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http://ameblo.jp/warm-heart/entry-10163686367.html から転載。 米軍がアフガン人14人射殺、「警備員への誤射」と当局/カルザイ大統領は空爆の中止を再度要請 なお上記“The Daily Star”記事によると、アフガニスタンのカルザイ大統領は次のような声明を発し、 "such attacks add to the distance between the people, the Afghan government and its international allies. They must be stopped by any possible means." 空爆を避けるよう多国籍軍に繰り返し要求したと言明した。大統領がこうした声明を出すのは、先週タリバーンだとして米軍が民間人37人を空爆で殺害した事件に続くものである。 ============================================= http://www.cnn.co.jp/world/CNN200811100007.html 米軍がアフガン人14人射殺、「警備員への誤射」と当局(CNN) カブール(CNN) アフガニスタン駐留米軍は9日、東部コスト州での武装勢力掃討作戦で、メンバーとみられるアフガン人14人を殺害したと発表した。一方、同州のジャマル知事はCNNに、道路建設工事の警備要員が米軍の誤射で死亡したと語った。 -------------------------------------- CNNの英文記事はこちら ⇒ http://edition.cnn.com/2008/WORLD/asiapcf/11/09/afghanistan.militants.ap/index.html?iref=topnews Afghan governor: U.S. forces killed guards(CNN) Khost province Gov. Arsalan Jamal told CNN that the security guards were protecting a road construction crew in the eastern Afghan province. They were killed Sunday evening as coalition forces conducted an operation to arrest suspected militants in Khoni Khawar, Jamal said. Col. Greg Julian, a spokesman for the U.S. forces in Afghanistan, said U.S. forces stopped three vehicles they had been tracking for some time in the eastern Khost province. As the coalition forces approached, militants inside the three vehicles opened fire on the coalition forces. A helicopter gunship was called in and fired on the vehicles, killing 14, he said. Julian said the U.S. military had been tracking the vehicles for some time and waited until they were away from populated areas before approaching them in order to avoid any civilian casualties. Coalition forces found rocket-propelled grenades, hand grenades, and AK-47s in the vehicles, according to Julian.
2008-11-12 07:37:40
米軍がまたもや誤射によって道路建設にあたっている警備員を殺害した模様である。例によって米軍は「警備員への誤射」を認めず、武装勢力から発砲されて応戦したと主張している ― Americans deny killing 14 Afghan security guards(The Daily Star)。
KABUL, Afghanistan (CNN) -- The U.S. military said its forces killed 14 Afghan militants on Sunday after they fired on U.S. forces, but a provincial governor said the dead were security guards killed by coalition forces in an apparent mistake.