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オーストラリアの警察、ハーマン・ロックフェラー(51)殺害で二人を告訴 http://www.asyura2.com/09/kokusai4/msg/675.html
http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601081&sid=a2U656kce1fY Australian Police Charge Two in Murder of Herman Rockefeller Jan. 30 (Bloomberg) -- Two people have been charged with the murder of former Brierley Investments Ltd. executive Herman Rockefeller, Australian police said today. Mario Schembri, 57 and Bernadette Denny, 41, will appear at the Melbourne Magistrate’s Court on Feb. 1, each facing one count of murder, Victoria state police said in a statement, which gave no further details. Rockefeller, 51, a Melbourne millionaire property investor, has been missing since leaving Melbourne Airport’s long-term parking lot late on Jan. 21, police said in a previous statement. His car was found near Ballan in rural Victoria and police have been searching for evidence around Heathcote, about 100 kilometers (63 miles) north of Melbourne, police said. Rockefeller joined Brierley Investments in the 1980s. He was chief financial officer when the company moved to Singapore in 2000. He returned to Australia to work at Visy Industries Pty. and he has been a director at Carter Holt Harvey Ltd. and Genesis Research & Development Corp. To contact the reporter on this story: Gavin Evans in Wellington at gavinevans@bloomberg.net Last Updated: January 29, 2010 21:19 EST
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