with our side regularly now so hopefully he will soon be reading a happier new script on his teleprompter.

The Nazis and the Rothschilds are now desperately sucking up to the families that control Islam in a bid to keep power. They are likely to get short shrift. However, our group is still expecting to hear from Islamic representatives, Inshallah (Allah willing), to see where they stand. That is how things stand at present to the best of our knowledge.

Posted at 08:58 | Permalink
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