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新エネルギー技術の開発のためにお金を貸さない日本の銀行は悪質である(ベンジャミン・フルフォード) http://www.asyura2.com/09/eg02/msg/204.html
新エネルギー技術の開発のためにお金を貸さない日本の銀行は悪質である Japanese banks openly admit loyalty to an evil cabal by refusing to finance free energy The major Japanese banks revealed their evil nature this past week by refusing to lend money to free energy technology. After I mentioned the Ryukyu Electric Power Company had developed a battery that could store large amounts of power with close to 100% efficiency, they were flooded with orders. When the company went to MitsuiSumitomo Bank to ask for a loan so it could fulfill the orders, a banking official came out and told the president: “you are an anti-government company and no matter what bank you go to you will not get a loan.” There we have an open admission by a major bank that they are not interested in human progress and prosperity but only in supporting a cabal that illegally rules over humanity by controlling its finances. ベンジャミン・フルフォード
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