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Letter from certain one colored monkey 9.11
Breakdown from NWO = Big brother
Loose Change Final Cut Final Traile
Video that indicts impostor group = international finance capital(Monopoly Men)5.flv
90% of the world is a population of the disposal object
'United States: Fascism from free' The five
The president Bush& David Rockefeller in 2012.
The third World War" that consists of
Israel Iranian nuclear war",
Pakistan Indian nuclear war", and
India and Chinese nuclear war" is planned ・・・.
The rumor is being generated. (w)
Well, Today's main theme still . Though it is late all day long For just 9.11 years ninth
9.11 I want to turn around based on the key word such as neo-conservative Bush administration and the international financial institution and the NWO war on terrorism of Iraq War and the United States.
Nine years pass from that. To bending The United States withdraws from Iraq.
The president 10inch shoes also disappeared from TV.
Dick Cheney Donald Henry Rumsfeld Richard Norman Perle Paul Dundes Wolfowitz Norman Perle William Kristol・・・ It came not to meet with TV you recently.
The rumor is heard while Rockefeller and Bush are planning the third World War in the rumor. (w)
Even if the truth of 9.11 is exposed, movie "Zero: An Investigation Into 9-11" seems to be open to the public. People all over the world already :. Here from that 9.11 It is a match pump that Bush administration did. It is making and playing by oneself. Lie of all events related to 9.11 It sees through very much. It is now ..wanting to turn around.. real intention it not is. Ineptitude as not possible to be thought man And think about the stupidity of human beings and eyes from fabrication. Personally The Hague international court, these guys still think they are justiciable.
Is war on terrorism a fight with Al Qaeda?
It is different. You are wrong in the object of wrath. You are blind if it is believed Al Qaeda.
Your enemy is only in you
The party's who called repeatedly NWO thinking must
Man of 95% in the world is exterminated.
Sterilization is schemed with the new kind of an artificial vaccine and virus. Only concentrating all power on control : wealth all over the world. When money is a turn watch and is printed, it lends it to both to make them fight. Arms are sold. When it is outside as long as I avoid it jurisdiction such as other Goimu It is TV and a sink as for the bird of oil The monkey show of the perjury is forced on the daughter in the embassy. It brainwashes it in the unpleasantness in TV and the mass communication that purchases it.
To people all over the world DejaVu described in the Bible is shown off. Only the under remains of the knee in Hussein's bronze statue. ..pull in the town.. is done the head. The challenger became a star and had poured down over this earth before the war happened.
Indeed, A jet-black hole's having opened in the intersection in Guatemala Do probably because of HAAAP? Do probably because of the BP oil? Then, though it doesn't know (w) Man selected by the god is about 500 million people. Congratulations of the stone on the monument establishment. Is it an Anglo-Saxon mission? Is it The Bilderberg Group? Is it a protocol of Zion? HAAAP and chem trail It is said that the earth is defended from Global warming even if the meteorological data of Imitation is exposed. It is wonderful!
Please make cult moderate.(w)
There is no difference in keeping still have a large influence on the world by the action of the United States. We : at Bush administration. The cult intention of the party who has them do the world in George Orwell warned by 1984. Do not belittle the outlook on the world of Bigbrother=NWO.
Parting from NWO.
Only this continues to man's leap to the following world. In the meaning that looks back on 9.11, Related animation was selected. It sends it with English and Twitter.
The truth and bioterrorism of new Inn full generation
Video that indicts impostor group = international finance capital (Monopoly Men)flv
War panic poverty
The root of all various evil is in the international finance capital.
Gambling shop
Rockefeller Rothschild Morgan Bilderberggroup
Trilateral Commission, Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) FRB
Goldman Sachs Morgan Stanley・・・Lehman Brothers'
Merrill Lynch JP Morgan Chace Salomon Brothers City of London Five Citigroup large merchant banks Wall Street Gambling shop are indicted・・・
Connection of vaccine and disorder of the brain. (1/8)
Way of invasion of criminals in back of "Mental sequel in age" SP. 9.11 to another country!
End game..well-rounded person.. plan of change to slave1/14
Rockefeller's friend notified of 911 beforehand beforehand. Aaron Russo(2 of 2)
The Bilderberg Group conference in 2010
The Obama Deception 1/11
1 of 4 Chemtrails and HAARP Weather Warfare CONFIRMED by History Channel.flv
1984 The Movie - part1 1984
I Can't Give You Anything But Love
1匹のある有色の猿からの手紙 9.11 NWO = Big brotherからの決裂
ディビッド・ロックフェラーとブッシュ前大統領が2012年に、「イスラエル・イラン核戦争」「パキスタン・インド核戦争」「インド・中国核戦争」からなる「第3次世界大戦」を計画・・・という噂 発生中?(w)
さて、本日のメインテーマはやはり、1日遅れではありますが、9.11からちょうど9年目ということで、9.11 をイラク戦争・アメリカのネオコン ブッシュ政権・NWO・国際金融機関・テロとの戦いというキーワードをもとに振り返ってみたいと思います。
9.11の真実を暴こうと映画「0」が公開されるようです。 もう世界中の人々は、あの9.11からこちらブッシュ政権のやったことはマッチポンプであり。自作自演であり。9.11に纏わるあらゆる事象の嘘デタラメなんて見抜いているわけです。 いまさら振り返りたくもないというのが本音です。 人間とは思えない程の愚かさや、出鱈目さから目を背けたい。個人的にはハーグ国際裁判所International Court of Justiceで、きちんと上記の連中は裁判にかけられるべきだと今でも思っています。
テロとの戦いとは アルカイダとの戦いですか? 違います。あなたは怒りの矛先を間違っている。もしアルカイダと信じているなら、あなたは盲目です。敵はあなたの中にこそいる。
世界中の人々には、聖書に記載されたデジャブを見せつけ・(フセインの銅像は膝から下だけ残り、頭部は街中を引きづり廻され、戦争の起こる前にチャレンジャーは星になってこの地球に降り注いだ。 さすがに、グアテマラの交差点に真っ黒な穴が開いたのは、HAAAPのせいか?BPオイルのせいか?そりゃ知らないけれど(w)神様に選択された人間は5億人程度と石のモニュメント設立 おめでとう! アングロサクソンミッションだか ビルダーバーググループだか シオンの議定書だか? HAAAPやらケムトレイルやらとニセの気象データーが暴露されても地球を温暖化から守るのだという。素晴らしい! カルトもほどほどにしてくれ(w)
オバマ大統領が同様の組織の中から選択されたカードであろうとなかろうと、アメリカの行動はやはり世界に多大な影響を与え続けることに違いはありません。 我々はブッシュ政権時に世界を震撼させた連中のカルト志向 ジョージ・オウェールが1984で警告したBigbrother=NWOの世界観を甘く見てはいけません。 NWOからの決別!これこそが次の世界への人間の飛躍へと続くのです。 9.11を振り返る意味で、関連動画をセレクトしてみました。
